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Last updated at Posted at 2024-02-24





Getting Slack Error for Composer - "Value passed for channel was invalid"

Getting Slack Error for Composer - "Value passed for channel was invalid"

Error 1. (Slack) duplicate value found: duplicates value on record with id: Slack: duplicate value found: duplicates value on record with id

Unable to install Companion App for Slack integration for our sandbox instance with the a vague error.


An error occurred while processing an action [1574663355-124896 (-1583892045)].

NOTE Enable Dashboard Views must be on to view snapshots. The setting is enabled by default.

Verify that the following Session Settings are disabled.

  • Lock sessions to the IP address from which they originated
  • Enforce login IP ranges on every request

CRM Analytics for Slack

Automate Slack Messages : Whoops, looks like there was a problem. Please try again

I'm a member of the Trailhead Help. Please reset the password for your playground and then please follow the below steps:

  1. Login in to Trailhead
  2. Click on your profile image
  3. Click on "Hands-on Orgs"
  4. Remove the Trailhead playgrounds by clicking on the "Disconnect" button beside the playground name for which you are seeing this issue.
  5. Once you do step 4 please click on the "Connect a org" button
  6. Enter username and new password
  7. Click on "Allow"
  8. Click on "Yes! save it"

Here's an article that'll help you in finding your credentials: https://trailhead.salesforce.com/help?article=Find-the-username-and-password-for-your-Trailhead-Playground



このチェックポイントの3番目 ユーザーのプロファイルで「Service Cloud ユーザー」がチェックされていることを確認してみてください。

Error: “You don't have the user permissions to access this Slack app. For help, contact your Salesforce admin”

  1. In the Salesforce Org,>Go to Setup>Initial Slack Setup and verify the Terms & Conditions have been checked.
  2. Verify that the user has the Slack Service user permission assigned to their profile.
  3. Verify the user has the Service Cloud User checked on their profile.
  4. If the customer has the above verified and receives the same error, they need to contact their Slack Admin to verify if they have permission to install the app to the workspace.

さらに、Slack 権限を自分自身に割り当てる必要があります。

Service Cloud for Slack のセットアップに関する素晴らしいビデオは次のとおりです。

Unable to connect to the Service Cloud for Slack App



Register as a new user and use Qiita more conveniently

  1. You get articles that match your needs
  2. You can efficiently read back useful information
  3. You can use dark theme
What you can do with signing up

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