import numpy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import patches
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
class Maze:
# class to create&show maze map
# * input:
# * grid size of map: map_size=(10,10)
# * number of objects: object_num=25
# * cost for objects: object_cost=9
# * output:
# * middle points of each side: mid_list
def __init__(self, map_size=(10,10), object_num=25, object_cost=9):
self.map_size = map_size
self.object_num = object_num
self.maze = [[0] * self.map_size[0] for i in range(self.map_size[1])]
self.object_cost = object_cost
def generation_map(self, object_list, start, goal):
# function to create maze map
# * input:
# * list of objects positions: object_list
# * start position: start
# * goal position: goal
# * output:
# * list describing as a maze map: self.maze
# * start position : self.start
# * goal position: self.goal
# set cost of maze outline
## 外壁を迷路の外周に設置.コストは障害物と同じ
for i in range(self.map_size[1]):
self.maze[0][i] = self.object_cost
self.maze[self.map_size[0] - 1][i] = self.object_cost
for j in range(self.map_size[0]):
self.maze[j][0] = self.object_cost
self.maze[j][self.map_size[1] - 1] = self.object_cost
# set cost of objects (like wall...). Number of object is set at first
## 障害物を特定の位置に配置.コストは引数にて設定済みのを使う
if object_list:
self.object_num = len(object_list)
### 障害物のコストを設定
for object in object_list:
self.maze[object[0]][object[1]] = self.object_cost
# set start&goal position with position class
## positionクラスを利用して,スタート&ゴール位置を設定
### 場合によってはここで追加情報を設定する(planning手法による)
self.goal = goal
self.start = start
# set cost
## スタート&ゴール位置のコストを設定(ゴールのコストは,ゴール位置の判別に使う)
self.maze[start.x][start.y] = -1
self.maze[goal.x][goal.y] = 1
return self.maze, self.start, self.goal
def set_maze_graph(self):
# function to show maze map
# * input:
# * size of maze map: self.map_size
# * list describing as a maze map: self.maze
# * start position : self.start
# * goal position: self.goal
# * output:
# * graph information: fig, ax
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=self.map_size)
# set maze
## 障害物部分(コストが設定したobject_costと一致するグリッド)をグレーに塗りつぶす
for x in range(self.map_size[0]):
for y in range(self.map_size[1]):
if self.maze[x][y] == self.object_cost:
r = patches.Rectangle( xy=(x,y), width=1, height=1, color="grey", alpha=0.5) # 四角形のオブジェクト
# 4. Axesに図形オブジェクト追加・表示
# set star&goal position
## スタート&ゴール位置に分かりやすいよう☆マークを表示する
## ただし,グリッドの中央に☆が表示されるよう,座標を変換する
s2g = [[self.start.convert_coordinate().x, self.goal.convert_coordinate().x],
[self.start.convert_coordinate().y, self.goal.convert_coordinate().y]]
ax.scatter(s2g[0], s2g[1], c="orange", marker="*", s=350)
plt.text(self.start.x + 0.7, self.start.y + 0.7, "S")
plt.text(self.goal.x + 0.7, self.goal.y + 0.7, "G")
return fig, ax
class Position:
# class to describe position
# * input:
# * x & y position of current position: x, y
# * distance from start position: depth
# * x & y position of parent grid: parent_x & parent_y
def __init__(self, x, y, depth=0, parent_x=-1, parent_y=-1):
self.x = x # x座標
self.y = y # y座標
self.depth = depth # 移動回数
self.parent_x = parent_x # 一つ前に通ったマスのx座標
self.parent_y = parent_y # 一つ前に通ったマスのy座標
def convert_coordinate(self):
# function to convert coordinate to show marker at the center of grid
# * input:
# * x & y position of current position: self.x, self.y
# * output:
# * converted x & y position: graph_coordinate
graph_coordinate = Position(self.x+0.5, self.y+0.5)
return graph_coordinate
if __name__ == '__main__':
object_list = [(2,2), (2,3), (3,2), (3,3), (6,2), (6,3), (7,2), (7,3), (6,6), (6,7), (7,6), (7,7)]
