Finally I was able to resolve this issue. Due to errors in given exercise, I tried performing same exercise twice. Hence "Customer Account Page" was already existing while I tried to create another one. Once I deleted this page, I was able to create and save page correctly.
最後にこの問題を解決することができました。与えられた演習でエラーが発生したため、同じ演習を 2 回実行しようとしました。したがって、別のページを作成しようとしたときに、「顧客アカウントページ」がすでに存在していました。このページを削除したら、ページを正しく作成して保存できました。
This Unique Name already exists or has been previously used. Please choose a different name.
Are there any deleted items left in the recycle bin?
I think there will be no duplication if you delete it from the recycle bin as well.
DeveloperName フィールドへのアクセスを必要とするユーザーに付与する
Are there any deleted items left in the recycle bin?
I think there will be no duplication if you delete it from the recycle bin as well.
既に存在しているというエラー 解決している例は見たことない闇
A flow or process named Add_Generator_Product_to_Named_Opps-1 already exists
esterday after trying to figure it out i created a new trailhead playground and diconnected the old one and went ahead created the steps for the chapter and was able to comple the user management module of the trail head. I was able to save the muted permissions with given API name and save it in a new trailhead platform.
lightning app builder
Customer Account Page のレコードページのアップグレード
There may already be a record page with the same API name.
Try deleting or renaming it
Goto Setup -->Lightning App Builder
Create a Custom Lightning Record Page
There may already be a record page with the same name.
Goto Setup --> Lightning App Builder
Try renaming or deleting the existing record page