
The error message that occurred in Tableau CRM

Last updated at Posted at 2022-02-16

Something went wrong while executing the remoteSync ... というエラーメッセージには複数の種類がありそうなので、気付いたらここに追加しておきたいと思います。

Something went wrong while executing the remoteSync_ node: Specified object is invalid: Request was never execute

However, it did point to disabling "Lock sessions to the IP address from which they originated" as a resolution. This was one of the changes the customer made, as they enabled Lock sessions to the IP address.

ただし、解決策として「セッションを発信元の IP アドレスにロックする」を無効にすることを示していました。これは、お客様が行った変更の 1 つで、IP アドレスへのセッションのロックを有効にしたためです。

Something went wrong while executing the Sync_Contact node: Field [DonorApi__Suffix__c] is not available. Verify that the field exists and that the Analytics Cloud Integration User profile has Read level access on the field. [error category: USER]

For #2 I disconnected the contact table and reconnected and all is fine now! :) For #1 I have started changing ownership of the extracts and then the visualizations.. I also changed ownership of the syncs in Data Manager

#2については、連絡先テーブルを切断して再接続しましたが、すべて問題ありません! :) #1 では、抽出の所有権を変更し、次にビジュアライゼーションの所有権を変更し始めました。データ マネージャーで同期の所有権も変更しました。

Something went wrong while executing the Sync_litify_pm__Intake__c node: Field [CloneSourceId] is not available. Verify that the field exists and that the Analytics Cloud Integration User profile has Read level access on the field. [error category: USER]


Something went wrong while executing the Sync_(Object) node: [error category: SYSTEM]: Batch 7515j00000642P5AAI Failed: InternalServerError : Failed to write query result. Contact support with error ID: 394069470-4940324 (977172208) (Retry limit reached) (02K5j000000YWxaEAG_03C5j0000020jHQEAY)

Something went wrong while executing the remoteSync_ node: Specified object is invalid: Request was never execute

However, it did point to disabling "Lock sessions to the IP address from which they originated" as a resolution. This was one of the changes the customer made, as they enabled Lock sessions to the IP address.


remoteSync_<オブジェクト名> ノードの実行中に問題が発生しました: 指定されたオブジェクト <オブジェクト名> は無効です: 要求は実行されませんでした

ただし、解決策として「セッションを発信元の IP アドレスにロックする」を無効にすることを示していました。これは、お客様が行った変更の 1 つで、IP アドレスへのセッションのロックを有効にしたためです。

Something went wrong while executing the Digest1 node: Error accessing synced dataset. [error category: USER]: Either remove fcstrevlight__FCST_Planning_Version__c as the sharing source in the register node or enable sharing inheritance for fcstrevlight__FCST_Planning_Version__c.

Something went wrong while executing the Register_Account_Contact node: Error getting or creating container [error category: USER]: 202: The Dataset API Name can only contain underscores and alphanumeric characters. It must be unique, begin with a letter, not include spaces, not end with an underscore, and not contain two consecutive underscores.; 254718364-5550 (-630714228) (02K8X000000SgKMUA0_03C8X000002uh6mUAA)Data Sync isn’t scheduled for the SFDC_Local connection used in this job. Your data is only as up to date as the last manual sync. Schedule Data Sync from the Connect tab to make sure the job has the latest data.


Our Dataflow job fails with the following error: Something went wrong while executing the sfdcDigest_Account node: Error during local fetch [error category: USER]: Replicated dataset was not found. Verify that the replication dataflow for object 'Account'

Comments in my query (related to the article shared)
Permissions and privileges look good on the Analytics user profile
Account object visible in Connected Objects
Sync for the Account and User objects successful on the Connect screen (DataManager)

Dataflow Error: 'Error during local fetch: Replicated dataset was not found'

クエリのコメント (共有された記事に関連)
アクセス許可と特権は、Analytics ユーザー プロファイルで適切に表示されます
接続されたオブジェクトに表示されるアカウント オブジェクト
接続画面 (DataManager) でアカウントとユーザー オブジェクトの同期が成功しました。

Something went wrong while executing the Compute 1 node: invalid field expression for field 'CloseDateMonth' [error category: USER]: Cannot use date access function: "month" without timezone (02K7Y000000sdNCUAY_03C7Y000001rf1tUAA)

Using CloseDate_Month - which is automatically generated by CRM Analytics as soon as you digest the CloseDate from an SF object - might be even easier than generating it in a compute expression :-)

SF オブジェクトから CloseDate をダイジェストするとすぐに CRM Analytics によって自動的に生成される CloseDate_Month を使用すると、計算式で生成するよりもさらに簡単になる可能性があります :-)

DataflowInstance 03C8D000000ZL7PUAW cancelled. Hmm, that didn't work. Please try running the recipe again. Error ID: 2000-3459adf4-0eP8D0000004LGl. If the error occurs again, contact Salesforce Customer Support.

Recipe error: Hmm, that didn't work. Please try running the recipe again. Error ID: 2000-XXXXX-XXXXX

I had the same error 2 weeks ago.

I could somewhat get around it when looking at Numeric Overflow. Was able to run some of my recipes - not all.

