
Last updated at Posted at 2022-06-07

Trailhead関係 個別の課題別 に戻る



Consegui :) realmente tive que colocar todas as palavras/comandos em inglês.


You need to check if somehow you missed field level security Click on the field and check field level security.

You need to check field level security.

Field Level Security in salesforce


You need to check if somehow you missed field level security Click on the field and check field level security.

  1. From Setup, open Object Manager, and then in the Quick Find box, enter the name of the object containing the field.
  2. Select the object, and then click Fields & Relationships.
  3. Select the field you want to modify.
  4. Click Set Field-Level Security.
  5. Specify the field's access level.
  6. Save your changes.



I was having the same issue. What solved it was I went into a contact record and clicked on "edit" then my currency field showed up. I added in a dollar amount and clicked save. I then went back to the complete challenge button and it scored and passed me.

Whenever I am creating custom object offer__c, it is coming under Sales tab instead of the dream house app.

We could not find a custom object 'Offer__c'.


Try changing the playground language setting to English.

I am also having issues with the 'Offer_c' object field being recognized by the challenge complete thingy. I followed your steps to make sure I was in the correct place and confirmed the api and I do see 'Offer_c'. I tried even to recreate the object and when I click the save button it says that the object name is already in use so it is for sure there and saved. I am not sure what else to do to complete the challenge so I can move on down the trail. Any assistance would be very appreci


The field 'Street_Address__c' either does not exist on the Property__c object or it is not of type text area.


Try changing the playground language setting to English.

If you are using a different languange, pay attention to the fileds name and the correct name for the object you named. In my case, my trailhead language is in portuguese, so the object name in this case was 'propriedade' instead of 'property', wich caused the error. I think they could correct this bug.



Property がない



I think you need to change API Name : Close_Reason__c -> Close_Reasons__c

The field 'Target_Close_Date__c' either does not exist on the Offer__c object or it is not of type date.

Make sure you have created the Field API Named as Target_Close_Date__c in Offer__c Object.

also you have choose Date dataType for this field.
Please check the field level security (FLS) of Target_Close_Date__c field.

The field 'State__c' either does not exist on the Zip_Code__c object or it is not of type Text.

The field 'Loan_Amount__c' either does not exist on the Contact object or it is not of type currency.


Can you please delete the field from Contact object and recreate it again? If the issue persists please create a new playground and try creating the Loan Amount field in Contact object again.

I have created another playground and the API name was still coming same but this time it works.

別のプレイグラウンドを作成しましたが、API 名は依然として同じですが、今回は機能します。

Recruiting App-Create Formula and Roll-Up Summary Fields


Couldn't find field labeled 'Discount Percentage' on the opptunity object.


The field 'Contact__c' either does not exist on the Offer__c object or it is not a lookup relationship.


Unable to find a picklist field named "Shirt" in the Product object


これで気づけばよかった... カスタムオブジェクトに設定しているのが原因でした



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