start = Position(1, 1, 0)
goal = Position(8, 8, 0)
create_maze = Maze(object_cost=100)
# generate map
maze, start, goal = create_maze.generation_map(object_list, start, goal)
fig, ax = create_maze.set_maze_graph()
convert_coordinate() 関数
class Position:
# class to describe position
# * input:
# * x & y position of current position: x, y
# * distance from start position: depth
# * x & y position of parent grid: parent_x & parent_y
def __init__(self, x, y, depth=0, parent_x=-1, parent_y=-1):
self.x = x # x座標
self.y = y # y座標
self.depth = depth # 移動回数
self.parent_x = parent_x # 一つ前に通ったマスのx座標
self.parent_y = parent_y # 一つ前に通ったマスのy座標
def convert_coordinate(self):
# function to convert coordinate to show marker at the center of grid
# * input:
# * x & y position of current position: self.x, self.y
# * output:
# * converted x & y position: graph_coordinate
graph_coordinate = Position(self.x+0.5, self.y+0.5)
return graph_coordinate
class Maze:
# class to create&show maze map
# * input:
# * grid size of map: map_size=(10,10)
# * number of objects: object_num=25
# * cost for objects: object_cost=9
# * output:
# * middle points of each side: mid_list
def __init__(self, map_size=(10,10), object_num=25, object_cost=9):
self.map_size = map_size
self.object_num = object_num
self.maze = [[0] * self.map_size[0] for i in range(self.map_size[1])]
self.object_cost = object_cost
generation_map() 関数
def generation_map(self, object_list, start, goal):
# function to create maze map
# * input:
# * list of objects positions: object_list
# * start position: start
# * goal position: goal
# * output:
# * list describing as a maze map: self.maze
# * start position : self.start
# * goal position: self.goal
# set cost of maze outline
## 外壁を迷路の外周に設置.コストは障害物と同じ
for i in range(self.map_size[1]):
self.maze[0][i] = self.object_cost
self.maze[self.map_size[0] - 1][i] = self.object_cost
for j in range(self.map_size[0]):
self.maze[j][0] = self.object_cost
self.maze[j][self.map_size[1] - 1] = self.object_cost
# set cost of objects (like wall...). Number of object is set at first
## 障害物を特定の位置に配置.コストは引数にて設定済みのを使う
if object_list:
self.object_num = len(object_list)
### 障害物のコストを設定
for object in object_list:
self.maze[object[0]][object[1]] = self.object_cost
# set start&goal position with position class
## positionクラスを利用して,スタート&ゴール位置を設定
### 場合によってはここで追加情報を設定する(planning手法による)
self.goal = goal
self.start = start
# set cost
## スタート&ゴール位置のコストを設定(ゴールのコストは,ゴール位置の判別に使う)
self.maze[start.x][start.y] = -1
self.maze[goal.x][goal.y] = 1
return self.maze, self.start, self.goal
set_maze_graph() 関数
作成したマップをグラフとして表示するのがこのset_maze_graph() 関数.
def set_maze_graph(self):
# function to show maze map
# * input:
# * size of maze map: self.map_size
# * list describing as a maze map: self.maze
# * start position : self.start
# * goal position: self.goal
# * output:
# * graph information: fig, ax
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=self.map_size)
# set maze
## 障害物部分(コストが設定したobject_costと一致するグリッド)をグレーに塗りつぶす
for x in range(self.map_size[0]):
for y in range(self.map_size[1]):
if self.maze[x][y] == self.object_cost:
r = patches.Rectangle( xy=(x,y), width=1, height=1, color="grey", alpha=0.5) # 四角形のオブジェクト
# 4. Axesに図形オブジェクト追加・表示
# set star&goal position
## スタート&ゴール位置に分かりやすいよう☆マークを表示する
## ただし,グリッドの中央に☆が表示されるよう,座標を変換する
s2g = [[self.start.convert_coordinate().x, self.goal.convert_coordinate().x],
[self.start.convert_coordinate().y, self.goal.convert_coordinate().y]]
ax.scatter(s2g[0], s2g[1], c="orange", marker="*", s=350)
plt.text(self.start.x + 0.7, self.start.y + 0.7, "S")
