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ナレッジ : レイアウトの問題のまとめ

Last updated at Posted at 2023-11-19



That is the Einstein Knowledge search layout, and it cannot be edited. Our agents also don't like needing to click on each item to see the article details, though it is really nice to see more of the actual text fields this way. We would prefer to customize the fields that show in Article Details and show them always.

Creating an idea and getting votes would be great.

Regarding all the changes that Einstein Search for Knowledge brings, you can see it here: https://help.salesforce.com/s/articleView?id=sf.search_es_for_knowledge_intro.htm&type=5

I've run into this and it took me a while to find, but I figured it out in a roundabout way.

I went through all the steps in the Trailhead modules for enabling and creating Knowledge, but the Answer (Answer__c) and Question (Question__c) fields were some reason not visible until I went to Service Setup > View All > Knowledge Setup. Walk through the steps (you can pass through most everything, especially if you've already setup your Data Categories). Then, when you go to Object Manager > Knowledge > Fields & Relationships, you'll notice Answers and Questions are there. A new page layout called Lightning Knowledge FAQ Layout was created at some point that automatically has the Answer and Question field(s) added, but I also just edited the page layout I was using, and they were then available.


ナレッジを有効にして作成するための Trailhead モジュールのすべての手順を実行しましたが、[サービスの設定] > [すべて表示] > [ナレッジの設定] に移動するまで、回答 (Answer__c) および質問 (Question__c) 項目が表示されませんでした。手順を実行します (特にデータ カテゴリを既に設定している場合は、ほとんどすべてを実行できます)。次に、[オブジェクト マネージャー] > [ナレッジ] > [フィールドと関係] に移動すると、[回答] と [質問] があることがわかります。ある時点で、Lightning Knowledge の FAQ レイアウトと呼ばれる新しいページ レイアウトが作成され、回答項目と質問項目が自動的に追加されましたが、使用していたページ レイアウトを編集したところ、使用できるようになりました。

Checked the Slack for Salesforce configuration document (https://slack.com/intl/en-in/help/articles/360044038514-Configure-Salesforce-for-use-with-Slack), as such this does not provide any such limitation.

Maybe it's not supported due to complex Knowledge object structure (article+article versions) in the backend.

Checked for the app reviews on their Appexchange, around 2 people/org have similar experiences: https://appexchange.salesforce.com/appxListingDetail?listingId=a0N3A00000FnD9mUAF

The fields available are based on the list view columns. Since a collection is tied to a list view only the columns in the list view are available in the Component properties.

使用可能なフィールドはリスト ビューの列に基づいています。コレクションはリスト ビューに関連付けられているため、リスト ビュー内の列のみがコンポーネント プロパティで使用できます。



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