

Last updated at Posted at 2023-09-03





Rating field on the Account object: no access

I’m not sure of this challenge specifically, but in case you’re not sure how to dig into field-level security, you can get there via:

Setup>Profiles>Sales profile (as Karan said)…

**Then, once you’re there—at the Profile Detail—scroll down to the section called Field-Level Security.

**Next click View next to Account.

(You will see all your FLS for all fields on the Account object)

**Click Edit and then uncheck access as outlined in the challenge next to the Rating field.

**Save your changes.

**Resubmit the challenge.

**Wait for all the confetti to fall before moving on to the next challenge :)

The Half Dome record was not found!

I also got same issue and with debugging found that Object name was wrong as we keep on working with the previous challenge.

Setup >> Create >> Objects >> Click "Trailhead" >> Edit button >> Change the object name from "Trailblazer" to Waypoint



Connected Assets "Error This feature is not currently enabled for this user."

Data Sync is enabled by default if you turned on CRM Analytics after the Winter ’20 release. However, It's worth checking if "Enable Data sync and Connections" checkbox is enabled in Analytics setting in setup.


UTAM setup

ERROR webdriver: Request failed with status 500 due to session not created:
session not created: This version of ChromeDriver only supports Chrome version 109
Unable to create a session.

I think that the error is caused by the version of the Chrome browser and the Chrome driver not matching.

Do below steps :

  1. Check the version of chrome browser.
  2. download chromedriver of same version from https://sites.google.com/chromium.org/driver/home
  3. Give correct path in the pycharm and run the code.


We can’t find the ‘handleAugmentorChange(event)’ function fixed in display.js. Make sure you use the same code that you tested in the Console.

Trailhead can be tricky if you are working with multiple orgs because one can get easily confused about which is which. Please make sure that you are connected to the right org. The second point is to check your javascript syntax. Make sure that the syntax is 100% correct as JS can be quite sensitive. You can use one of many JS validators available online to check and validate your code.

複数の組織で作業している場合、どれがどれなのか混乱しやすいため、Trailhead は扱いにくい場合があります。正しい組織に接続していることを確認してください。 2 番目のポイントは、JavaScript の構文を確認することです。 JS は非常に機密性が高いため、構文が 100% 正しいことを確認してください。オンラインで入手できる多くの JS バリデーターの 1 つを使用して、コードをチェックおよび検証できます。

In my case I was missing the ';' at the end of the line:

this.augmentor = parseInt(event.target.value);

In the dev console it works fine without and the trailhead doesnt mention the ';' at the end of the line but, despite the app correctly working the trailhead module wouldnt complete and I kept getting the error message. Once I added the ';' to the end of the line I was able to complete the SF trailhead module successfully then.


this.augmentor = parseInt(event.target.value);

開発コンソールでは、これなしでも正常に動作し、Trailhead では「;」について言及していません。しかし、アプリが正しく動作しているにもかかわらず、Trailhead モジュールが完了せず、エラー メッセージが表示され続けました。「;」を追加したら 行の最後まで、私は SF トレイルヘッド モジュールを無事に完了することができました。

Community Site "An unexpected connection error occurred." "This error originated from Salesforce CDN partner."


For what it's worth, I resolved this and it was not a CDN issue.

The "An unexpected connection error occurred" error didn't appear in debug logs - which made sorting it out more difficult.

The underlying problem was that VisualForce page with the problems was attempting to display links that would allow a user to follow someone else in Chatter, only all the users they were suggested to follow were not Active.

We couldn't find 'Support_Home_Page'. Ensure that you have entered the correct data to create the home page.

The directions in this trail only said change the Label name. I didn't realize the API name needed to be changed from Lightning_App to Support_Home_Page


I manage to solve it as follows :-

a. In the Name credential = I follow the instruction select the "Bank"

b. In the Service Schema Relative URL = just type in /accounts/schema and it works. Anyway, tks for your help.


Receiving an error 'Unable to Access Page The value of a parameter contains a character that is not allowed or the value exceeds the maximum allowed length. Remove the character from the parameter value or reduce the value length and resubmit.


Could not find a properly routed case

Could you please check if you've skill-based routing enabled in your omni-channel settings? If yes, please disable it and then verify your challenge.

Your omni-channel settings should look something like this,



The @TestSetup method of 'MyDataGenerationTests' class does not load the CSV data correctly.

Callout failed for invocable action GetProspectLinkedinSearchTest.GetProspect Linkedin Search Test. We couldn't access the credential(s). You might not have the required permissions, or the external credential "GetProspect_Linkedin_Search_Test" might not exist.


Sales Channel field

The Sales Channel field in the Transaction Journal object is an aggregate field, which means that it calculates a value based on the values of other fields in the object. In this case, the Sales Channel field calculates the sales channel for a transaction based on the Account Type and Account Territory fields. To add the Sales Channel field to the Define Eligibility criteria for a rebate type, you need to use the Aggregate Field condition. This condition allows you to filter transactions based on the values of aggregate fields.

anypoint account with the trailhead

It appears this is related to an open bug with this project when attempting to complete it in another language other than English.

SOLUTION: In the footer of the page on the right side you'll see a language picklist. If you select English, you should be able to successfully connect to your Anypoint Platform instance.


解決策:ページの右側のフッターに言語選択リストが表示されます。英語を選択すると、Anypoint Platform インスタンスに正常に接続できるはずです。


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