Customize an Org to Support a New Business Unit > Configure an Email Letterhead and Template

Last updated at Posted at 2023-01-23

Trailhead関係 個別の課題別

Could not find a file named 'GetCloudyConsultingLogo'.


You will essentially have to do everything in Classic instead of Lightning.

Once you've downloaded and saved the logo to your desktop, switch your Playground's interface to Classic if you haven't already. Once in Classic, click the + sign on the Navigation menu and scroll down until you get to Documents. Click on Documents, then create a New Document called Support Team Logo. Check the Externally Available Image box and upload the logo.

Next, go to Setup and Search "Letterheads." Click on Classic Letterheads, the click the Next button. Create a New Letterhead with the label General Customer Support and check the "Available for Use" box. Enter the description, then save. Now, click Select Logo in the header and choose your Support Team Logo to add it to the header. NOTE: You will not be able to add the "Dear Recipient" merge field here; you will have to wait to add it to the email template (see below). Save your new Letterhead.

Now search in Setup for Classic Email Templates. Make sure the folder is Unfiled Public Classic Email Templates at the top. Create a New Template, choose HTML (using Classic Letterhead), then click Next. Choose the Unfiled Public Classic Email Templates folder, check Available for Use, and name it Public Facing General. Add the description and subject. In the body is where you enter the salutation. Note that the Recipient merge field is unavailable in Classic, so you will need to choose a Contact field. You will enter "Dear {!Contact.FirstName}," then save.

You shouldn't need to send the email test to complete the Challenge, but you can if you want to double-check your work.




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