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Activating a new survey version issue with process builder

Last updated at Posted at 2021-08-19



Activating a new survey version issue with process builder

Error - You can't activate this survey version. Either another version is referenced by one or more objects or you don't have the required permissions


The key fact to remember is that a "survey" is just another flow in Salesforce. You can actually package a survey to move to other orgs by packaging the survey flow. When you incorporate a survey flow, with Send Survey Invitation or some other flow process, it becomes one big flow. So you cannot remove any part of the big flow.

覚えておくべき重要な事実は、「調査」はSalesforceの単なる別のフローであるということです。調査フローをパッケージ化することで、実際に調査をパッケージ化して他の組織に移動できます。 Send Survey Invitationまたはその他のフロープロセスを使用して調査フローを組み込むと、1つの大きなフローになります。したがって、大きなフローのどの部分も削除することはできません。

I have not tried this, but it should work.

  1. Clone the original flow as a new flow.
  2. Remove the reference to the survey in the cloned flow and save the flow.
  3. Delete the original flow.
  4. Update the survey to a new version.
  5. Link the survey, with its new version to the new cloned flow.


Experience Cloud で認証されたユーザーに対するアンケートを作成しています。添付の質問を含むアンケートを作成してアクティブ化すると、Experience Cloud サイトでは機能しなくなります (添付の質問が存在しない場合は正常に動作します)。次のメッセージが表示されます。

Either you don't have access to respond to this survey or the default survey invitation hasn't been generated


You can't create a public invitation for this survey because one of the versions contains a question that allows attachment. Remove the question that allows attachment and try again


You can’t create a survey with attachment questions for anonymous users or generate a public invitation for surveys with attachment questions.



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