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[Javaの小枝] 週刊 簡潔データ構造を作る ③

Last updated at Posted at 2016-02-26




    public static class MinimalPerfectHashFunction implements HashFunction {

        public static class CyclicCheckException extends RuntimeException {private static final long serialVersionUID = -1843676951903920769L;} // 枝(edge)がからまって頂点と一対一対応ができないときにスローされる

        public static HashFunction makeMinimalPerfectHashFunction(byte[][] keys, int pertite, double factor, int retryLimit) {
            for (int i = 0; i < retryLimit; i ++) { // マッピングステップが完了するまでハッシュ関数を替えながらリトライ
                try {
                    List<Integer> primeListShuffled = new ArrayList<>(primeList); Collections.shuffle(primeListShuffled);
                    List<HashFunction> hashFunctions = new ArrayList<>();
                    for (int j = 0; j < pertite; j ++) hashFunctions.add(new SimpleHashFunction(primeListShuffled.get(j)));
                    return new MinimalPerfectHashFunction(keys, hashFunctions, factor);
                } catch (CyclicCheckException e) {/* nothing to do */}
            throw new CyclicCheckException();

        private final byte[] g;
        private final List<HashFunction> hashFunctions;
        private final boolean[] dictionary;

        private MinimalPerfectHashFunction(byte[][] keys, List<HashFunction> hashFunctions_, double factor) {
            hashFunctions = hashFunctions_; 
            int[] degreeOfVertexArray = new int[(((int) (keys.length * factor / hashFunctions.size())) + 1) * hashFunctions.size()];

            List<int[]> edges = new ArrayList<>(); 
            for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i ++) edges.add(makeEdge(keys[i], degreeOfVertexArray.length));
            for (int[] edge : edges) changeDegreeOfVertex(degreeOfVertexArray, edge, 1); // 全てのエッジを数えあげて degree of vertex を算出(degree:頂点から生えている枝の数)

            List<int[]> edgesRemoved = new ArrayList<>(); // 一つだけ枝をはやした頂点から生えている枝を見つけたら取り除き、こちらに加える。(元の edges から全てのエッジが取り除かれたら acyclic であることの証明が終了
            AcyclicCheck : while (edges.size() > 0) {
                for (int[] edge : edges) {
                    if (! canBeRemoved(degreeOfVertexArray, edge)) continue;
                    edges.remove(edge); edgesRemoved.add(edge); // エッジを取り除き、関連する vertex の degree も一つ減らす
                    changeDegreeOfVertex(degreeOfVertexArray, edge, -1);
                    continue AcyclicCheck;
                throw new CyclicCheckException();

            g = new byte[degreeOfVertexArray.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < g.length; i ++) g[i] = (byte) hashFunctions.size(); // アサイン済みのものとそうでないものを区別するため、あらかじめ頂点グループIDの最大値+1を入れておく
            for (ListIterator<int[]> it = edgesRemoved.listIterator(edgesRemoved.size()); it.hasPrevious();) assign(g, it.previous());

            dictionary = new boolean[degreeOfVertexArray.length]; // each item is initialized to false in Java
            for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i ++) dictionary[phfHash(keys[i])] = true;

        // データに対応する枝(edge)を生成するメソッド
        public int[] makeEdge(byte[] key, int nodeSize) {
            int pertiteSize = nodeSize / hashFunctions.size();
            int[] edge = new int[hashFunctions.size()];
            for (int i = 0; i < edge.length; i ++) edge[i] = hashFunctions.get(i).folded(key, pertiteSize * i, pertiteSize * (i + 1));
            return edge;

        // 頂点から生えている枝の数(=degree)を増減させるメソッド
        public void changeDegreeOfVertex(int[] degreeOfVertex, int[] edge, int diff) {for (int e : edge) degreeOfVertex[e] += diff;}

        public boolean canBeRemoved(int[] degreeOfVertex, int[] edge) {
            for (int e : edge) if (degreeOfVertex[e] < 2) return true; 
            return false;

