## 2.1 マクロの有効化
## 2.2 VBAプロジェクトの新規作成
## 2.3コードを入力
(Sub calcration() から 最後のEnd Subまで一気にコピーしてください。)
Sub calcration()
Sheet1.Range("P8:AN20").Delete Shift:=xlShiftUp
Columns("P").ColumnWidth = 7
Columns("Q").ColumnWidth = 3
Columns("R").ColumnWidth = 7
Columns("S").ColumnWidth = 7
Columns("T").ColumnWidth = 3
Columns("U").ColumnWidth = 7
Columns("V").ColumnWidth = 7
Columns("W").ColumnWidth = 3
Columns("X").ColumnWidth = 7
Columns("Y").ColumnWidth = 7
Columns("Z").ColumnWidth = 3
Columns("AA").ColumnWidth = 7
Columns("AB").ColumnWidth = 7
Columns("AC").ColumnWidth = 3
Columns("AD").ColumnWidth = 7
Columns("AE").ColumnWidth = 10
Columns("AF").ColumnWidth = 7
Columns("AG").ColumnWidth = 3
Columns("AH").ColumnWidth = 7
Columns("AI").ColumnWidth = 5
Columns("AJ").ColumnWidth = 7
Columns("AK").ColumnWidth = 10
Columns("AL").ColumnWidth = 7
Columns("AM").ColumnWidth = 10
Columns("AN").ColumnWidth = 10
Dim tgm As String '星投げ時間(分)
tgm = Range("G4").Value
Dim tgs As String '星投げ時間(秒)
tgs = Range("H4").Value
Dim tcm As String '星集め時間(分)
tcm = Range("G5").Value
Dim tcs As String '星集め時間(秒)
tcs = Range("H5").Value
Dim tss As String '捨て星時間(2周)
tss = Range("G7").Value
Dim tsf As String '捨て星時間(3周)
tsf = Range("G10").Value
Dim tstarth As String '配信開始時刻(hour)
tstarth = Range("J4").Value
Dim tstartm As String '配信開始時刻(minute)
tstartm = Range("K4").Value
Dim tendh As String '配信終了時刻(hour)
tendh = Range("M4").Value
Dim tendm As String '配信終了時刻(minute)
tendm = Range("N4").Value
If Range("G4").Value = "" Or Range("H4").Value = "" Or Range("G5").Value = "" Or Range("H5").Value = "" Or Range("G7").Value = "" Or Range("G10").Value = "" Or Range("J4").Value = "" Or Range("K4").Value = "" Or Range("M4").Value = "" Or Range("N4").Value = "" Or Range("J5").Value = "" Or Range("K5").Value = "" Or Range("M5").Value = "" Or Range("N5").Value = "" Then
MsgBox "【エラー】未入力か所があります。"
Exit Sub
End If
If IsNumeric(Range("G4").Value) = False Or IsNumeric(Range("H4").Value) = False Or IsNumeric(Range("G5").Value) = False Or IsNumeric(Range("H5").Value) = False Or IsNumeric(Range("G7").Value) = False Or IsNumeric(Range("G10").Value) = False Or IsNumeric(Range("J4").Value) = False Or IsNumeric(Range("K4").Value) = False Or IsNumeric(Range("J5").Value) = False Or IsNumeric(Range("K5").Value) = False Or IsNumeric(Range("M4").Value) = False Or IsNumeric(Range("N4").Value) = False Or IsNumeric(Range("M5").Value) = False Or IsNumeric(Range("N5").Value) = False Then
MsgBox "【エラー】数値以外が入力されています。"
Exit Sub
End If
Dim tstarth2 As String '配信開始時刻(hour)
tstarth2 = Cells(5, 10).Value
Dim tstartmi As String '配信開始時刻(minute)
tstartm2 = Cells(5, 11).Value
Dim tendhi As String '配信終了時刻(hour)
tendh2 = Cells(5, 13).Value
Dim tendmi As String '配信終了時刻(minute)
tendm2 = Cells(5, 14).Value
