

Last updated at Posted at 2021-07-14



System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING, Required fields are missing: [Discount_Percent__c]: [Discount_Percent__c]

actually had to deactitivate the approval process, mark as required, then unmark as required. thanks for checking in.

I think the settings for the previous challenge remain. Please deactivate.

Setup-->Object Manager --> Choose (Opportunity)-->Fields-->Edit(Discount_Percent__c) and uncheck required


REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING, Required fields are missing: [Loan_Amount__c]: [Loan_Amount__c] this is my error

I think the settings for the previous challenge remain. Please deactivate.

Go to Setup --> Object manager --> Choose (contact) --> Fields & Relationships --> Edit Loan Amount and uncheck Required checkbox.

System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING, Required fields are missing: [Discount__c]: [Discount__c]

Setup-->Object Manager --> Select Object-->Fields-->Edit(Discount__c]) and uncheck required

: REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING, Required fields are missing: [Field_Label__c]: [Field_Label__c]

Problem got fixed. Issue was that instead of Discount Percentage in criteria I chosen Discount Percent which was a different field.

We created an account with one opportunity. We expected the account's 'Potential_Value' field to show the amount of that one opportunity, but it didn't.

Implement Roll-Up Summary; Amount not showing

I think the problem is due to the existing automation of the playground. Deactivate it or use a new playground.

We updated an account that had 'Match_Billing_Address__c' set to false. We expected the trigger not to fire, but it did. Make sure the trigger fires only if 'Match_Billing_Address__c' is true.



Deactivating the other Apex Triggers related with Account object ensures that the trigger works freely, and faces no conflicts.

Thanks everyone for the help! I found the issue. Issue was happening since as part of "Developer trail" I had created validation rules on account object. For the module on Apex triggers, challenge button was attempting it without the required accountnumber value. I disabled the validation rules on account object and it was able to mark it as complete.

First exception on row 0; first error: FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION, Account number must be 8 characters long.: [AccountNumber]

I think the settings for the previous challenge remain. Please deactivate.

Go to Setup -> Object manager -> Choose (Account )-> Validation Rules.
Find that validation rule and deactivate it.



System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING, Required fields are missing: [Suggestion_Category__c]: [Suggestion_Category__c]

I think the settings for the previous challenge remain. Please deactivate.

Setup-->Object Manager --> Choose (Suggestion)-->Fields-->Edit(Suggestion_Category__c) and uncheck required

REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING, Required fields are missing: [Volunteer_Job__c]: [Volunteer_Job__c]

I know the question was asked long back. I faced the same issue recently while trying to complete the App Customization Specialist superbadge. I just edited the field 'Volunteer Activity' filed (in the Volunteer Activity object ) and removed the check mark for the required field and tried to check the challenge 2 and it passed. Then I went back and made the field as required again. I think Trailhead team need to take a look at it.

私はその質問がずっと前に尋ねられたことを知っています。最近、App Customization Specialist スーパーバッジを完成させようとしているときに、同じ問題に直面しました。 「ボランティア活動」フィールド (ボランティア活動オブジェクト内) を編集し、必須フィールドのチェック マークを外して、課題 2 をチェックしようとしたところ、合格しました。それから私は戻って、必要に応じてフィールドを再度作成しました。 Trailhead チームはそれを検討する必要があると思います。

App Customisation Specialist Challenge 3 - Create App fields

REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING, Required fields are missing: [Desired_Num_of_Volunteers__c]

"We can't find a notification named "Lost Opportunities". CRM Analytics Dashboard Navigation – Personalize Your CRM Analytics

Removing the previous challenge notification worked for me as well.

Deleting the "Open Pipeline Test" notification fixed this issue for me.

We created an opportunity and expected it to have an associated task, but it didn’t. Make sure your Apex trigger inserts the task into the database.

It was an issue with a custom field setting in Opportunity Object, Discount_Percent__c in Opportunity Object was marked as the required field! I reverted it and it worked!



I think the settings for the previous challenge remain. Please deactivate.

Setup-->Object Manager --> Choose (Account)-->Fields-->Edit(Pending__c) and uncheck required

Can't complete challenge: Use sObjects and DML Unit. I would like to know the reason for the error and resolution

We updated an account that had 'Match_Billing_Address__c' set to false. We expected the trigger not to fire, but it did. Make sure the trigger fires only if 'Match_Billing_Address__c' is true.


Account number is not numeric


I think the settings for the previous challenge remain. Please deactivate.

Go to Setup -> Account -> Validation Rules. Find that "Website extension" validation rule and deactivate it.


Products, Quotes, & Contracts > Configure Quotes for Your Customers and Track Contracts


Please check if any active validation rule exists in Account object. If so, please deactivate it and try the challenge requirement again.


Kindly create a new playground org to complete the challenge.

REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING, Required fields are missing: [Account_Type__c]: [Account_Type__c]

It seems there was a require field "Account Type" on Account object which is blocking the challenge check.

Please follow below steps to uncheck the required option:

-- Goto Object Manager in the challenge took org
-- Click on Account object
-- Click on Fields&Relationships
-- Click on Account Type field and click Edit
Uncheck the Required option and save changes.

Once this is done, please check the challenge and hopefully it works now.

Your lead is missing a field mapping for the Account.Contact__c field. For help, talk with your admin or see Map Custom Lead Fields for Lead Conversion in Salesforce Help.

If the field Account.Contact__c is required, deactivate its required setting



System.DmlException: Update failed. First exception on row 0 with id aAM5f000000GtNsGAK; first error: REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING, Required fields are missing: [Apps__c]: [Apps__c].

Please deactivate.

Setup-->Object Manager --> Choose (custom object)-->Fields-->Edit(Apps__c) and uncheck required

First exception on row 0 with id 0018b00002SnbkCAAR; first error: REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING, Required fields are missing: [Account_Object__c]: [Account_Object__c]

It seems there was a require field "Account Object" on Account object which is blocking the challenge check.

Please follow below steps to uncheck the required option:
-- Goto Object Manager in the challenge took org
-- Click on Account object
-- Click on Fields&Relationships
-- Click on Account Object field and click Edit

Uncheck the Required option and save changes.
Once this is done, please check the challenge and hopefully it works now.


You must enter an expiration date when an account has a support plan.

        "message": "You must enter an expiration date when an account has a support plan.",
        "fields": [

I think the settings for the previous challenge remain. Please deactivate.

Goto Setup -> Object manager -> Choose (Account )-> Validation Rules( Support_plan_expiration_date_required ).

Find that validation rule and deactivate it.


There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION, The close date must be today or later: []

The close date must be today or later: []

これが残っている --> https://trailhead.salesforce.com/trailblazer-community/feed/0D54S00000E99zOSAR

I think the settings for the previous challenge remain. Please deactivate.

Go to Setup -> Object manager -> Choose (Opportunity )-> Validation Rules(Name: Close_Date_Alert).

Find that validation rule and deactivate it.

SLA details


Your lead is missing a field mapping for the Contact.Loan_Amount__c field. For help, talk with your admin or see Map Custom Lead Fields for Lead Conversion

While creating the Contact.Loan_Amount__c field did you make Mandatory?

If yes please uncheck it.

and edit pagelayout and click Contact Loan Amount Field you'll get a modal mark Required there.

I have taken an example as delivery installation field.



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