plt.text(self.goal.x + 0.7, self.goal.y + 0.7, "G")
return fig, ax
import itertools
import random
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import patches
class Maze:
# class to create&show maze map
# * input:
# * grid size of map: map_size=(10,10)
# * number of objects: object_num=25
# * cost for objects: object_cost=9
# * output:
# * middle points of each side: mid_list
def __init__(self, map_size=(10,10), object_num=25, object_cost=9):
self.map_size = map_size
self.object_num = object_num
self.maze = [[0] * self.map_size[0] for i in range(self.map_size[1])]
self.object_cost = object_cost
def choice_and_del(self, choice_list, choice_num):
# function to pick up some values from list ramdomly
# 指定された個数(choice_num)だけ,任意のxy座標を返す関数
# * input:
# * list to be picked up values: choice_list
# * the number of values to be choosed: choice_num
# * output:
# * list picked up: ret_list
ret_list = []
for _ in range(choice_num):
# set index number
index = random.choice(range(len(choice_list)))
# get the value of identified index and delete it from the choice_list
# add the value to ret_list
return ret_list
def generation_map(self):
# function to create maze map
# 迷路の生成
# * input:
# * start position: start
# * goal position: goal
# * output:
# * list describing as a maze map: self.maze
# * start position : self.start
# * goal position: self.goal
# return coordinate list ([0,0], [0,1], [0,2] .... [5,3],[5,4],[5,5])
## itertools.puroduct returns puroduct(積) of 0~5 x 0~5
map_list = list(itertools.product(range(self.map_size[0]), range(self.map_size[1])))
# set cost of maze outline
## 外壁を迷路の外周に設置.コストは障害物と同じ
for i in range(self.map_size[1]):
self.maze[0][i] = self.object_cost
self.maze[self.map_size[0] - 1][i] = self.object_cost
for j in range(self.map_size[0]):
self.maze[j][0] = self.object_cost
self.maze[j][self.map_size[1] - 1] = self.object_cost
# set cost of objects (like wall...). Number of object is set at first
## 障害物の位置をランダムに配置.コストは引数にて設定済みのを使う
if self.object_num > 0:
### 障害物の位置を決める
object_coords = self.choice_and_del(map_list, self.object_num)
### 障害物のコストを設定
for object_coord in object_coords:
self.maze[object_coord[0]][object_coord[1]] = self.object_cost
# スタートとゴール地点を設定.
# set start&goal position with position class
# ただし,障害物上に設定されそうなときは,選び直す
# choice one coordinate as a start, which doesn't on object(cost 9)
# and convert it to the list style
## スタート位置
start = self.choice_and_del(map_list, 1)
while self.maze[start[0][0]][start[0][1]] == self.object_cost:
start = self.choice_and_del(map_list, 1)
self.start = Position(start[0][0], start[0][1], 0)
## ゴール位置
## ただし,ゴール位置は障害物だけでなく,スタート位置とも被らない用に設定する
goal = self.choice_and_del(map_list, 1)
while self.maze[goal[0][0]][goal[0][1]] == self.object_cost or\
(goal[0][0] == start[0][0] and goal[0][1] == start[0][1]):
goal = self.choice_and_del(map_list, 1)
# set cost of goal
## 場合によってはここで追加情報を設定する(planning手法による)
self.maze[goal[0][0]][goal[0][1]] = 1
self.goal = Position(goal[0][0], goal[0][1], 0)
return self.maze, self.start, self.goal
def set_maze_graph(self):
# function to show maze map
# * input:
# * size of maze map: self.map_size
# * list describing as a maze map: self.maze
# * start position : self.start
# * goal position: self.goal
# * output:
# * graph information: fig, ax
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=self.map_size)
# set maze
## 障害物部分(コストが設定したobject_costと一致するグリッド)をグレーに塗りつぶす
for x in range(self.map_size[0]):
for y in range(self.map_size[1]):
if self.maze[x][y] == self.object_cost:
r = patches.Rectangle( xy=(x,y), width=1, height=1, color="grey", alpha=0.5) # 四角形のオブジェクト
