

Last updated at Posted at 2022-06-01




DOCTYPE is disallowed when the feature "http://apache.org/xml/features/disallow-doctype-decl" set to true.

I had an error in the file. If you upload the file included in the trailhead without changing anything, it works properly.


Summer '22 CPU TimeOut Issues

SF サポートから、バグ関連が解決され、この問題は発生しなくなったと連絡がありました。

Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'isLegacy')

This widget issue got resolved.

  1. Compared the widget query in QA and UAT.
  2. One of dataflow - computeExpression API name was not matching.
  3. Fix that field name in UAT , to make standard as QA.
  4. Re-run the dataflow.


We can’t find a text variable with the API name ‘opptyStage’.

As a workaround, you can use send email action. Before that, you need to add users' emails as Organization Wide Address so you can specify the sender as OrgWideEmailAddress and pass the email of the record owner. It should be like this: Record.Owner.Email. Then, the emails will be sent by the record owner because their email is listed as organization wide email address. Let me know if you have any questions.

On the Project object,we can't find the correct organization-wide defaulr sharing settings.


Make the Organization-Wide default sharing setting for the Project object to PRIVATE and tick mark the Grant Access Using Hierarchies checkbox. It help you to clear the challenge.

Go to Setup --> Sharing Settings --> Organization-Wide Defaults --> Edit --> Property Object

Please mark this question resolved after choosing an answer as the best answer which can be helpful for many other Trailblazers for similar situations.



I ran into the same issue and I got around it by setting the default internal and External access to Private for the 'Project' object and then clicking the [Recalculate] button under the 'Project Sharing Rules' section.

Set up a Salesforce Direct Query

You can give the below options a try

  • Clear the browsers cache & cookies -> Logout & login again then check challenge
  • Check your challenge in incognito mode/Private Window or in a different browser .
    I will recommend that you should create a new playground and complete this task there.

If the issue still persists, please log a case.



[エキスパートコーチング] Event Monitoring Analytics クイックスタート




errorCode": "PROCESSING_HALTED","message": "Invalid reference specified. No value for refOpportunity.Sub_Call_Type__c found in refOpportunity. Provided referenceId ('refOpportunity.Sub_Call_Type__c')

Set the below three fields properly, and this is working for me.

engagement studio シナリオ構築の方法

Unfortunately, This won't work in Pardot. However, this can achieve in Salesforce integrated with Pardot and get the data synced back to Pardot which will trigger the email sent on a particular date. (any CRM that can support the formula fields and workflows will work here) Otherwise, in Pardot this would be a one-time setup for the whole year.

New Account action is not displaying on the app page : Build an App Home Lightning Page

I found the answer from Mikey Brown in another thread with the same question. Each action has to use a specific record type, go to the New Account global action and make sure that a record type is selected other than the default --Master--.

No "Visit Execution" option in Action Plan template


I'm following the same steps mentioned there but not able to finish step #2. If you compare my screenshot with the one in step #2, there is no "Visit Execution" picklist option in Action Plan Type picklist. That's the problem.

Assign Barbara Levy the Express Logistics and Transport Partner Manager role.

It worked out!!! I had to create a NEW contact associate the partner account and activate. The user and manager roles have been recreated

Path & Highlights Panel have no data available to display component contents


thats what i had to do! just had to make a new playground in order for it to work right. Just wish i knew why it wasnt working for the next time i might run into this issue!

Salesforce is currently upgrading the template used to sign up your organization. Please try again soon.

Thanks for the replies. In fact I concluded that I was not able to create the org from Saudi Arabia, but at the same time, a friend of mine was able to create the org from Denmark, so when I used a VPN it worked.

The explanation that I got is that salesforce was running at that point un update to the platform in the background that was causing my error.

Concluding, it seemed like it was a matter of time for it to start working again as I did not do anything different.


Error Hostname must be a valid Salesforce hosted domain

Something went wrong

Make sure the Save Payment Method is uncheck at check out. That has seen to have worked for us and our members are able to pay for their membership as well as for upcoming events until Fonteva releases a new patch to address, once again, these constant bugs, they seem to keep introducing every time the push out a new update or upgrade. Hope this works for your Org.


Why does my screen look different from the video in the module? I can't find the page that has these options. My screen within the setup-Profile-StandardProfileNoAcctDelete screen looks like the picture below.

Can't complete Challenge for "Create New Users and Allow a User to Delete Accounts"

We could not find the criteria 'Hiring Manager Not Blank' with the necessary condition. Double-check the instructions.

I think it's because of the point at the end of the criteria name, try to deactivate the process clone it as a new version, rename the criteria (delete the point) then save, activate the new version of the process and check again.



This package can’t be installed. There are problems that prevent this package from being installed. Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation: Class HandlerFindContact : WHERE Name LIKE :key ^ ERROR at Row:2:Column:20 field 'Name' can not be filt

Please check this article.

Deployment error 'Dependent class is invalid and needs recompilation'

In the Energy and Biotech Accounts list view, we can't find all accounts displayed.



PROBLEM with unit "Code with Salesforce Languages"

We can't find the Process Builder Flow 'Notification: Case for Large Account'.

So I tossed out the Cases org I had done this in and created a new Cases Redo playground. I started at the beginning of the module and copied and pasted every single thing being careful not to have extra spaces or punctuations and VOILA! I don't know what was missing the first time around and I'm guessing it was something that wasn't typed/copied correctly.


The Apex class doesn't use the '@future' annotation. Make sure the method uses the @future annotation.

It look like you have any "AccountDeletion" Trigger on Account object which is failing. Can you please deactivate the same trigger and try above code again. Please follow below steo:-

  1. Please deactivate trigger "AccountDeletion"
  2. Execute Test Class again
  3. Check your challange



A user in our organization is getting an error of "Error occurred while retrieving the support request. Please contact your system administrator."



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