

Last updated at Posted at 2022-08-01





We can't verify that email-to-case was enabled

On demand service checkbox was unchecked BUT I got solution for this problem by checking all the checkboxes under Setting section. Only checkboxes I leaved empty were "Place User Signatures before Email Threads" and "Enable On-Demand Service"

Could not locate module c/displayPanel mapped as: C:\Users\etez2\OneDrive\Desktop\Salesforce\LWC Superbadge\test lwc\test-lwc\force-app\test\jest-mocks\c\displayPanel.

sfdx force:data:soql:query --query SELECT Id,Name,Active__c FROM Account WHERE Active__c = 'Yes'


Can't upload this file please try later" 'Configure an Email Letterhead and Template' module

The issue was on my side. The file is not been uploaded to salesforce org through company assets due to security restriction. So, the laptop was not allowing the file to go the salesforce org. The issue was solved when I uploaded the file from my personal laptop.

So, its a request that first check whether your laptop is allowing you to upload the files to salesforce org.

The height of the ‘DTC Sales’ dashboard isn’t 750. Change Height to 750 and save the dashboard.

I solved the issue using other default home page in the list of pages and I assign it to sales app



We couldn't find the monthly subscription-based product version of the one-time panel. Please review the requirements and make sure the Product named 'Major Solar Panel Rental' has the correct values.

The issue was because Major Solar Panel Rental wasn't created by cloning Major Solar Panel, and hence some fields/sections like Renewals and Salesforce Billing Configuration weren't copied over.

[object Object]> message shown on Page Layout


In that case the user with the error message - do they have access to the Apex?
Without it the component may not work as expected hence the issue

'550 5.7.54 SMTP; Unable to relay recipient in non-accepted domain'

Please check this article.

550 5.7.54 SMTP; Unable to relay recipient in non-accepted domain

We can't find a quote line record for the 'Laser Printer' product for quote 'Q-00001'.

thank you everyone, it worked. I forgot to press 'Save' a 2nd time which resulted in the error message.
みんなありがとう、うまくいきました。「保存」を 2 回押すのを忘れたため、エラー メッセージが表示されました。



The "Update or Create?" decision isn't properly configured. Check the instructions for how to set the API name and the default connector label.

Configuring the update create- decision

The 'Sales Rep Win Rates' report's 'Win Rate' column does not appear to have the correct summary formula. Please check the requirements.

I was having this problem and noted that I had not set the win rate to a percentage and left it as a number.


Remote Server returned '550 5.7.708 Service unavailable. Access denied, traffic not accepted from this IP "Send through Office 365" is enabled, and the sending user account is listed in "The users who have linked to Salesforce from Outlook."

Email not sent #Email
この問題は、Microsoft サポートによって解決されました。

これは Microsoft 内の新しいテナントであるため、Microsoft からより「厳しい」管理を受ける傾向があります。

Exchange Online の制限がトリガーされたため、テナントがブロックされました。残念ながら、どの制限がトリガーされたかについての詳細はわかりません。問題は、Salesforce からのみ、Outlook で同じメール テストを実行しても問題がなかったことです。

Unable to login via API when username password is in URL for Experience Cloud 502 bad gateway

The similar issue has been reported, but it doesn't seem to be resolved.

Occasional 502 Bad Gateway Messages

502 bad gateway error on Customer Experience Site

We couldn't find a Text Area (Long) field named 'Notes'.


Prior to filing this bug the field in question was a Text Area which I later edited to a Text Area (Long). All the info is correct, but I feel the editing opration threw the challenge validator off. I removed the field and added it back which fixed my issue.



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