# 4. Axesに図形オブジェクト追加・表示
# set star&goal position
## スタート&ゴール位置に分かりやすいよう☆マークを表示する
## ただし,グリッドの中央に☆が表示されるよう,座標を変換する
s2g = [[self.start.convert_coordinate().x, self.goal.convert_coordinate().x],
[self.start.convert_coordinate().y, self.goal.convert_coordinate().y]]
ax.scatter(s2g[0], s2g[1], c="orange", marker="*", s=350)
plt.text(self.start.x + 0.7, self.start.y + 0.7, "S")
plt.text(self.goal.x + 0.7, self.goal.y + 0.7, "G")
return fig, ax
class Position:
# class to describe position
# * input:
# * x & y position of current position: x, y
# * distance from start position: depth
# * x & y position of parent grid: parent_x & parent_y
def __init__(self, x, y, depth=0, parent_x=-1, parent_y=-1):
self.x = x # x座標
self.y = y # y座標
self.depth = depth # 移動回数
self.parent_x = parent_x # 一つ前に通ったマスのx座標
self.parent_y = parent_y # 一つ前に通ったマスのy座標
def convert_coordinate(self):
# function to convert coordinate to show marker at the center of grid
# * input:
# * x & y position of current position: self.x, self.y
# * output:
# * converted x & y position: graph_coordinate
graph_coordinate = Position(self.x+0.5, self.y+0.5)
return graph_coordinate
if __name__ == '__main__':
create_maze = Maze()
# generate map
maze, start, goal = create_maze.generation_map() # generate map
fig, ax = create_maze.set_maze_graph()
## コード概説
### Positionクラス
```python:Poision class
class Position:
def __init__(self, x, y, depth=0, parent_x=-1, parent_y=-1):
self.x = x # x座標
self.y = y # y座標
self.depth = depth # 移動回数
self.parent_x = parent_x # 一つ前に通ったマスのx座標
self.parent_y = parent_y # 一つ前に通ったマスのy座標
def convert_coordinate(self):
graph_coordinate = Position(self.x+0.5, self.y+0.5)
return graph_coordinate
choice_and_del() 関数
ただし,[x,y]座標は2つで1つ(1ペア)とみなされる必要があるので,入力するリストは二次元配列とする.(ex. [[0,0],[0,1],[0,2] .... [5,3],[5,4],[5,5]])
def choice_and_del(self, choice_list, choice_num):
# function to pick up some values from list ramdomly
# 指定された個数(choice_num)だけ,任意のxy座標を返す関数
# * input:
# * list to be picked up values: choice_list
# * the number of values to be choosed: choice_num
# * output:
# * list picked up: ret_list
ret_list = []
for _ in range(choice_num):
# set index number
index = random.choice(range(len(choice_list)))
# get the value of identified index and delete it from the choice_list
# add the value to ret_list
return ret_list
generation_map() 関数
先ほどのchoice_and_del() 関数を利用して,障害物の位置やスタート&ゴール位置をランダムに選ぶ.
def generation_map(self):
# function to create maze map
# 迷路の生成
# * input:
# * start position: start
# * goal position: goal
# * output:
# * list describing as a maze map: self.maze
# * start position : self.start
# * goal position: self.goal
# return coordinate list ([0,0], [0,1], [0,2] .... [5,3],[5,4],[5,5])
## itertools.puroduct returns puroduct(積) of 0~5 x 0~5
map_list = list(itertools.product(range(self.map_size[0]), range(self.map_size[1])))
# set cost of maze outline
## 外壁を迷路の外周に設置.コストは障害物と同じ
for i in range(self.map_size[1]):
self.maze[0][i] = self.object_cost
self.maze[self.map_size[0] - 1][i] = self.object_cost
for j in range(self.map_size[0]):
self.maze[j][0] = self.object_cost
self.maze[j][self.map_size[1] - 1] = self.object_cost
# set cost of objects (like wall...). Number of object is set at first
## 障害物の位置をランダムに配置.コストは引数にて設定済みのを使う
if self.object_num > 0:
### 障害物の位置を決める
object_coords = self.choice_and_del(map_list, self.object_num)
### 障害物のコストを設定
for object_coord in object_coords:
self.maze[object_coord[0]][object_coord[1]] = self.object_cost
