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金融サービスクラウド向け CRM 分析管理

Last updated at Posted at 2024-09-05

otsubo-ltwv@force.com ドメインの問題なのかハンズオン組織には登録できない



Unable to create app based on template: [sfdc_internal__FSCAnalyticsIndustryApp].

* Your org does not currently meet minimum data requirements to proceed. Please fix the following issues before creating a 'Analytics for Wealth Management' Application:

In the 'FSC_Digest_ACR' node, the 'FinServ__SourceSystemId__c' field doesn't exist, is deprecated, or isn't accessible to the Integration User.

In the 'FSC_Digest_Opportunity' node, the 'FinServ__Household__c' field doesn't exist, is deprecated, or isn't accessible to the Integration User.

In the 'FSC_Digest_Case' node, the 'FinServ__FinancialAccount__c' field doesn't exist, is deprecated, or isn't accessible to the Integration User.

In the 'FSC_Digest_Account' node, the 'FinServ__CustomerSegment__c' field doesn't exist, is deprecated, or isn't accessible to the Integration User. In the 'FSC_Digest_Account' node, the 'FinServ__CustomerType__c' field doesn't exist, is deprecated, or isn't accessible to the Integration User. In the 'FSC_Digest_Account' node, the 'FinServ__LastTransactionDateJointOwner__c' field ...

* Your org does not currently meet minimum data requirements to proceed. Please fix the following issues before creating a 'Analytics for Wealth Management' Application:

In the 'FSC_Digest_ACR' node, the 'FinServ__SourceSystemId__c' field doesn't exist, is deprecated, or isn't accessible to the Integration User.

In the 'FSC_Digest_Opportunity' node, the 'FinServ__Household__c' field doesn't exist, is deprecated, or isn't accessible to the Integration User.

In the 'FSC_Digest_Case' node, the 'FinServ__FinancialAccount__c' field doesn't exist, is deprecated, or isn't accessible to the Integration User.

In the 'FSC_Digest_Account' node, the 'FinServ__CustomerSegment__c' field doesn't exist, is deprecated, or isn't accessible to the Integration User. In the 'FSC_Digest_Account' node, the 'FinServ__CustomerType__c' field doesn't exist, is deprecated, or isn't accessible to the Integration User. In the 'FSC_Digest_Account' node, the 'FinServ__LastTransactionDateJointOwner__c' field ...



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