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認定 Platform デベロッパー資格の更新 (Winter '25)

Last updated at Posted at 2024-12-16

for ループで Iterable 変数を使用してハンズオンを実行する



コンストラクター MyIterable を作成している記述のカッコ前後の空白を除いてみてください。

Error "The parameter List cannot be null"

For anyone running into this - I was right, it was a problem with the validation. They opened a case and the resolution was as follows:

" We've thoroughly reviewed it in your org and can confirm that everything has been implemented according to the badge requirements. It appears this may be an intermittent issue that occurred while verifying the challenge. "

I tried again per their instructions, and the validation succeeded.

So if you run into this problem, wait 24 hours and try again.

この問題に遭遇した人へ - 私の考えは正しかった、それは検証の問題でした。彼らはケースを開き、解決策は次の通りでした:



したがって、この問題が発生した場合は、24 時間待ってからもう一度お試しください。

We can’t find The Annotation @IsTest for method ‘testIterableForLoop’.

The constructor MyIterable should accept parameter of type List

this. を取った↓だとOKになりました。

public Iterator<String> iterator(){
        return strings.iterator();

Just sorted it out, playground was acting weird, seems like cache or something, tried both spacing and everything to no avail. I just closed the playground and opened it again and it worked. Seems like turning it off and on again just worked.



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