Hi I am trying to create a custom lookup and I am using the code from below url .however in vscode in getting error "this class is deprecated" for below classes . Let me know if this is fine or the code is outdated?
- $a.util.toggleclassがコミュニティで機能していません
- Winter'21での不具合
- Bell icon color の色を変えるCSS
- AuraのSLDSについて slds-theme--info -- の扱い
CompilerError: LWC1051: Forbidden tag found in template: '' tag is not allowed.
1 - Include @salesforce-ux/design-system in package.json.
2- Copy SLDS resources into /src/assets/ with scripts/copy-resources.
3- Link to the SLDS stylesheets in src/layouts/main.html.
4- Configure lwr.config.json to handle the SLDS resources.