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Flow Troubleshooting

Last updated at Posted at 2022-05-31

元の質問 : ヘルプ これが質問

Fix Access Issues in a Flow


Sign up for a special Developer Edition (DE) org 特別版があるみたいです。

We can't find the pre-installed flow named 'Alert Acct Owner of New Case Added'. Make sure you sign up for a special Developer Edition org, connect it to Trailhead, and use it for this challenge.

特別版を作成して チェックを押すと何もしないでも通過できました。

We can't find the debug logs for the flow named 'Create a Case' associated with the user Mario Cruz. Make sure you enable the 'Let admins debug flows as other users' option and debug the flow with that user.

手順に従ってハンズオン Challengeの前まで実施しましたが、このエラーのままです。

Create CaseのパーミッションセットにMario Cruzを追加しただけの状態

We couldn't find a new case with the subject 'Broken Laptop' generated by the flow. Make sure the flow is running successfully according to the requirements.

We can't find the debug logs for the flow named 'Create a Case' associated with the user Mario Cruz. Make sure you enable the 'Let admins debug flows as other users' option and debug the flow with that user.

Weird workaround here but got it. The reason we are getting the "We can't find the debug logs for the flow named 'Create a Case' associated with the user Mario Cruz. Make sure you enable the 'Let admins debug flows as other users' option and debug the flow with that user." is because for some reason the debug log in Setup is not capturing the failed flow. All the challenge is looking for is someone called "Mario Cruz" to fail the flow. In order to do that:

-change your user name to Mario Cruz
-create a new required field on Case
-add Create Case flow to your homepage
-try to complete the flow signed in as yourself (now named Mario Cruz)
-intentionally do not add your new required field causing the flow to fail

I got it! rs, it was not the recommended way but it worked.

I followed this steps:

1 - I created a button that call the Create Case flow
2- I logged as Mario Cruz
3- I created a Case by this new button
4- Checked the Challenge with success.


Fix Issues Caused by a Null Value in a Flow

We can't find the activated version of the flow named 'Alert Acct Owner of New Case Added'. Make sure the flow is activated according to the requirements.

「追加された新しいケースのアラート アカウント所有者」という名前のフローのアクティブ化されたバージョンが見つかりません。フローが要件に従ってアクティブ化されていることを確認してください。



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