# スタートとゴール地点を設定.
# set start&goal position with position class
# ただし,障害物上に設定されそうなときは,選び直す
# choice one coordinate as a start, which doesn't on object(cost 9)
# and convert it to the list style
## スタート位置
start = self.choice_and_del(map_list, 1)
while self.maze[start[0][0]][start[0][1]] == self.object_cost:
start = self.choice_and_del(map_list, 1)
self.start = Position(start[0][0], start[0][1], 0)
## ゴール位置
## ただし,ゴール位置は障害物だけでなく,スタート位置とも被らない用に設定する
goal = self.choice_and_del(map_list, 1)
while self.maze[goal[0][0]][goal[0][1]] == self.object_cost or\
(goal[0][0] == start[0][0] and goal[0][1] == start[0][1]):
goal = self.choice_and_del(map_list, 1)
# set cost of goal
## 場合によってはここで追加情報を設定する(planning手法による)
self.maze[goal[0][0]][goal[0][1]] = 1
self.goal = Position(goal[0][0], goal[0][1], 0)
return self.maze, self.start, self.goal
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import axes3d
from matplotlib import cm
class Gaussian:
# * input with set_mount():
# * position of hill/hole: pos
# * diameter of hill/hole: dia
# * height/depth of hill/hole: height
# * output with gaussian():
# * gaussian destribution: gauss
# 初期設定する関数
def __init__(self):
# 2変数の平均値(peakのXY位置)を指定
self.MU_X = 0
self.MU_Y = 0
# 2変数の分散共分散行列を指定(すそ野の広がりの大きさ)
self.SIGMA_X = 40
self.SIGMA_Y = 40
# 最大値を指定
self.peak = 0.1
# 凹凸の位置・直径・高さ設定する関数
def set_mount(self, pos, dia, height):
# 2変数の平均値(peakのXY位置)を指定
self.MU_X, self.MU_Y = pos
# 2変数の分散共分散行列を指定(すそ野の広がりの大きさ)
self.SIGMA_X, self.SIGMA_Y = [d/6 for d in dia]
# 最大値を指定
self.peak = height
# 凹凸の設定を平均値と標準偏差に変換する関数
def set_const(self):
self.MU = np.array([self.MU_X, self.MU_Y])
self.SIGMA = np.array([[self.SIGMA_X, 0],
[0, self.SIGMA_Y]])
# 最大値を設定した高さと一致するよう修正する関数
def modify_peak(self, gauss):
peak0 = np.amax(gauss)
gauss = gauss * (self.peak/peak0)
return gauss
# 平均値と標準偏差を満たす正規分布図を作成する関数
def gaussian(self, x):
# 定数(平均値と共分散行列)を定義
# 分散共分散行列の行列式
det = np.linalg.det(self.SIGMA)
# print(det)
# 分散共分散行列の逆行列
inv = np.linalg.inv(self.SIGMA)
n = x.ndim # 行列の次元数を取得
# print(inv)
gauss = np.exp(-np.diag((x - self.MU)@inv@(x - self.MU).T)/2.0) / (np.sqrt((2 * np.pi) ** n * det))
# 頂点高さを補正
gauss = self.modify_peak(gauss)
return gauss
if __name__ == '__main__':
x = y = np.arange(0, 4, 0.1)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
z = np.c_[X.ravel(),Y.ravel()]
# 凹凸の位置・直径・高さを設定
Zs = np.zeros((13, 1600))
pos = np.array([[2, 2],
[1, 0.5],
[0.8, 0.8],
[0.5, 1],
[3.5, 0.8],
[3.6, 1.5],
[2.8, 0.2],
[1.3, 2.5],
[0.4, 3.2],
[1.0, 3.3],
[2.8, 3.6],
[3.6, 2.8],
[3.8, 3]])
dia = np.array([[2, 2],
[2.5, 3],
[3, 2],
[2, 2.3],
[5, 5],
[2, 5],
[0.5, 0.7],
[3, 5],
[5, 3],
[0.5, 0.5],
[2, 2],
[3, 2],
[4, 2]])
height = np.array([0.14, 0.05, 0.09, 0.05, 0.05, 0.07, 0.05, 0.07, 0.06, 0.06, 0.03, 0.05, 0.07])
# 凹凸の生成
G = Gaussian()
if len(pos) == len(dia) and len(pos) == len(height):
mount_num = len(height)
for i in range(mount_num):
G.set_mount(pos[i,:], dia[i, :], height[i])
Zs[i,:] = G.gaussian(z)
sum = np.zeros(1600)
for i in range(mount_num):
sum = sum + (-1)**(i+1) * Zs[i,:]
Z = sum
shape = X.shape
Z = Z.reshape(shape)
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (15, 15))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
ax.set_xlabel('X Label')
ax.set_ylabel('Y Label')
ax.set_zlabel('Z Label')
point_x = np.array([X[5,5], X[35,35]])
point_y = np.array([Y[5,5], Y[35,35]])
point_z = np.array([Z[5,5]+0.1, Z[35,35]+0.1])
ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cm.jet)
ax.scatter(point_x, point_y, point_z, s=100, marker="v", alpha=1)
print("\033[31m" + "Error!!: the size of three arrays are not the same.\n Check & modify it." + "\033[0m")
正規分布は上に凸の形をとり,頂点位置は平均値 µ ,すそ野の広さ(なだらかさ)は標準偏差 σによって下図のように決められる.