If (tstarth2 * 3600 + tstartm2 * 60) < (tendh * 3600 + tendm * 60) Then
MsgBox "【エラー】計算できません。配信時間を確認してください。"
Exit Sub
End If
If (tendh * 3600) + (tendm * 60) - (tstarth * 3600) - (tstartm * 60) > 3600 Or (tendh2 * 3600) + (tendm2 * 60) - (tstarth2 * 3600) - (tstartm2 * 60) > 3600 Then
MsgBox "申し訳ありません。お試し版では一枠60分を超える配信には対応していません。"
Exit Sub
End If
If (((tendh * 3600) + tendm * 60) - ((tstarth * 3600) + tstartm * 60) - (3600 - tsf * 60)) >= (tgm * 60 + tgs + tcm * 60 + tcs) Then
Range("P8").Value = "=ROUNDDOWN(((J4 * 60 + K4 - G10 - 60)/60),0)"
Range("Q8").Value = ":"
If tstartm + 60 - tsf > 60 Then
Range("R8").Value = "=K4 - G10"
Range("R8").Value = "=K4+60 - G10"
End If
Range("P8", "R8").Interior.Color = RGB(255, 128, 128)
Range("S9").Value = "=ROUNDDOWN(((J4 * 60 + K4 - G10)/60),0)"
Range("T9").Value = ":"
If tstartm + 60 - tsf >= 60 Then
Range("U9").Value = "=K4 - G10"
Range("U9").Value = "=K4+60 - G10"
End If
Range("S9", "U9").Interior.Color = RGB(255, 128, 128)
Range("Y10").Value = "=ROUNDDOWN(((J4 * 60 + K4 +(60- G10))/60),0)"
Range("Z10").Value = ":"
If tstartm + 60 - tsf >= 60 Then
Range("AA10").Value = "=K4- G10"
Range("AA10").Value = "=K4+60 - G10"
End If
Range("Y10", "AA10").Interior.Color = RGB(255, 128, 128)
Range("AB10").Value = "=J4"
Range("AC10").Value = ":"
Range("AD10").Value = "=K4"
Range("AE10").Value = "ー"
Range("AF10").Value = "=M4"
Range("AG10").Value = ":"
Range("AH10").Value = "=N4"
Range("AI10").Value = "("
Range("AJ10").Value = "=((M4 * 60) + N4) - ((J4 * 60) + K4)"
Range("AK10").Value = "分)"
Range("AL10").Value = "=AJ10"
Range("AM10").Value = "分"
Range("AN10").Value = "3"
Range("AB10", "AN10").Interior.Color = RGB(255, 128, 128)
If (tstarth2 * 3600 + tstartm2 * 60) - (3600 + tsf * 60) >= tstarth * 3600 + tstartm * 60 + 3600 - tsf * 60 + 3600 And (((tendh2 * 3600) + tendm2 * 60) - ((tstarth2 * 3600) + tstartm2 * 60) - (3600 - tsf * 60)) >= (tgm * 60 + tgs + tcm * 60 + tcs) Then
Range("P11").Value = "=ROUNDDOWN(((J5 * 60 + K5 - G10 - 60)/60),0)"
Range("Q11").Value = ":"
If tstartm2 + 60 - tsf > 60 Then
Range("R11").Value = "=K5 - G10"
Range("R11").Value = "=K5+60 - G10"
End If
Range("P11", "R11").Interior.Color = RGB(0, 250, 154)
Range("S12").Value = "=ROUNDDOWN(((J5 * 60 + K5 - G10)/60),0)"
Range("T12").Value = ":"
If tstartm2 + 60 - tsf >= 60 Then
Range("U12").Value = "=K5 - G10"
Range("U12").Value = "=K5+60 - G10"
End If
Range("S12", "U12").Interior.Color = RGB(0, 250, 154)
Range("Y13").Value = "=ROUNDDOWN(((J5 * 60 + K5 +(60- G10))/60),0)"
Range("Z13").Value = ":"
If tstartm2 + 60 - tsf >= 60 Then
Range("AA13").Value = "=K5- G10"
Range("AA13").Value = "=K5+60 - G10"
End If
Range("Y13", "AA13").Interior.Color = RGB(0, 250, 154)
Cells(13, 28).Value = Cells(5, 10)
Cells(13, 29).Value = ":"
Cells(13, 30).Value = Cells(5, 11)
