Build your survey

Last updated at Posted at 2023-12-30

We can’t find the solar panel score on the question asking about the customers' score. Ensure that you include the response for the ‘Score our solar panels’ question in the ‘Tell us why you rated our solar panels’ question.

I have reviewed the issue and it seems you have inserted the incorrect response to the question in "Low Score Details" page.


I have replaced the response with Score our solar panels question into the Tell us why you rated our solar panels question and saved the survey.


I found that the display logic to the second question on the Solar Panel Installation page is not configured as per the requirement.


I have added the display logic as per the challenge requirement.

Now, please add branching logic to the Score Solar Panel page and activate the survey and check the challenge to complete the step.

I ended up opening a new playground and just redoing the module all together. Then I was able to pass this step and move on

We can't find an action named 'Send Survey Invitations to Sales Reps'

We can’t find an image in your survey. Make sure you have included an image to your survey.'

Thanks for provided the org access. It seems the Page Names entered as:

Page1 Solar Panel Installation
Page 2: Score Solar Panel
Page 3: Low Score Details
But the page names should be:

Solar Panel Installation
Score Solar Panel
Low Score Details

Due to the incorrect page name the error thrown while checking the challenge. I have removed the Page1 Page2 and Page3 infront of each page and now the challenge is working as expected.

May I request you to please check the challenge and it works for you now.



We couidn't activate the survey. fix the errors and agein.



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