- Mac Os Big Sur ではデータローダが動かないようです 2020/11/19時点
- Data Loader Mac Big Sur インストールエラー(再燃かな)
- Can't download Data Loader on Mac M1
- macOSでローマ数字が入ったレポートをエクスポートすると文字化けする
【CLI】 Bad CPU type in executable
With the release of v8.4.0 a few days ago the support for ARM based mac OS machines (e.g. M1) was added:
It will still fail if you only tap it and leave out the version in your install command, so you'll need to enter:
brew install cloudfoundry/tap/cf-cli@8
I've ended up re-installing the CLI using brew and that worked!
Node? version is 10.13.6 Symbol not found: ____chkstk_darwin
my mac version is 10.13.6
node version v16.17.0
LWC MacBook Pro running MacOS Sonoma 14.1.2
Command 'SFDX: Authorize an Og' resulted in an error
CLI Command process failed to start