Permission Set Group が表示されない
Update the Sales Orders permission set to allow editing activated orders in the Sales app.
If you haven't already completed the step-by-step instructions in this unit, do that now or you won’t be able to complete this challenge.
We can’t find a permission set group named ‘Sales_Processing’. Make sure you completed all of the step-by-step instructions in this unit.
- 何も指定せずにボタンをクリックした場合。
I was having this same error. It turns out that the API name of my permission set “Sales_Orders” was written as “Sales_Order”. I put in the letter 's' and that was it.
私も同じエラーに遭遇しました。権限セット「Sales_Orders」の API 名が「Sales_Order」と書かれていたことが判明しました。文字「s」を入力しただけでした。
We can’t find a permission set group named ‘Sales_Processing’ with the correct permission sets in it
Where I went wrong was in naming the second permission set. I named it "Contracts" instead of "Sales Contracts". The error message was incredibly unhelpful in figuring that out.
I just reviewed everything again I forgot the "s" in sales orders when labeling everything.
Sales Contracts
- 権限セットグループを作成するを終了した場合
In the Sales Orders permission set, we can’t find the ‘Edit Activated Orders’ permission enabled for the Sales app.
- 説明のところをすべて終了しても以下のメッセージです。
In the Sales Orders permission set, we can’t find the ‘Edit Activated Orders’ permission enabled for the Sales app.
In the Sales Processing permission set group, we can’t find a muting permission set named ‘Contracts_Permissions_Muted’. Make sure you completed all of the step-by-step instructions in unit 2.
- 何も指定せずにボタンをクリックした場合。
3.[権限セット] で [グループ内のミュート権限セット] をクリックします。
4.[すべて表示] と [すべて変更] オブジェクト権限をミュートします。
6.[設定の検索] に「契約」と入力し、[有効契約の削除] を選択します。
Elisa の権限を「Sales Contracts (販売契約)」権限セットに追加しましょう。「Sales Contracts (販売契約)」権限セットで対象の権限を有効にします。
同じ質問:Permission Set Groups Mute Permissions in Permission Set Groups
[有効契約の削除] 権限を有効にします。
契約に対する [すべて表示] 権限と [すべて変更] 権限を有効にします。
1.[有効契約の削除] 権限を有効にします。したら、自動で2つにチェックが入った。
2.契約に対する [すべて表示] 権限と [すべて変更] 権限を有効にします。
In the Sales Processing permission set group, we can’t find a muting permission set named ‘Contracts_Permissions_Muted’. Make sure you completed all of the step-by-step instructions in unit 2.
ミュートの名前を間違えた -
we can’t find a muting permission set named ‘Contracts_Permissions_Muted’
Goto permission set group 'Contract Permission' & clicked muted permission set group
If Api name is not correct, Delete & create again
In the Contracts_Permissions_Muted muting permission set, we can’t find the ‘Edit’ and ‘Delete’ object permissions muted for contracts.
- 一応説明のところは終わった段階でのエラー。
I was checking contacts not Contracts SMH
- こんにちは。パーミッションセットグループの最後のセクション:セットグループのパーミッションをミュートしようとしていますが、この手順を通過できません。どんなアドバイスでも大歓迎です。
- Permission set group
- Insufficient Privileges:You do not have the level of access necessary to perform the operation you requested. Please contact the owner of the record or your administrator if access is necessary.
I'm signed as a system admin and my "Manage Profiles and Permission Sets" are selected. I changed Playground for new, and now everything is alright.
We can’t find a permission set group named ‘Sales_Orders’ with the correct permission sets in it.
I see I had to Edit Activated Orders
アクティブ化された注文を編集する必要がありました 。
- Activated Orders permission enabled for the Sales app but the challenge is not passing
- Hands on Challenge: Create a Permission Set Group
- Permission Set Groups challenge issue: "can't find perm set group named sales_orders"
Where I went wrong was in naming the second permission set. I named it "Contracts" instead of "Sales Contracts". The error message was incredibly unhelpful in figuring that out.
エラー 権限がない
Had the same issue.
What I did to fix was the following,
I was getting the error when searching for contracts within the find settings search box. Instead, I went to my sales processing permission>muting perm. set in group>contracts permission muted>object settings>contracts> From here you can now mute edit and delete to complete the trailhead.
Same issue with these instructions below as it was not clear where the FIND SETTINGS referred to, therefore, I performed should address and replace this portion of the Trailhead instructions
Add permission to activate orders.
1 .In Find Settings, type Orders and then select Activate Orders.
2. Click Edit.
3. Scroll to Sales and enable Activate Orders.
4. Save the permission set. A Permission Changes Confirmation box opens. Notice that both Read Order and Edit Order were also enabled. That’s because Order Activation depends on being able to read and edit orders.
5. Save your changes.
Add permission to create and delete orders.
- In Find Settings, type Orders and then select Orders.
- Click Edit.
- Enable the Create and Delete object permissions.
- Save your changes.
What I did to finish this Challenge:
After creating the new Sales Orders permission set, return to the Permission Sets listing and click on Sales Orders. Under the second section should read "Apps" with a listing of unlined additional setting, Assigned Apps, Assigned Connected Apps, and next is Object Settings. Click on Object Settings. On the next screen scroll down to and click on ORDERS. And now under the ORDER section, click on the EDIT button. Click on the Create and Delete. You should now have Read, Create, Edit and Delete checked and then save button.
Now from the Permission Sets listing again, click on Sales Orders and under the second section, Apps, click on the next one after Object Settings, App Permissions.
Here is where you click on Edit to the right of App Permissions section, and scroll down to the SALES section and click the ACTIVATE ORDERS and (before saving, you might as well click about 5 lines down on the EDIT ACTIVATED ORDERS) then save. You will be told to do this at the bottom in the Your Challenge section prior to clicking on the Check Challenge button)
This is where you see the pop up box Permission Changes Confirmation.
Now you are ready to move on to create another permission set called Sales Contracts
After creating the new Sales Contracts, perform the similar steps as above... go to the Apps and click on Object Settings. This time scroll down to Contracts. Be careful not to click on Contacts vs Contracts. Then click the Edit and then Create and Delete. Save.
Go back to the Trailhead instructions and pick them up at
Create Users
Permission sets and permission set groups are worthless without users. So first, add two users to your org.
- In Setup, open Users.
- Create two users:
can't find perm set group named sales_orders
Thanks for the responses. Where I went wrong was in naming the second permission set. I named it "Contracts" instead of "Sales Contracts". The error message was incredibly unhelpful in figuring that out.
We can’t find the ‘Sales User Muted’ muting permission set related to the ‘Sales User’ permission set group." after clicking "check challenge
問題は権限セットの編集ではなく、権限セットが削除されると、その権限セット内のミュート権限セットにアクセスできなくなりますが、ミュート権限セットはまだ存在するため、トレイル ヘッドが検索する特定の名前のミュート権限セットを作成できなくなります。
We can’t find the ‘Sales User Muted’ muting permission set related to the ‘Sales User’ permission set group.
So, the instructions were unclear to me as I created the Sales User Muted under Permission Sets and not Permission Set Groups. I in a workshop to complete my admin certification. Another student help me to identify this issue. Once I created the "Sales User Muted" within the Permission Set Groups, I was able to pass the Trailhead module.
そのため、権限セット グループではなく権限セットの下にセールス ユーザー ミュートを作成したため、手順がわかりにくくなりました。私は管理者認定を完了するためのワークショップに参加していました。別の学生がこの問題を特定するのを手伝ってくれました。権限セット グループ内に「セールス ユーザー ミュート」を作成すると、Trailhead モジュールに合格できました。