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Last updated at Posted at 2022-10-03

An Opportunity Validation Rule cannot refer to an Opportunity Line item because there could be 1 or 1000 Opportunity Line items. The Validation Rule would have no way to determine which record to validate against.

You could mark something on the Opportunity like a checkbox through automation if an Opportunity Line Item with Hardware in its name is added or removed from an Opportunity. You could then have your Validation refer to that Opportunity field.

It looks like you cannot reference the Opportunity Product Name in the Roll-Up criteria, so Flow is the better approach.

つまたは 1000 の商談品目がある可能性があるため、商談検証ルールは商談品目を参照できません。検証ルールには、検証するレコードを決定する方法がありません。

名前にハードウェアが含まれる商談品目が商談に追加または削除された場合、自動化によってチェックボックスのようなものを商談にマークできます。次に、検証でその Opportunity フィールドを参照させることができます。



Just a head's up. Salesforce recommends that you do NOT use the IsClosed or IsWon checkbox fields in Validation Rules

Tips for Writing Validation Rules


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