- Dreamhouse App Id 04tB00000009UeX
- DreamHouseLWC App Id 04t3h0000043scGAAQ
I think I know how this happened. The DreamHouse package key that is given in the Salesforce Platform Basics module is 04t3h0000043scGAAQ for the Winter '21 edition of the sample. However, the steps in this trail are based on the 04tB00000009UeX key which is the Summer '17 version. I tested this by uninstalling the '21 version in exchange for the '17 and it fixed the issue. The Map component appears now as well as the developer console.
私はこれがどのように起こったかを知っていると思います。Salesforce Platform Basicsモジュールで提供されるDreamHouseパッケージキーは、サンプルのWinter'21エディションの04t3h0000043scGAAQです。ただし、このトレイルの手順は、Summer'17バージョンである04tB00000009UeXキーに基づいています。'17と引き換えに'21バージョンをアンインストールしてこれをテストしたところ、問題が修正されました。マップコンポーネントと開発者コンソールが表示されます。
- Cannot find the "Map" Lightning Component when trying to complete the "Code With Salesforce Languages" module
- Where is the map and how do I open the developer console?
- Developer Beginner Challenge Question: Get Started with Platform Development
Install DreamhouseLWC package
パッケージのIdは 04tB0000000OE9wIAG
We found at least one Salesforce account linked to your Trailblazer.me profile, but you don't have permission to install packages. Ask your admin to assign you the Manage Billing permission in the org where you want to install the package. You can also sign up for a free trial of Salesforce
Install apps and packages on your Trailhead Playground
The package id for Data Quality Analysis Dashboards is 04t20000000D24RAAS
Unable to log in and install an Appexchange application on a sandbox environment
- Dreamhouseアプリは2種類ある?
送っていただいたリンクが役に立ちました。モジュールとまったく同じではありませんが、開発環境にパッケージをインストールすることができました。スクリーンショット (「Dreamhouse」と「DreamHouse」) に基づいて若干異なるバージョンだったかもしれませんが、必要に応じてモジュールを完成させることができました。
Error Number: 1662525670-55238 (705900718)
Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void setMock(System.Type, GeocodingServiceTest.OpenStreetMapHttpCalloutMockImpl) from the type test
GeocodingServiceTest: Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void setMock(System.Type, GeocodingServiceTest.OpenStreetMapHttpCalloutMockImpl) from the type test
Look like issue is coming because of NameSpace.
Try to create new playGround.
- Hi Community , I'm trying to import dreamhouse sample data by installing the package of dreamhouse and there is an error in load the sample data into playground .can anyone spot the issue?
- in this module Create Relationship Queries with Custom Objects when I'm trying to import same data, getting an error resulting unable to finish the Challenge
global with sharing class DreamHouseSampleDataController {
global static void deleteAll() {
DELETE [SELECT ID FROM favorite__c];
DELETE [SELECT ID FROM property__c];
DELETE [SELECT ID FROM bot_command__c];
We can't find the Broker custom object. Make sure you've successfully imported the DreamHouse sample data
I change my org and it works.
Dreamhouse propertyMapがない
I guess you installed the wrong package. Can you please follow the below URL to install it correctly?
間違ったパッケージをインストールしたようです。正しくインストールするには、以下の URL に従ってください。
Dreamhouse アプリケーションに正しい「ページの編集」オプションが表示されません。