Create the Credentials
We can't find the 'Animals API External' external credential in your org.
Create the External Credentialを終わったあと
We can't find the 'Animals API Named’ named credential in your org.
Create the Named Credentialを終わったあと
We can’t find the 'Animal API' Permission set in your org.
Create a Permission Setを終わったあと
We can’t find the Animals API permission set assigned to you. Make sure you’ve assigned it to yourself in your Trailhead Playground.
Assign the Permission Setを終わったあと合格できました。
Build the Flow
We can't find a flow named 'Round Up the Animals'.
In the Get Animals Action element, we can’t find an external service named 'AnimalsExternalService'.
We can’t find an Action element named 'Get Animals'. Make sure the API Name is 'Get_Animals'.
We can’t find a response to the flow’s API call. Make sure you click Debug to run the flow.
"We can’t find a response to the flow’s API call. Make sure you click Debug to run the flow." Error
【解決】Quick Start: Create HTTP Callouts with Flow Builder Challenge Error
I was struggling with this one as well, in the end I realized I had forgotten to set the variable as 'available for output' - easily missed. Just posting in case that solves your issue as well.
- In the Get Animals Action element, we can’t find an external service named 'AnimalsExternalService'. Please help me with this error.
- In the Get Animals Action element, we can’t find an external service named 'AnimalsExternalService'. Please help me with this error.
- In the Get Animals Action element, we can’t find an external service named 'AnimalsExternalService'. Please help me with this error.