- 「オムニチャネルでルーティングを開始する」チャレンジの問題
- Getting an inside view with Omni Supervisor: Supervisor Configurationsの設定がない
The correct path is "Setup-->Supervisor Settings". Pay attention since you have to go to Setup, not Service Setup. Supervisor Settings is not in there.
I have solved the problem. I just started a new playground and went through the entire module again step by step.
Actually i need to either remove the Offline button or make that disable to avoid users from selecting Offline button manually.
実際には、ユーザーが手動でオフライン ボタンを選択できないように、オフライン ボタンを削除するか、無効にする必要があります。
Please check this article.
You must select at least one skill.
how to deploy chat button type omni-channel using SFDX