Custom Relationship Limit ExceededCannot create new relationship. Each object can have no more than 50 custom relationships, including Master-Detail and Lookup relationships.
Finally received an answer from support. This is a known bug, that relationship fields from packages are not counted in the "Object Limits" section on the object details page. I.e. the section displays incorrect data, the object has actually reached the limit of 50 relationship fields, there's just no way to learn that other than count the fields by hand.
やっとサポートから返事が来ました。これは既知のバグであり、パッケージの関係フィールドがオブジェクトの詳細ページの「オブジェクトの制限」セクションでカウントされません。つまり、セクションに誤ったデータが表示されます。オブジェクトは実際には 50 の関係フィールドの制限に達しています。フィールドを手動でカウントする以外に、それを知る方法はありません。
Ensure that you moved the Case object from the Available column to the Selected column.
Be sure to activate and Assign as Org Default for forms factors desktop and phone.
: We couldn't find the record page for the Contact object (API: 'Contact_Record_Page')
We can't find a notification named Last Opptunities
Ok, so I deleted the notification that was built during the process of going through the trail itself, and then the assessment was marked complete after checking it again. Seems like a bug exists on this trail in which it is only reading the first notification.
Set Up Account Roles and the Role Hierarchy
Account Partner Roles Not Created
We can't find the Sales Agreement Product and Pricing - Embedded dashboard on the Sales Agreement record page. Please check the requirements and try again.
This page has an error. You might just need to refresh it.We are reporting this as error id
解決策はこれ:Created a role named Western Sales Team under Director, Direct Sales and it worked.
Created a role named Western Sales Team under Director, Direct Sales and it worked.
Candidate Record Page does not contain a 'Recent Items' component. Make sure you saved your changes and activated the page.
The 'AccountList' page does not bind to the record ID value in order to link to the record detail page
<apex:page standardController="Account" recordSetVar="accounts">
<apex:repeat value="{! accounts }" var="a">
<li> <apex:outputLink value="/{! a.ID } "></apex:outputLink>
</li> </apex:repeat>
Couldn't find the summation of annual revenue in the report 'High Value Residential
We can't find a custom object named 'Project'
Hope this helps! :) Please check for any spelling error in your label. As these challenges are case and spelling sensitive. If all else fail, perhaps redo the steps or the part that fails and it might work sometimes.
Cannot find RELATED tab near the DETAILs tab in my Trailhead Playground
"Unable to read SObject's field value[s]" on datetime fields
this conversion of datatime
fixed my issue, thanks for the reference article though