Cells(13, 31).Value = "ー"
Cells(13, 32).Value = Cells(5, 13)
Cells(13, 33).Value = ":"
Cells(13, 34).Value = Cells(5, 14)
Cells(13, 35).Value = "("
Cells(13, 36).Value = "=((M5 * 60) + N5) - ((J5 * 60) + K5)"
Cells(13, 37).Value = "分)"
Cells(13, 38).Value = "=AJ10+AJ13"
Cells(13, 39).Value = "分"
Cells(13, 40).Value = "3"
Range(Cells(13, 28), Cells(13, 40)).Interior.Color = RGB(0, 250, 154)
ElseIf (tstarth2 * 3600 + tstartm2 * 60) - (3600 + tsf * 60) < tstarth * 3600 + tstartm * 60 + 3600 - tsf * 60 + 3600 And (tendh2 * 3600 + tendm2 * 60) - (tstarth * 3600 + tstartm * 60) - (3600 * 3) - (3600 - tsf * 60) >= (tgm * 60 + tgs + tcm * 60 + tcs) Then
Range("P11").Value = "=ROUNDDOWN(((AB10 *3600+AD10*60+3600)/3600),0)"
Range("Q11").Value = ":"
If tstartm + 60 - tsf > 60 Then
Range("R11").Value = "=AD10 - G10"
Range("R11").Value = "=AD10+60 - G10"
End If
Range("P11", "R11").Interior.Color = RGB(0, 250, 154)
Range("S12").Value = "=ROUNDDOWN(((AB10 *3600+AD10*60+7200)/3600),0)"
Range("T12").Value = ":"
If tstartm + 60 - tsf >= 60 Then
Range("U12").Value = "=AD10 - G10"
Range("U12").Value = "=AD10+60 - G10"
End If
Range("S12", "U12").Interior.Color = RGB(0, 250, 154)
Range("Y13").Value = "=ROUNDDOWN(((AB10 *3600+AD10*60+10800)/3600),0)"
Range("Z13").Value = ":"
If tstartm + 60 - tsf >= 60 Then
Range("AA13").Value = "=AD10- G10"
Range("AA13").Value = "=AD10+60 - G10"
End If
Range("Y13", "AA13").Interior.Color = RGB(0, 250, 154)
Cells(13, 28).Value = Cells(5, 10)
Cells(13, 29).Value = ":"
Cells(13, 30).Value = Cells(5, 11)
Cells(13, 31).Value = "ー"
Cells(13, 32).Value = Cells(5, 13)
Cells(13, 33).Value = ":"
Cells(13, 34).Value = Cells(5, 14)
Cells(13, 35).Value = "("
Cells(13, 36).Value = "=((M5 * 60) + N5) - ((J5 * 60) + K5)"
Cells(13, 37).Value = "分)"
Cells(13, 38).Value = "=AJ10+AJ13"
Cells(13, 39).Value = "分"
Cells(13, 40).Value = "3a"
Range(Cells(13, 28), Cells(13, 40)).Interior.Color = RGB(0, 250, 154)
ElseIf (tstarth2 * 3600 + tstartm2 * 60) - (tss * 60) >= (tstarth * 3600 + tstartm * 60) + (60 * 60 - tsf * 60) + 60 * 60 And (((tendh2 * 3600) + tendm2 * 60) - ((tstarth2 * 3600) + tstartm2 * 60) - (3600 - tss * 60)) >= (tgm * 60 + tgs + tcm * 60 + tcs) Then
Range("V11").Value = "=ROUNDDOWN(((J5 * 60 + K5 - G7)/60),0)"
Range("W11").Value = ":"
If tstartm2 + 60 - tss >= 60 Then
Range("X11").Value = "=K5- G7"
Range("X11").Value = "=K5+60 - G7"
End If
Range("V11", "X11").Interior.Color = RGB(0, 250, 154)
Range("Y12").Value = "=ROUNDDOWN(((J5 * 60 + K5 +(60- G7))/60),0)"
Range("Z12").Value = ":"
If tstartm2 + 60 - tss >= 60 Then
Range("AA12").Value = "=K5 - G7"
Range("AA12").Value = "=K5+60 - G7"
End If
Range("Y12", "AA12").Interior.Color = RGB(0, 250, 154)
Cells(12, 28).Value = Cells(5, 10)
Cells(12, 29).Value = ":"
Cells(12, 30).Value = Cells(5, 11)
