
Splunk Use Cases

Last updated at Posted at 2022-04-29

1- Windows Audit Log Tampering

Check for any tampering done to Windows audit logs.

index=__your_sysmon_index__ (sourcetype=wineventlog AND (EventCode=1102 OR EventCode=1100)) OR (sourcetype=wineventlog AND EventCode=104)
| stats count by _time EventCode Message sourcetype host

2- Finding Large Web Uploads

Find large file uploads that could point to data exfiltration in your network.

index=__your_sysmon_index__ sourcetype=websense*
| where bytes_out > 35000000
| table _time src_ip bytes* uri

3- Detecting Recurring Malware on Host

Using anti-virus logs to detect if malware is recurring on a host after being removed.

index=__your_sysmon_index__ sourcetype=symantec:*
| stats count range(_time) as TimeRange by Risk_Name, Computer_Name
| where TimeRange>1800
| eval TimeRange_In_Hours = round(TimeRange/3600,2), TimeRange_In_Days = round(TimeRange/3600/24,2)

4- Detecting Unencrypted Web Communications

Find unencrypted web communications that could lead to a data breach.

index=__your_sysmon_index__ sourcetype=firewall_data dest_port!=443 app=workday*
| table _time user app bytes* src_ip dest_ip dest_port

5- Finding New Local Admin Accounts

Often an attack will include the creation of a new user, followed by permissions being elevated to an admin level.

index=win_servers sourcetype=windows:security EventCode=4720 OR (EventCode=4732 Administrators)
| transaction Security_ID maxspan=180m
| search EventCode=4720 EventCode=4732
| table _time, EventCode, Recurity_ID, SamAccountName

6- Finding Interactive Logins From Service Accounts

Most service accounts should never interactively log into servers.

index=systems sourcetype=audit_logs user=svc_*
| stats earliest(_time) as earliest latest(_time) as latest by user, dest
| eval isOutlier=if(earliest >= relative_time(now(), "-1d@d"), 1, 0)
| convert ctime(earliest) ctime(Latest)

7- Suspicious PowerShell Commands

Look for logs with commands that try to download external scripts/content or bypass PowerShell.

index=windows source="WinEventLog:Microsoft-Windows-PowerShell/Operational" EventCode=4104
AND ((ScriptBlockText=*-noni* *iex* *New-Object*) OR (ScriptBlockText=*-ep* *bypass* *-Enc*) OR
(ScriptBlockText=*powershell* *reg* *add*
*HKCU\\software\\microsoft\\windows\\currentversion\\run*) OR (ScriptBlockText=*bypass* *-
noprofile* *-windowstyle* *hidden* *new-object* *system.net.webclient* *.download*) OR
(ScriptBlockText=*iex* *New-Object* *Net.WebClient* *.Download*))
| table Computer, ScriptBlockText, UserID

8- Detecting Network and Port Scanning

Look for distinct count of destination ports within a short span of time.

| from datamodel:"Network_Traffic"."All_Traffic"
| stats dc(dest_port) as dc_dest_port by src, dest
| where dc_dest_port > 10

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