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Health Cloud:トレイルヘッド関連のまとめ

Last updated at Posted at 2023-12-14

Health Cloudのまとめに戻る


We can’t find a data use purpose named ‘Goodly Healthification Hypertension Management Consent Form’ with ‘Goodly Healthification Hypertension Management Care Program’ as its purpose.

組織を確認したところ、データ使用目的「Goodly Healthification 高血圧管理同意書」が 2 つ作成されていることがわかり、重複したものを削除した後、エラーが発生しました。チェックは期待どおりに機能しています。

I've verified your Org and can see you've created two Data Use Purposes "Goodly Healthification Hypertension Management Consent Form" hence the error, After deleting the duplicate one and the check is working as expected.


Got the issue. When I opened the "Goodly Healthification Hyperthyroidism Management Consent Form" The purpose was wrongly updated as "Goodly Healthification Hypertension Management"

問題が発生しました。「Goodly Healthification甲状腺機能亢進症管理同意書」を開くと、目的が誤って「Goodly Healthification 高血圧管理」に更新されていました。

Trailhead Module Intelligent Document Automation for Healthcare

We can't find a data use purpose named 'Goodly Healthification Hypertension Mangement Consent Form' with 'Goodly Healthification Hypertension Management Care Program' as its purpose.

I've verified your Org and can see you've created two Data Use Purposes "Goodly Healthification Hypertension Management Consent Form" hence the error, After deleting the duplicate one and the check is working as expected.

組織を確認したところ、データ使用目的「Goodly Healthification 高血圧管理同意書」が 2 つ作成されていることがわかり、重複したものを削除した後、エラーが発生しました。チェックは期待どおりに機能しています。

We can't find the 'Shelly Brownell' lead. In the Hands-on Challenge picklist, make sure you select the Developer Edition Org with Health Cloud that you created for this badge.

Do NOT select Japan at the timing of org creation, so that Family Name will NOT come first.


Try reversing Last Name and First Name

We can't find Health Cloud and our sample data. Make sure you select the special Developer Edition org with Health Cloud from the Hands-on Challenge picklist.

I created a new account and connected the org.

We can't find the Care Request object. In the Hands-on Challenge picklist, make sure you select the Developer Edition Org with Health Cloud that you created for this badge.


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