影響を受けている トレイルヘッド
Visualize Your Data with the Lightning Dashboard Builder
Summer '23
Enhance Your Visualizations with Images, Rich Text, and Dashboard Widgets
Explain Lightning dashboard charts, describe metrics and KPIs, and clarify tables with rich text right where users need it. Add company logos and branding, flow diagrams, and embedded images. Guide users through their data with section titles, narrative text, and even animated GIFs. Components are now called widgets in Unlimited and Performance editions. Dashboards now support up to 25 widgets, including a maximum of 20 charts and tables, 2 images, and 25 rich text widgets. The previous limit was 20 in total.
Where: This change applies to Lightning Experience in Unlimited and Performance editions.
How: When editing a dashboard, click +Widget and select the type of widget to add.
- Visualize Your Data with the Lightning Dashboard Builder
- Visualize Your Data with the Lightning Dashboard Builder
- What is set wrong if my dashboard says "+Widget" instead of "+Component"?
Winter 24'
- Empty Dashboards while using Bindings (Winter 24' Update)
Lightning ダッシュボードの所有権の移行 (ベータ)
職務が変わった場合や、ダッシュボード作成者が組織を離れた場合、ダッシュボード所有権を移行することで、Lightning ダッシュボードへの継続的な更新を可能にします。新しい所有者はダッシュボードのコンテンツを完全に制御できます。以前は、作成者が他の職務に異動した場合、ダッシュボードをコピーまたは再作成する必要がありました。