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Billing Specialist

Last updated at Posted at 2021-10-24


Step 4

Billing specialist Superbadge challenge-4

Step 6

We Couldn't find the correct settings for Tax Integration on the Salesforce Bulling settings.

Billing Specialist Superbadge Challenge 6

Step 8


Billing Specialist Challenge - 8 || Provisioning Product Values

Step 9

We can't find the Flow 'Order Automation' with the decision element created according to the requirements.

Billing Specialist Superbadge Challenge 9

We recommend using a new Developer Edition (DE) to check this challenge. If you're using a new DE and seeing this error, please post to the developer forums and reference error id: YTEREAWZ

By checking of Challenge 9 for Billing SPecialist Superbadge Challenge 9 following error appears

Billing Specialist Superbadge Challenge 9

We can't find the Flow 'Order Automation' with the decision element created according to the requirements.

Billing Specialist Superbadge Challenge 9 - 'Order Automation'



Billing Specialist - Step #15

We couldn't find the Order linked to the Quote named 'Q-00015', with the correct address, Invoice Batch, zeroed Total Amount, and Tax Amount. Please make sure the record exists, it contains the correct values according to the requirements, and please try again.

I found the issue. I manually Activated and contracted the Orders instead of inserting the Provisioning Date. It looks like the blank field was what was causing the error. Make sure that you use your PB processes (maybe Flows when you are reading this). If you manually order, activate, and contract you will have blank fields that could cause an error.

I am getting an error on Challenge 15 of the Billing Specialist Super Badge

Error: Restforce::ErrorCode::InvalidField. Message: INVALID_FIELD: AND blng__InvoiceBatch__c = 'White Glove ^ ERROR at Row:5:Column:5 No such column 'blng__InvoiceBatch__c' on entity 'Order'

Im Stuck at Billing Specialist SuperBadge step 15 Help me

Developer EditionのBillingパッケージの有効期限が切れたため、エラーが発生しました。


Error Occurred: The flow tried to update these records: a0u5f000000vvPeAAI. This error occurred: FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION: We can't save this record because the “Order Invoice Preparation” process failed. Give your Salesforce admin these details.


I went back and completely started over on my PB "Order Invoice Preparation". I am now past the issue.

Billing Specialist Superbadge - Challenge 16


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