
Analytics Studio

Last updated at Posted at 2023-08-18


Tableau CRM は現在、CRM Analytics として知られています。新しい名前は、ネイティブ Salesforce プラットフォームでのイノベーションに対する私たちの使命とビジョンを反映しています。CRM Analytics は、プラットフォームの初心者でもプロでも、世界ナンバー 1 の CRM に基づいて構築されたインテリジェントなエクスペリエンスを提供し続けます。指を鳴らしてどこでも名前を更新できればいいのですが、置き換えるまでは、いくつかの場所で以前の名前が表示されることが予想されます。

Tableau CRMのまとめ CRM Analytics




It was something with my Playground. I created a new one for CRM Analytics and I'm not having the issue anymore.

Create a new dashboard and sue ctrl+E or cmd+E to open the dashboard in JSON editor. Then past the JSON code and make sure to adapt the IDs of the datasets in the "datasets" section.

We can not subscribe reports which have dynamic run.


We can though create separate reports and set run report as each Recipient who will see the report. The Recipient must have permission to run reports and have access to the report.



This sounds like a simple enough change but can get complicated depending on how you approach it.

First of all, Take a backup of your current dashboard json before you make the changes.

Second, If you directly go to the dashboard and do Cmd + E or Ctrl + E you will be able to access the dashboard json. I am assuming that this new dataset has all the required fields that are referenced in the existing dataset so the queries won't face any malfunctions when we replace it. If you approach this way, you'll need to make a few changes. The first change would be to the following part of the json,

"datasets": [
            "id": "0FbDx00000xxxxxXXX",
            "label": "Dataset1",
            "name": "Dataset1",
            "url": "/services/data/v59.0/wave/datasets/0FbDx00000xxxxxXXX"

Usually i scroll down to the bottom of the json and just replace the old Dataset ID and the Label and Name to the new ones.

The other thing to take care of is the fact that the references to the Dataset Name as well as the Dataset IDs are used in every query of your dashboard json. So the "steps":part of your json will have multiple references to the dataset. What i usually do is Ctrl + F on the window to open the Find and Replace functionality of the json, and Replace all the existing references of Dataset ID and Name to the new ones and Save it.

From your comments above, i can see that you havent done the second part of it because of which it is throwing errors now. You'll have to make sure that all the queries are referencing the new Dataset Name and ID.

if you want to show "0" for your measure B instead of null, please use the coalesce() function, like coalesce(B,0). In case B gets null, this shows 0 as result.

Then change your formula to 'D-A' (assuming that the new column with the coalesce() function is named D) and hide B.

Please check this article.

Create Datasets Programmatically from CSV Files Using the External Data API

Yes - there's an option to set the "Faceting" behavior. If you don't want a chart (or othe widget) to get filtered by any actions, set the Faceting to "None". You can find this option in the properties panel on the right, select the query tab.

はい - 「ファセット」動作を設定するオプションがあります。グラフ (または他のウィジェット) がアクションによってフィルターされないようにするには、ファセットを「なし」に設定します。このオプションは右側のプロパティ パネルにあり、クエリ タブを選択します。

there is a limitation if your expression A/B is negative.

You can make a workaround for it: case when A/B < 0 then -(power(abs(A/B), 1/3) -1) else power(A/B, 1/3) -1 end. I used that workaround some time ago and it worked fine. You may also consider adding appropriate null or 0 handling.

Let me know if it works!


I had one user with a Salesforce Platform license and custom user profile who was receiving this error as well. I found I had to update his profile with a specific custom tab setting that was not available on any CRM Analytics permission sets. (It doesn't appear to be an option on a standard permission set, either ... Weird.)

Here's the path I took to resolve this issue:

  1. Go to the user's profile.
  2. Go to Object Settings.
  3. Find the tab with the Object Name of "Home" and the API Name of AnalyticsDataManager and click "Edit"
  4. Change the profile's tab access to "Default On"



DataflowInstance 03CRO000001U0TR2A0 Failed. Hmm, that didn't work. Please try running the recipe again. Error ID: 2000-21dda0da-0ePRO0000008I7p. If the error occurs again, contact Salesforce Customer Support.

DataflowInstance 03C3L0000007lIVUAY Failed. Something went wrong while executing the ConvertToEdgemart node: Visibility Descriptor column not found for Account object (02K3L000000ADr0UAG_03C3L0000007lIVUAY)


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