下記のコードがこのクラスの最小構成である.平均値µと標準偏差σの値を設定することで,凹凸を生成できる.- 平均値µ:凹凸の中心位置(頂点位置)のXY座標
- 標準偏差σ:凹凸のすそ野の広さ(なだらかさ)を表し,X=YならX方向とY方向に対称な形となり,X≠Yなら非対称な形の凹凸になる.
class Gaussian:
# * output with gaussian():
# * gaussian destribution: gauss
# 初期設定する関数
def __init__(self):
# 2変数の平均値(peakのXY位置)を指定
self.MU_X = 0
self.MU_Y = 0
# 2変数の分散共分散行列を指定(すそ野の広がりの大きさ)
self.SIGMA_X = 40
self.SIGMA_Y = 40
# 最大値を指定
self.peak = 0.1
# 凹凸の設定を平均値と標準偏差に変換する関数
def set_const(self):
self.MU = np.array([self.MU_X, self.MU_Y])
self.SIGMA = np.array([[self.SIGMA_X, 0],
[0, self.SIGMA_Y]])
# 平均値と標準偏差を満たす正規分布図を作成する関数
def gaussian(self, x):
## 定数(平均値と共分散行列)を定義
# self.set_const()
# 分散共分散行列の行列式
det = np.linalg.det(self.SIGMA)
# print(det)
# 分散共分散行列の逆行列
inv = np.linalg.inv(self.SIGMA)
n = x.ndim # 行列の次元数を取得
# print(inv)
gauss = np.exp(-np.diag((x - self.MU)@inv@(x - self.MU).T)/2.0) / (np.sqrt((2 * np.pi) ** n * det))
## 頂点高さを補正
# gauss = self.modify_peak(gauss)
return gauss
# 凹凸の位置・直径・高さ設定する関数
def set_mount(self, pos, dia, height):
# 2変数の平均値(peakのXY位置)を指定
self.MU_X, self.MU_Y = pos
# 2変数の分散共分散行列を指定(すそ野の広がりの大きさ)
self.SIGMA_X, self.SIGMA_Y = [d/6 for d in dia]
# 最大値を指定
self.peak = height
# 凹凸の設定を平均値と標準偏差に変換する関数
def set_const(self):
self.MU = np.array([self.MU_X, self.MU_Y])
self.SIGMA = np.array([[self.SIGMA_X, 0],
[0, self.SIGMA_Y]])
# 最大値を設定した高さと一致するよう修正する関数
def modify_peak(self, gauss):
peak0 = np.amax(gauss)
gauss = gauss * (self.peak/peak0)
return gauss
- 凹凸の位置・直径・高さを設定し,
- 設定に基づき凹凸の生成を行う.
- ただし,位置・直径・高さの各行列について,要素数がすべて同じでない場合はエラーメッセージを表示する.
if __name__ == '__main__':
x = y = np.arange(0, 4, 0.1)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
z = np.c_[X.ravel(),Y.ravel()]
# 凹凸の位置・直径・高さを設定
Zs = np.zeros((13, 1600))
pos = np.array([[2, 2],
[1, 0.5],
[0.8, 0.8],
[0.5, 1],
[3.5, 0.8],
[3.6, 1.5],
[2.8, 0.2],
[1.3, 2.5],
[0.4, 3.2],
[1.0, 3.3],
[2.8, 3.6],
[3.6, 2.8],
[3.8, 3]])
dia = np.array([[2, 2],
[2.5, 3],
[3, 2],
[2, 2.3],
[5, 5],
[2, 5],
[0.5, 0.7],
[3, 5],
[5, 3],
[0.5, 0.5],
[2, 2],
[3, 2],
[4, 2]])
height = np.array([0.14, 0.05, 0.09, 0.05, 0.05, 0.07, 0.05, 0.07, 0.06, 0.06, 0.03, 0.05, 0.07])
# 凹凸の生成
G = Gaussian()
if len(pos) == len(dia) and len(pos) == len(height):
mount_num = len(height)
for i in range(mount_num):
G.set_mount(pos[i,:], dia[i, :], height[i])
Zs[i,:] = G.gaussian(z)
sum = np.zeros(1600)
for i in range(mount_num):
sum = sum + (-1)**(i+1) * Zs[i,:]
Z = sum
shape = X.shape
Z = Z.reshape(shape)
fig = plt.figure(figsize = (15, 15))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
ax.set_xlabel('X Label')
ax.set_ylabel('Y Label')
ax.set_zlabel('Z Label')
point_x = np.array([X[5,5], X[35,35]])
point_y = np.array([Y[5,5], Y[35,35]])
point_z = np.array([Z[5,5]+0.1, Z[35,35]+0.1])
ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cm.jet)
ax.scatter(point_x, point_y, point_z, s=100, marker="v", alpha=1)
print("\033[31m" + "Error!!: the size of three arrays are not the same.\n Check & modify it." + "\033[0m")
for i in range(mount_num):
sum = sum + (-1)**(i+1) * Zs[i,:]