We couldn’t find a logged call in Claire’s account with the correct record details. Make sure that the Subject, Related To, and Regarding fields are correct.
I finally passed this challenge after change Time Zone from Japan time to New York Time and Locale & Language from Japanese to English.
I was having the same issue...I went into Set Up -> Profiles -> System Administrator (since that is what our User is set up as within the Dev Org) -> Object Settings -> Events & Tasks -> Make sure -Master- is set as Assigned Record Type. It defaulted as Advisor/Client Associate Task and that is why we're not seeing it within the Person Account.
I was able to have my challenge validated once I filled the fields: Name and Related to in both tasks.
I finally fix this, I mistakenly chose "Call" on the "Task Type" field. I should leave it as blank and fill in the "Task Subtype".
私の場合は、「名前」フィールドに「Claire Johnson」と入力するとうまくいきました。Trailhead は「ハンズオン チャレンジ」の手順を更新して、ユーザーが「名前」フィールドに入力する必要があることを理解できるようにすべきだと思います。