Cells(12, 31).Value = "ー"
Cells(12, 32).Value = Cells(5, 13)
Cells(12, 33).Value = ":"
Cells(12, 34).Value = Cells(5, 14)
Cells(12, 35).Value = "("
Cells(12, 36).Value = "=((M5 * 60) + N5) - ((J5 * 60) + K5)"
Cells(12, 37).Value = "分)"
Cells(12, 38).Value = "=AJ10+AJ12"
Cells(12, 39).Value = "分"
Cells(12, 40).Value = "2"
Range(Cells(12, 28), Cells(12, 40)).Interior.Color = RGB(0, 250, 154)
ElseIf (tendh2 * 3600 + tendm2 * 60) - (tstarth * 3600 + tstartm * 60) - (120 * 60) - (60 * 60 - tsf * 60) >= (tgm * 60 + tgs + tcm * 60 + tcs) And (tstarth2 * 3600 + tstartm2 * 60) - (tss * 60) < (tstarth * 3600 + tstartm * 60) + (60 * 60 - tsf * 60) + 60 * 60 Then
Range("V11").Value = "=ROUNDDOWN(((AB10 *3600+AD10*60+3600)/3600),0)"
Range("W11").Value = ":"
If tstartm + 60 - tss >= 60 Then
Range("X11").Value = "=AD10- G10"
Range("X11").Value = "=AD10+60 - G10"
End If
Range("V11", "X11").Interior.Color = RGB(0, 250, 154)
Range("Y12").Value = "=ROUNDDOWN(((AB10 *3600+AD10*60+7200)/3600),0)"
Range("Z12").Value = ":"
If tstartm + 60 - tss >= 60 Then
Range("AA12").Value = "=AD10 - G10"
Range("AA12").Value = "=AD10+60 - G10"
End If
Range("Y12", "AA12").Interior.Color = RGB(0, 250, 154)
Cells(12, 28).Value = Cells(5, 10)
Cells(12, 29).Value = ":"
Cells(12, 30).Value = Cells(5, 11)
Cells(12, 31).Value = "ー"
Cells(12, 32).Value = Cells(5, 13)
Cells(12, 33).Value = ":"
Cells(12, 34).Value = Cells(5, 14)
Cells(12, 35).Value = "("
Cells(12, 36).Value = "=((M5 * 60) + N5) - ((J5 * 60) + K5)"
Cells(12, 37).Value = "分)"
Cells(12, 38).Value = "=AJ10+AJ12"
Cells(12, 39).Value = "分"
Cells(12, 40).Value = "2a"
Range(Cells(12, 28), Cells(12, 40)).Interior.Color = RGB(0, 250, 154)
ElseIf (tstarth2 * 3600 + tatartm2 * 60) >= (tstarth * 3600 + tstartm * 60) + (60 * 60 - tsf * 60) + (60 * 60) And (tendh2 * 3600 + tendm2 * 60) - (tstarth2 * 3600 + tstartm2 * 60) >= (tgm * 60 + tgs + tcm * 60 + tcs) Then
Range("V11").Value = "=ROUNDDOWN(((AB10 *3600+AD10*60+3600)/3600),0)"
Range("W11").Value = ":"
If tstartm + 60 - tss >= 60 Then
Range("X11").Value = "=AD10 - G10"
Range("X11").Value = "=AD10+60 - G10"
End If
Range("V11", "X11").Interior.Color = RGB(0, 250, 154)
Cells(11, 28).Value = Cells(5, 10)
Cells(11, 29).Value = ":"
Cells(11, 30).Value = Cells(5, 11)
Cells(11, 31).Value = "ー"
Cells(11, 32).Value = Cells(5, 13)
Cells(11, 33).Value = ":"
Cells(11, 34).Value = Cells(5, 14)
Cells(11, 35).Value = "("
Cells(11, 36).Value = "=((M5 * 60) + N5) - ((J5 * 60) + K5)"
Cells(11, 37).Value = "分)"
Cells(11, 38).Value = "=AJ10+AJ11"
Cells(11, 39).Value = "分"
Cells(11, 40).Value = "1"
Range(Cells(11, 28), Cells(11, 40)).Interior.Color = RGB(0, 250, 154)