See this article: https://help.salesforce.com/s/articleView?id=000393405&type=1

Something went wrong while executing the Register_Account_Contact node: Error getting or creating container [error category: USER]: 202: The Dataset API Name can only contain underscores and alphanumeric characters. It must be unique, begin with a letter, not include spaces, not end with an underscore, and not contain two consecutive underscores.; 1720323675-69226 (-630714228) (02K5i0000021IJwEAM_03C5i0000066U32EAE)Data Sync isn’t scheduled for the SFDC_Local connection used in this job. Your data is only as up to date as the last manual sync. Schedule Data Sync from the Connect tab to make sure the job has the latest data.

Something went wrong while executing the ConvertToEdgemart node: failed to create KeyValueType list: invalid field-name, '$SystemSnapshotStamp' (02K2T000000gNZUUA2_03C2T000001QR2FUAW)

unfortunately the system-generated field "$SystemSnapshotStamp" isn't supported in recipes. If you don't need the field in the output dataset or you have flexibility to change the API name, you can either drop the field, or use the "Edit Attribute" transform to change the API name (by removing the $ sign).

Something went wrong while executing the RemoteOutput_g.f9c0dd7a-5e07-4c98-8d74-f2e056b203ec node: Failed to get row count and file size: Found failed records [1] out of [1], please check for bulk jobIds [7508X00000jl6Y3QAI] for more details (02K8X000001UuFCUA0_03C8X000004q4vVUAQ)

Something went wrong while executing the Dataflow node: Error during local fetch [error category: USER]: Replicated dataset was not found. Verify that the replication dataflow for object 'fc_demo' completed successfully. (02K5x000000x5l6EAA_03C5x000006BL9LEAW)Data Sync isn’t scheduled for the SFDC_Local connection used in this job. Your data is only as up to date as the last manual sync. Schedule Data Sync from the Connect tab to make sure the job has the latest data.


I'm not sure we've ever run into an issue with running too many syncs at once. They are all scheduled out in a way that prevents this. However, the issue was fixed by re-running all syncs and then re-running dataflows. It just feels like a sudden thing to have break without reason. We noticed it break on a holiday when everyone was offline anyways and the scheduled sync remained completely the same. Just felt sudden is more so my point.


Something went wrong while executing the Sync_Account node: Fields [PersonFirstEmailDateTime, PersonFirstCallDateTime] are not available. Verify that the fields exists and that the Analytics Cloud Integration User profile has Read level access on the fields

Here was my final resolution:

  1. Remove these fields from loading in to any recipe and dataflow
  2. In the Account object, uncheck all fields. When I did this, the Save button was no longer grayed out
  3. I rechecked the fields I needed, excluding those 2

Something went wrong while executing the Append_LatestSnapshot node: Error dimension Last_Agency_Visit__c has different date type across datasets (02K3m000001Jl0fEAC_03CQh000001O7EKMA0)

Something went wrong while executing the CovertToEdgemart node: signal: killed


Something went wrong while executing the Digest2 node: Error accessing synced dataset. [error category: USER]: All fields used in a recipe must be included in data sync. Add the field [Amount__c]], from object Case to data sync for your local Salesforce connection

Found it in the JSON, recreated the Case input node and re-ran the recipe

Something went wrong while executing the digest node: empty dataset [error category: USER]: Only the dataflow owner or users with the View All Data permission can download the log.?

empty dataset [error category: USER]: Only the dataflow owner or users with the View All Data permission can download the log. (02Kak000000OsvJEAS_03Cak000000UjJ3EAK).

I have been overwhelmed at work and am just getting back to this. I tried to upload the file again, and it worked this time! I feel like I did the exact same thing, though it is possible when choosing the date format that I didn't click the "Apply to All Dates" last time. I'm not certain.


Something went wrong while executing the Sync_Account node: [error category: LIMIT]: The number of failed rows exceeded the 10000 limit. Only the dataflow owner or users with the View All Data permission can download the log.

From-ConvertToEdgemart node: Row-level sharing source information for [Object XXX] is missing. [error category: SYSTEM] (02KPt0000017B7qMAE_03CPt000001ulBlMAI)

Something went wrong while executing the ExtractProcessedApexUnexpectedException node: Error in GetEdgemartCurrentData for edgemart ApexUnexpectedExceptionProcessed [error category: USER]: No edgemarts found with specified URL:esObject/edgemart?current=true&alias=ApexUnexpectedExceptionProcessed (02KKH000000ThNV2A0_03CKH000000QCTv2AO)

Hi! can you make sure if this analytics setting 'Extract Adoption Analytics Metadata via Dataflow' is enabled in your org . If the setting is enabled give it a day of time (salesforce loads log data 24 hrs once as file uploads. you will be able to see this via job monitor). After this try running the dataflow.

こんにちは!この分析設定「データフロー経由で導入分析メタデータを抽出する」が組織で有効になっているかどうかを確認していただけますか。この設定が有効になっている場合は、1 日分の時間を指定します (Salesforce は、ファイルのアップロードとしてログ データを 24 時間ごとにロードします。これはジョブ モニターで確認できます)。この後、データフローを実行してみてください。

Something went wrong while executing the Sync_LightningUriEvent node: [error category: USER]: MALFORMED_QUERY: ;Id > '0bh000000000000' ORDER BY Id ASC LIMIT 1 OFFSET 249999; ^;ERROR at Row:1:Column:72;field 'Id' can not be sorted in a query call [error category: USER] [error code: 213] (02K9X0000033g0zUAA_03C9X000003DS9dUAG)

This is due to the limitation that LightningURIEvent is managed in BigObjects and does not support Analytics.

これは、LightningURIEvent が BigObjects で管理され、Analytics をサポートしていないという制限によるものです。


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