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We created a contract and expected the 'Days_Remaining__c' field to show the number of days remaining until the contract end date, but it didn't. Make sure your formula subtracts today's date from the contract end date.

Last updated at Posted at 2022-11-24


I have reviewed the issue in your org and see that you have created a custom field(End Day). But you have to use the standard field (EndDate) in formula which will validate the challenge successfully.

組織の問題を確認したところ、カスタム項目 (終了日) が作成されていることがわかりました。ただし、チャレンジを正常に検証するには、数式で標準フィールド (EndDate) を使用する必要があります。

new playground 特に数式が正しい時


I think the formula is correct.
Have you set the Field Level Security correctly?
Are you connected to the correct playground?

If you've checked the above and it still doesn't work, we recommend trying it in a new playground.

Can confirm making a new playground and submitting the exact same formula allowed me to pass it.


The label is the Contract End Date


None of the suggestions helped me. Most of them I have already try it and mentioned also in my post. I decided to create a new playground and that was the solution. Nothing else worked and I did not change a thing when I used the new playground.


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