
Ensure that you moved the Case object from the Available column to the Selected column.

Last updated at Posted at 2023-03-22

I was extremely careful not to miss any step. Your suggestion to clean the browser cache is what made me pass and move on to the next training.


I made exactly the same mistake misnaming the "recent cases" label, it is solved now :


Please check if you have renamed the "Recent Items" label to "Recent Cases" as mentioned in the below screenshot:


I've had the same issue, but I managed to solve it. Be sure to take every step like in trailhead description, if you miss something you will get the error about "Cases" in Selected column For me the issue began when I missed the step with naming the "Recent Items" label to "Recent Cases", so after you try numerous times your browser cache gets cluttered and even if you do it right you get the error, so clean up the browser cache and history, and after that make a new playground and follow every step and it'll work



Clearing browsing history/data worked for me.


I was extremely careful not to miss any step. Your suggestion to clean the browser cache is what made me pass and move on to the next training.


I made exactly the same mistake misnaming the "recent cases" label, it is solved now :


I've had the same issue, but I managed to solve it. Be sure to take every step like in trailhead description, if you miss something you will get the error about "Cases" in Selected column For me the issue began when I missed the step with naming the "Recent Items" label to "Recent Cases", so after you try numerous times your browser cache gets cluttered and even if you do it right you get the error, so clean up the browser cache and history, and after that make a new playground and follow every step and it'll work




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