

Last updated at Posted at 2023-07-03





unable to find the "value proposition" as a picklist value for "Stage".

Under set up || Navigate to Sales Processes || Click on the B2B sales process. Then ensure the new stage value "value proposition" is added to selected values section.

This will ensure the new stage value is available in dropdown while creating Opportunity.


We couldn’t find the $100 test gift opportunity records for donors Lisa Bullard and Solitude Sokolov in your Trailhead Playground.

I have managed to complete it - starting with a new trailhead through to end of the challenge in one hit - if that was the solution. Also noticed my source code was in lower case not Source Code - dont know if that was the issue all along.

Note to copy exactly the instructions.

Bonus is I know gift entry templates back to front :)

Required fields are missing: [Welcome Email Template, Change Password Email Template, Lost Password Template]

Description: When you try to create a scratch org from an org shape that contains an Experience Cloud Site, you get an error.

Workaround: None.



there is no option under the Category tab for Security

Are you using a playground with a package called Security installed?


Action Launcher error "We coudn't load the actions"

Support had me to grant a permission set called "Industry Service Excellence". It did fix the problem. But I need to look at what this gives, am leery of granting to all users.

Set Up Case Escalation and Entitlements - Create Support Processes module

+I'm working on the Set Up Case Escalation and Entitlements - Create Support Processes module



I added those values from the object manager.

We can't find the Short Jobs palette. Make sure the palette was created according to the requirements, including the minimum and maximum values and colors. Select the Duration In Minutes field. You might have to scroll to find it.

Deleting the palette and rebuilding it fixed the issue.


The user license doesn't allow the permission: Activate Orders.

I don't you need to worry about it per the instructions:

7. Try to add Anuj Singh.

You get an error. Just like with permission sets, you cannot assign a user to a permission set group if their license does not permit the permissions you want to assign.

8. Ignore the message and click Done.

Anuj Singh won’t be added to the group until his license is updated. Licensing requirements remain the same when you work with permission set groups.

An incorrect source report is assigned to the component 'Ratings by State

I had the right report but wasn't refreshing my dashboard not saving it! Once I did that it was fine.

We could not find the necessary 'Core Competencies' radio buttons on the 'New Review'

Let me elucidate how this hindrance can be resolved:

  1. Check your flow diagram, are all connections/arrows in right directions and they resembles the snapshot pinned in the Challenge? It they r in order consider 2 point then...

2)Never, I repeat never copy paste label and API names, if u did this blunder edit and type them. This will definitely solve the problem if there is slim chance that this problem persists then consider 3 point.

  1. Cross Check the API Name specially Review button's, edit n re-type it. This will 100% solve the problem!!


404 Error

I finally figured out that I needed to create a new playground once I did that everything else fell into place.

We couldn’t find the correct filter information. Ensure that you have followed all of the instructions to create the filter

I got it to work w/o creating new org. Under 2nd part steps 1 - 4

(4. Click Add Filter) be sure to select two filters : Industry | equals | Biotechnology, Energy ... I had only 1 filter, Biotechnology , and I was getting the error message motioned here.


Couldn't find the community with name 'CloudKicksTheme'. Check the instructions.

Is it set according to the instructions below?

4. Enter a site name and URL. Name the site CloudKicksTheme and ensure that the final URL end with /CloudKicksTheme.


We can't find a record named 'Japan' with country name 'Japan' and VAT rate '10'.

Please check this article.


The last comment about capitalization did it.

Browser OEM was unexpectedly launched without a custom URL to process. The application will now exit

I cant find the energy audit related list under account

I made a mistake in naming Energy audit related list as account, I had to retrace my steps to find that

"path" argument must be of type string. Received undefined' when I attempt to Deploy Source to Org.

In 'Set Variable Values section, enter these values' the value {!Find_a_Match.Id} is not available. While putting same value the value comes as {!Find_a_Match.Contact} etc w

Have you tried using :


Protect Your Data in Salesforce Project - trouble add new user


remove permission Manage Public List Views from a list of users /profiles

Please check this article.

Manage Public List Views - Enhance options to grant this permission

On the Details tab, we can’t find a section labeled 'Opportunity Information'

このリスト API 参照名は公開または非公開リストビューで使用されています。別の名前を選択してください


新しい組織を作成しなくても動作するようになりました。2 番目のパートのステップ 1 ~ 4 の下
(4. [フィルターの追加] をクリックします) 必ず2 つのフィルターを選択してください: Industry | Industrie に等しい | バイオテクノロジー、エネルギー ...フィルターはBiotechnology 1 つだけで 、ここでエラー メッセージが表示されました。




The grader for this challenge is not detecting my lens named exactly as described. Please advise.

Had the same Issue, and was now able to resolve the issue.

In the Querry mode, Check that the 3rd line is as follows :

q = foreach q generate q.'Country' as 'Country', sum(q.'Value') as 'sum_Value' , first('flag_img_url') as 'flag_img_url';

As default the part which is bold, is 'A'. It wouldnt work for me like that.

Hope it helps.

PS: Make sure the CSV is correct, and the links were changed

you don't have the access to edit this page

I created a new org and its working fine now


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