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Superbadge Lightning Experience Reports & Dashboards Specialist

Last updated at Posted at 2021-08-09



Step 1

Hi, I am not able to create "SolarBot Support Report" folder name in my SuperBage challenge .

Step 2

Challenge 2 - We can't find a folder for Status Reports within the SolarBot Support Reports folder.

Step 3

We can’t find a report with name 'Top Case Drivers by SolarBot Ownership' in the correct folder, or it uses an incorrect report type.

I think the report type you are using is different.

We can’t find a report with name 'Top Case Drivers by SolarBot Ownership' in the correct folder, or it uses an incorrect report type."

We can't find your solution for users to report on custom objects named “SolarBots and Status Data,” or it's not stored in the correct place

"We can’t find a report with name 'SolarBot Status Averages' in the correct folder, or it uses an incorrect report type."

We can’t find the categorization called 'SolarBot Ownership', or the categorization is based on an incorrect field, or the category settings are incorrect on the 'Top Case Drivers by SolarBot Ownership' report.

The 'SolarBot Status Averages' report is displaying cumulative data.


Lightning Experience Reports & Dashboards Specialist Superbadge Challenge 4

step 4


step 5,6

We can't find a page with the name 'SolarBot Status Page With Chart'.

We can't find a graph displaying the requested data on the 'SolarBot Status Averages' report.

Lightning Experience Reports and Dashboards Specialist Superbadge Challenge 6 Update Existing Reports help!

step 7

We recommend using a new Developer Edition (DE) to check this challenge. If you're using a new DE and seeing this error, please post to the developer forums and reference error id: ZKSWPWKT

I suggest you please refresh the dashboards before checking up the challenge.

Minified React error #185; visit https://reactjs.org/docs/error-decoder.html?invariant=185

Crash During Lightning Experience Superbadge Challenge #7: Uncaught Error: Minified React error #185

Step 8

Please try refresh the dashboards.



step 9

We can’t find that you are set to receive the 'Temperature to kWh Research' report for your weekly R&D meeting.
Stuck on Dashboard super badge

Please reference ID: EDTRKUQR. Error: Restforce::ErrorCode::MalformedQuery. Message: MALFORMED_QUERY: When retrieving results with Metadata or FullName fields, the query qualificatio​ns must specify no more than one row for retrieval. Result size: 2
Hi all,

We can’t find a way to view only information for two specific accounts on the 'SolarBot Impact Dashboard', or the solution isn't called 'Marquee Accounts'.





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