        // g[] の中で未定義な箇所を探索するメソッド
        public static byte findNotDefinedPertite(byte[] g, int[] edge) {
            for (byte i = 0; i < edge.length; i ++) if (g[edge[i]] == edge.length) return i;
            throw new InternalError(); // cyclic check 通過しているのでこちらには来ないはず

        // g[] の中で未定義な箇所に値を挿入するメソッド
        public static void assignValueToNotDefined(byte[] g, int[] edge, byte value) {
            for (int e : edge) if (g[e] == edge.length) {g[e] = value; value = 0;}

        // g[] の中で定義なものだけを積算するメソッド
        public static byte sumDefined(byte[] g, int[] edge) {
            byte sum = 0;
            for (int e : edge) if (g[e] != edge.length) sum += g[e];
            return sum;

        // わりあてステップのメインロジック     
        public static void assign(byte[] g, int[] edge) {
            byte pertite = findNotDefinedPertite(g, edge);
            byte definedAlready = sumDefined(g, edge);
            byte valueToBeAssigned = (byte) (pertite - definedAlready); 
            while (valueToBeAssigned < 0) valueToBeAssigned += edge.length;

            assignValueToNotDefined(g, edge, valueToBeAssigned);

        private int phfHash(byte[] src) {
            int partiteSize = g.length / hashFunctions.size();
            int idx = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < hashFunctions.size(); i ++) idx += g[hashFunctions.get(i).folded(src, partiteSize * i, partiteSize * (i + 1))];
            idx %= hashFunctions.size();
            return hashFunctions.get(idx).folded(src, partiteSize * idx, partiteSize * (idx + 1));

        @Override public int hash(byte[] src) {return rank(dictionary, phfHash(src), true);}


    private static char alphaNumericChar() {
        final String src = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
        return src.charAt((int)(Math.random() * src.length()));

    public static String alphaNumericString(int length) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        for (int i = 0; i < length; i ++) sb.append(alphaNumericChar());
        return sb.toString();

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        List<String> keyList = new ArrayList<>();
        for (int i = 0; i < 20; i ++) keyList.add(alphaNumericString(20));

        byte[][] keys = new byte[keyList.size()][];
        for (int i = 0; i < keyList.size(); i ++) keys[i] = keyList.get(i).getBytes();

        HashFunction mphf = MinimalPerfectHashFunction.makeMinimalPerfectHashFunction(keys, 3, 1.3, 100);

        for (int i = 0; i < keyList.size(); i ++) System.out.println(keyList.get(i) + " -> " + mphf.hash(keyList.get(i).getBytes()));


mGxM0cKFpn8ubAK1wJib -> 10
4b6ytsxfhYwrj27BjlLd -> 4
nOUNLb3MO6vBwlzQNNdp -> 16
9kzughsHq1RSOLKmZB1o -> 18
lgjApjjNlVQzgwiTZpje -> 13
VcDYtpqZ1NsdiImOdkvr -> 7
ccZqgTB7eNonLVsz2iE9 -> 6
2dKygq4EZaUUVIsSX1hN -> 17
M1ZjMTbKdHNAJTwzuNjr -> 19
4QHSLO9K90QFCQQzta3c -> 9
7dPddSJq7NuNUxqjZN9L -> 1
yYFTwwjy5mN6Gzwa5MMG -> 12
VmLngOomJS1PYMkzHlHm -> 14
LQ7bCNRcLL2T62wJB28B -> 8
KrnsP6cuQnXQ9pmYltOf -> 15
4xBApXcwI4fuHsIwPCia -> 0
nwwObYmvmpao5QdkxSgV -> 3
Fen2AftgWuq4UPrJ4KG2 -> 5
OrPQe1w7IIulSqzOnrmu -> 11
Adt92XOnAuZdeweoyUz5 -> 2



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