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Prepare Your Salesforce Org for Users > Set Up the Exchange Rate

Last updated at Posted at 2023-05-07

We couldn’t find the new opportunity with the correct information. Ensure that you have entered the opportunity information correctly.


Try changing the playground language setting to English.

If you're already set to English, try using the new playground

In Amount you have to write 10000 instead of 10,000 as mentioned in assignment.


the name of the opportunity is 'Euro Currency Test'




Try changing the playground language setting to English.

Try the below steps to change your language:

  1. Launch your playground and Click the profile image and then click the first option(settings).
  2. It goes to the personal information page
  3. Click on Language and time zone
  4. Change the Language and Locale to English
  5. So that the playground language will be changed to English

Please check if the name of the opportunity is 'Euro Currency Test' without any spaces in the beginning or end.

Other than that check if the opportunity is Closed Won, Close date is last month. Refresh the page once you have edited the rates so that the new rates are shown. Please see my screenshot for reference.



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