Raised this issue through 'case' to trailhead team. It get resolved now.
Einstein for Sales がない
Update: I was able to resolve the issue I was facing earlier. I was trying to find "Einstein for Sales" in the Search Setup box at the top instead of the Quick Find box in the left navigation pane.
We can’t find an Identity Resolution Ruleset with the ID of ccid.
I ran into the same error. In my case, the "Name" was set to "Reconcile Reserve-o-", and there was no description--the Identity Resolution fields had been set incorrectly, Name should have been "Guest Name and Email" and Description should have been "Reconcile Reserve-o-matic contact data with Salesforce contact data".
私も同じエラーが発生しました。私の場合、「名前」が「Reconcile Reserve-o-」に設定されていて、説明がありませんでした。アイデンティティ解決フィールドが正しく設定されておらず、名前は「ゲスト名とメール」、説明は「Reserve-o-matic 連絡先データを Salesforce 連絡先データと調整する」であるべきでした。
We can’t find the Reservations related list in the Contact Lightning Record Page.
it was my fault, I realized I hadn't renamed "external reservations" to "reservations"
Become an Agentblazer Champion: Bring External Data into the Contact Page Layout Error
Please check this article.
the link above helped me fix it. There are two steps that are marked as optional depending on your org configuration and I needed to do the first of the two to fix the display name.
Bring External Data into the Contact Page Layoutで最後の実行ステータスは依然として保留中であり、記録は取り込まれていません
実際には約 12 時間後に正常に完了しました。そのため、待つだけで済みました。その前にブラウザなどをクリアしたことはありませんでした。
Check-In-Dateのオプションがない? Step13
Please check this article.
Reservation Object (予約オブジェクト)がない
Get Started with Data Cloud and AI
There was an issue processing your verification. Please refresh the page and try again.
Bring External Data into the Contact Page Layout
We can’t find the External Guest Data Stream for external data.
データ ストリームは、特定の接続内でデータが見つかる場所を記述します。各データ ストリームは、関連するデータ レイク オブジェクト (DLO)を作成します。これは、データ ストリーム ソースから取得されるデータのストレージ コンテナーです。しかし、その新しい DLO は、データ クラウドにすでに存在する他のすべてのデータとどのように関係するのでしょうか。その答えは、メタデータのように、データの構造を記述するデータ モデル オブジェクト (DMO)の形で提供されます。たとえば、Contact Point Email という DMO には、電子メール アドレスの取得元に関係なく、電子メール アドレスを適切に保存する方法に関する詳細が含まれています。そのため、Becca は、外部ゲスト データの電子メール列を DMO の電子メール アドレス フィールドにマップできます。
9.デフォルトのデータ スペースが事前に選択されており、バンドルに含まれるすべてのフィールドがリストされていることに注意してください。選択はそのままにして、[次へ]をクリックします。
We can’t find an Identity Resolution Ruleset with the ID of ccid.
14. Click Configure.
15. Choose Fuzzy Name and Normalized Email.
The following attributes should be mapped to successfully use Identity Resolution, Segmentation, and Activation: Formatted E164 Phone Number
We can’t find the Reservations related list in the Contact Lightning Record Page.
Please check this article.
You added Reservations, but it should be added to the Related tab.
i have found my misstake.
In the step before where i have set up the "Data Cloud Related List" i have changed the name from the auto generated Child Relationship Name from "ExternalReservation" to only "Reservation" by removing the "External" to save time.
But the Trail expects the name to be "Reservations" with an "s" on the end.
The Label was correct "Reservations" so you dont see that Child Relationship Name later in the ui and dont see this error.
had the same problem. For me it was due to the related list enrichment wizard that didn't show the Child Relationship Name.
Go to Object manager -> contact -> data cloud related list
Click on "Reservations" -> edit details on the upper right
Check that in both fields you have the "Reservations" value
Enhance Copilot to Act on Data with Conversational Language
i just actually persisted in closing down the browser and reopening after about half hour it FINALLY loaded
データ クラウド オブジェクトのフロー要素のカスタマイズが機能しない
Add Data to a Prompt Template to Quickly Draft Emails
We can’t find a Sales Email Prompt Template named Check-in Welcome.
There aren’t any guest event records. Create one and try this email type again.
7. For Guest Event, choose the GE record created in the previous section.
8. Click Continue.
An internal server error has occurred Error ID: 388670934-91508 (-1822086853)
Get Started with Data Cloud and AI Oops, something went wrong creating your Data Cloud and Einstein 1 Playground. Please refresh the page and try again in an hour.
This may be happening as we are limited to only 10 Connected Orgs/ Playgrounds. You need to visit https://trailhead.salesforce.com/users/profiles/orgs and disconnect the older orgs and then try again. It worked for me.
Also see: https://trailhead.salesforce.com/trailblazer-community/feed/0D54V00007cllNISAY
The issue is fixed and now you can create a new Agentforce org.
It looks like you’re not connected to a Data Cloud and Einstein Generative AI-enabled org to validate. If you need assistance, please contact support for help.
We had trouble processing the request.
it couldn't find any matching resources when I paste the text in the value.
I missed editing Reservation 1 element due to which Activate button was disabled. Post updating Reservation 1 followed by Event Summary element fixed the issue for me.
予約 1要素の編集を忘れたため、アクティブ化ボタンが無効になっていました。 予約 1 を更新し、続いて イベント サマリー要素を更新したところ、問題は解決しました。
We can’t find the Reservations related list in the Contact Lightning Record Page
I tried everything that was recommended on this thread - nothing worked... until I removed the dynamic related list, and added it back. Follow these steps:
edit the contact record page
Click edit, delete/remove the dynamic related list
Save, and refresh page
Edit the contact record page, and add the dynamic related list again.
It looks like the Event Summary Flow element does not have the correct Value field value.
Please check this article.