"The 'New Oppty Compact Layout' compact list is not configured with the fields in the specified order."
I was having the same issue until I realized I had a duplicate! After deleting the duplicate I was able to complete the challenge. Hope this helps anybody! DON'T GIVE UP :)
重複していることに気づくまで、私も同じ問題を抱えていました。重複を削除した後、チャレンジを完了することができました。これが誰かの役に立てば幸いです!あきらめないで :)
I was having the same issue. Apparently you must arrange the fields in the specified order. If you multi-add them, the system adds them in alphabetical order; not the specified order.
The 'New Oppty Compact Layout' compact list is not configured for the opportunity object.
- 【解決】Customize Record Highlights with Compact Layouts Help
- 【未解決】The 'New Oppty Compact Layout' compact list is not configured for the opportunity object.
- 【未解決】I can't finish the creating a custom compact layout because of the error "The 'New Oppty Compact Layout' compact list is not configured for the opportunity object." I have the screenshots. Please, help me
I did the same thing! You are in the wrong area though, that was where you needed to be for the example Create a Compact Layout section. For the challenge, everything is about the same except this:
私も同じことをしました!ただし、ここは間違った領域です。ここは、「コンパクト レイアウトの作成」セクションの例で必要な場所です。このチャレンジでは、次の点を除いてすべてがほぼ同じです。
Looks like I had to delete the Energy Audit Object Manager I created through the instructions.
手順に従って作成した Energy Audit Object Manager を削除する必要があるようです。
Log out of the playground, reconnect, then click the verify button
不思議ですね、起動ボタンをクリックしてプレイグランドを指定してないなんて.... 何をしていたんでしょうか?ちょっと理解できん。
I do click on "Launch" before i start the assignment. well i can try on a different play ground and try again. thanks for the help everyone!!!
フランス語? <-- 英語にしないと解決しない
Try changing the playground language setting to English.
Try the below steps to change your language:
- Launch your playground and Click the profile image and then click the first option(settings).
- It goes to the personal information page
- Click on Language and time zone
- Change the Language and Locale to English
- So that the playground language will be changed to English
I had the same issue, I don't know if you ever solved yours but I discovered my misake.
1.) I deleated my Post Template.
2.) Clicked New Template
3.) Select Object: Changed to Opportunities. (< Mine was an Acount, missed this step.)
4.) Next. Fill all fields according to instructions.
5.) Click Save and Refresh page(s).
6.) Challenge Completed.
Energy Consultations がない?
「Lightning アプリケーションの作成とカスタマイズ」モジュールで、エネルギー相談アプリケーションを作成していますか?