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Chat Transcript

Last updated at Posted at 2021-08-31


What is the proper usage of a field that is prefixed with "Source"? Ex: Source.ToAddress





Show Chat Transcript Status On Case Record


How to track Chat Transcript Events in real time?

400 error

error response:{

"status": 400,

"message": "Salesforce failed to complete task: Message: \nSELECT Id, Body FROM LiveChatTranscript where Id = 'XXXXXXXXXXXX4X'\n ^\nERROR at Row:1:Column:22\nsObject type 'LiveChatTranscript' is not supported. If you are attempting to use a custom object, be sure to append the '__c' after the entity name. Please reference your WSDL or the describe call for the appropriate names.\r\nclientRequestId: 12wer34-self",

"error": {
"message": null,
"code": "InvalidType",
"originalMessage": null

"source": "Salesforce.Common",

"errors": []

yup, the issue is fixed basically you need to have correct mapping between permission set and the user. As in the user should add a permission set which has salesforce license.

Go to user -> choose the user with system administrator role -> edit you will see permission set on the the top -> click on that and assign a permission set who has l"salesforce license"

はい、問題は基本的に修正されています。権限セットとユーザー間のマッピングを正しく行う必要があります。ユーザーは、Salesforce ライセンスを持つ権限セットを追加する必要があります。

ユーザーに移動 -> システム管理者ロールを持つユーザーを選択 -> 編集すると、上部に権限セットが表示されます -> それをクリックして、「salesforce ライセンス」を持つ権限セットを割り当てます。


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