CORS Error - 404 not found
- 【未解決】CORS Error - 404 not found
- 【新しいPlayGroundで回避】I am facing Having trouble starting a chat. I have checked URL in Visualforce page as the URL ends with instead of, I have created NEW in CORS Setting to allowlist https://* Still issue not resolved.
- ユーザーが提供した値に基づいてチャットをルーティングする必要がある
I answered my own question - you can do this without using a Flow. I used the 'set routing type' and transfer' rules in the Bot designer to route chats based on answers from the Chat user.
私自身の質問に答えました。フローを使用せずにこれを行うことができます。ボット デザイナーの「ルーティング タイプの設定」と「転送」ルールを使用して、チャット ユーザーからの回答に基づいてチャットをルーティングしました。
Unfortunately, no, I don't think there is a way to turn the shadow-root off unless it is explicitly mentioned in the script where you can close it, which I don't think it'll help!
We found the issue was with another vendor of ours whose product has their own javascript embedded on our site and it was conflicting with the embedded service after an update they had made. So, if this happens to you check with your other vendors for recent updates.