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フローでのエラーのデバック: An unhandled fault has occurred in this flow

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Flow Error - An unhandled fault has occurred in this flow

When a process or flow interview fails, a detailed email is sent to the admin who last modified the process or flow. However, sometimes the admin isn’t the best person to act on the details of what was executed and what went wrong. In that case, you can send error emails to the Apex exception email recipients.

プロセスまたはフローのインタビューが失敗すると、プロセスまたはフローを最後に変更した管理者に詳細な電子メールが送信されます。ただし、管理者は、実行された内容や問題の詳細に対処するのに最適な人物ではない場合があります。その場合、Apex 例外メール受信者にエラーメールを送信できます。



Error Occurred: No applicable approval process was found.

Transaction Rolled Back

Because an error occurred, any records that the flow was ready to create, update, or delete weren’t committed to the database.


check the following reasons-

  1. correct entry criteria
  2. initial submitters
  3. permissions

in my case, it was the initial submitters causing the problem

I solved this by removing the Entry Criteria. It said that a criteria won't required, but it actually fails if one is present.


it was issue with Initial Submitters.


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