

Last updated at Posted at 2022-11-01




We can't find a Visibility Rules associate with the Tracking Number field.

I went to an old playground and completed the above steps and it worked.


Close or Abort a Job on Bulk API 2.0 Challenge

Job fails when using "PATCH Close or Abort a Job" on Bulk API 2.0 Challenge

We couldn't find a validation rule named 'Support plan expiration date required' on the Account object

I don't know how it just launched the wrong Playground.

can't able to select" vertical bar chart'' option in add component

can't able to select" vertical bar chart'' option in add component

We can’t find an order with just ‘Router’ and ‘WiFi Access Point’ products.

Generate Multiple Orders from a Single Quote

Please uncheck the Ordered field and remove/delete all the Orders from Quote Q-00022. Follow the steps - Open Q-00022>Edit>Uncheck>Ordered>Save Goto Quote Q-00022 Order Related List Delete all the orders to remove the product from the Quote.

Now, Open Q-00023>Edit>Check>Ordered>Save

In the Top Right Corner, You will find Create Order>Click>Select Account>Select Date>Select Quote>Save In the Top Right Corner of the Order, You will see Edit Order Product>Click>Select Products (WiFi Installation and Warranty)>Save Do the same for the other Order and Select Products (Router and Wifi Access Point)>Save

ContactName" screen component isn't properly configured.

I have decided to delete the previous flow and create a new one from scratch. It works properly now.

We could not find the criteria 'Position Ready for Approval' or the criteria are incorrectly defined.

i have been doing "Create a Process for Submitting Positions for Approval" module .i completed every step but i receiving an error"We could not find the criteria 'Position Ready for Approval' or the criteria are incorrectly defined. Double-check the instr

Ensure that you moved the Case object from the Available column to the Selected column.

I had the same issue. I named the recent items label 'RecentCases' instead of 'Recent Cases'
Once that was resolved, I was able to pass successfully

同じ問題がありました。最近のアイテムのラベルに「Recent Cases」ではなく「RecentCases」という名前を付けました

Pulling an Expired Asset Report


When user try to login, he gets this "The service is temporarily unavailable" page

Error Occurred: An Apex error occurred: System.NullPointerException: null input to JSON parser


Western Sales Team がロールにない


Create Reports and Dashboards for Sales and Marketing Managers

I was also facing the same issue, what i realised was,

i created both folders in Reports.

Global Sales Reports should be created in Reports(click on Reports tab, and create new folder)

​​​​​global sales dashboard should be created in Dashboards(click on Dashboards tab, and create new folder)


We couldn't find a field named Target Deployment Date" Please see the attached screenshot of the list under "Fields & Relationships

The flow failed because QuoteLineItem.Award_Price__c of data type software.amazon.ion.Decimal doesn’t support the value . Ask your developer to change the data type or customize the flow error message for users who run the flow.

We couldn't find an opportunity named 'United Oil Office Portable Generators' assigned to the record type 'B2B Opportunities' with the stage of 'Closed Won'. Please double check the instructions.

I wait a couple of days, I created a new playground... and redid all the step carefully ... now it works

GW_Volunteers.VOL_JRS_MaintainShifts: execution of AfterInsert caused by: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING, Required fields are missing: [Shift_Name__c]: [Shift_Name__c] (GW_Volunteers)

【既知の問題】SFDO Grants Management: Invite Applicant error

Upon exiting the Invite Applicant button (either by sending the invite or clicking the "X" button), the page loses focus and on the next click on the screen, an error is thrown.

we couldn't find a New Feature record.

Please follow as below,

1.Go to Object Manger -> Choose New Feature Object -> Fields & Relationships -> Decision Status -> Edit the picklist value set -> Remove "," in picklist values set & Save.

2.Edit the Flow New Feature record -> Decision Status choose proposed & Save the record & Check the Challenge.

We couldn't find a report named 'Travel Requests by Department' in the Public Reports folder.


I think you are having two reports with same name ,try to delete one then try the challenge

Insurance Agent Console for Sales and Service > Automate Repetitive Business Processes with Salesforce Flow

Answers could not be typed directly, they had to be copied and pasted from the instructions.

Action failed: flexipageEditor:surface$controller$doInit [Cannot read property 'interactions' of undefined]

The 'My Shifts Pending Approval' report does not have the correct filter.

PFA, the report config.
Well, this worked out for me.
And if you are stuck with anything in this Superbadge Just recheck your schema.
If the Schema is correct you are almost through it.


In the 'Monthly Active Subscribers' lens, we can't find a Bar group for 'Month'.

I was able to pass the challenge yesterday. I followed quite a bit of troubleshooting techniques found in the community so not quite sure what the root cause of the failure was. My recommendation is standing up a new hands-on org and re-doing the previous module (Retrieve and Automate App Analytics Data) to ensure all steps in setting up the org and retrieving the data are completed properly.


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