フィールドがページ レイアウト上にない場合、フィールドはデバッグ ウィンドウに表示されません。問題が発生した時点では、動的ページ レイアウト/フィールドを使用していました。オブジェクトの両方のページ レイアウトにフィールドを追加すると、フィールドがデバッグに表示されるようになりました。
Did you resolve this? I'm having the same issue. It's there in the sandbox and working but in Production it's not an option. Thanks
I don't know if your flow is an screen flow or any other kind. However, I was facing the same issue and I found out that in prod environment it's not possible according to this article (specifically when it mentions "Debugging a flow as another user is available only for screen flows and autolaunched flows in nonproduction orgs."):
So I had to "debug" my screen flow in prod environment (to reproduce the same issue that I was facing in sandbox environments) using a non-admin test user and changing the layout and adding the necessary elements to invoke it.