ElseIf (tendh2 * 3600 + tendm2 * 60) - (tstarth * 3600 + tstartm * 60) - (60 * 60 - tsf * 60) - (60 * 60) >= (tgm * 60 + tgs + tcm * 60 + tcs) And (tstarth2 * 3600 + tstartm2 * 60) > (tstarth * 3600 + tstartm * 60) + (60 * 60 - tsf * 60) + 60 * 60 Then
Range("V11").Value = "=ROUNDDOWN(((AB10 *3600+AD10*60+3600)/3600),0)"
Range("W11").Value = ":"
If tstartm + 60 - tss >= 60 Then
Range("X11").Value = "=AD10 - G10"
Range("X11").Value = "=AD10+60 - G10"
End If
Range("V11", "X11").Interior.Color = RGB(0, 250, 154)
Cells(11, 28).Value = Cells(5, 10)
Cells(11, 29).Value = ":"
Cells(11, 30).Value = Cells(5, 11)
Cells(11, 31).Value = "ー"
Cells(11, 32).Value = Cells(5, 13)
Cells(11, 33).Value = ":"
Cells(11, 34).Value = Cells(5, 14)
Cells(11, 35).Value = "("
Cells(11, 36).Value = "=((M5 * 60) + N5) - ((J5 * 60) + K5)"
Cells(11, 37).Value = "分)"
Cells(11, 38).Value = "=AJ10+AJ11"
Cells(11, 39).Value = "分"
Cells(11, 40).Value = "1a"
Range(Cells(11, 28), Cells(11, 40)).Interior.Color = RGB(0, 250, 154)
ElseIf (tendh2 * 3600 + tendm2 * 60) - (tstarth * 3600 + tstartm * 60) - (60 * 60 - tsf * 60) - (60 * 60) >= (tgm * 60 + tgs + tcm * 60 + tcs) And (tstarth2 * 3600 + tstartm2 * 60) <= (tstarth * 3600 + tstartm * 60) + (60 * 60 - tsf * 60) + 60 * 60 Then
Range("Y11").Value = "=ROUNDDOWN(((AB10 *3600+AD10*60+3600)/3600),0)"
Range("Z11").Value = ":"
If tstartm + 60 - tss >= 60 Then
Range("AA11").Value = "=K4 - G10"
Range("AA11").Value = "=K4+60 - G10"
End If
Range("Y11", "AA11").Interior.Color = RGB(0, 250, 154)
Cells(11, 28).Value = Cells(5, 10)
Cells(11, 29).Value = ":"
Cells(11, 30).Value = Cells(5, 11)
Cells(11, 31).Value = "ー"
Cells(11, 32).Value = Cells(5, 13)
Cells(11, 33).Value = ":"
Cells(11, 34).Value = Cells(5, 14)
Cells(11, 35).Value = "("
Cells(11, 36).Value = "=((M5 * 60) + N5) - ((J5 * 60) + K5)"
Cells(11, 37).Value = "分)"
Cells(11, 38).Value = "=AJ10+AJ11"
Cells(11, 39).Value = "分"
Cells(11, 40).Value = "1b"
Range(Cells(11, 28), Cells(11, 40)).Interior.Color = RGB(0, 250, 154)
ElseIf (tendh2 * 3600 + tendm2 * 60) - (tstarth * 3600 + tstartm * 60) - (60 * 60 - tsf * 60) - (60 * 60) < (tgm * 60 + tgs + tcm * 60 + tcs) Then
Cells(11, 28).Value = Cells(5, 10)
Cells(11, 29).Value = ":"
Cells(11, 30).Value = Cells(5, 11)
Cells(11, 31).Value = "ー"
Cells(11, 32).Value = Cells(5, 13)
Cells(11, 33).Value = ":"
Cells(11, 34).Value = Cells(5, 14)
Cells(11, 35).Value = "("
Cells(11, 36).Value = "=((M5 * 60) + N5) - ((J5 * 60) + K5)"
Cells(11, 37).Value = "分)"
Cells(11, 38).Value = "=AJ10+AJ11"
Cells(11, 39).Value = "分"
Cells(11, 40).Value = "0"
Range(Cells(11, 28), Cells(11, 40)).Interior.Color = RGB(0, 250, 154)
MsgBox "Kimiが想定していないスケジュールパターンです。入力情報をKimiに報告していただけると幸いです。"
End If
ElseIf (((tendh * 3600) + tendm * 60) - ((tstarth * 3600) + tstartm * 60) - (3600 - tss * 60)) >= (tgm * 60 + tgs + tcm * 60 + tcs) Then
Range("V8").Value = "=ROUNDDOWN(((J4 * 60 + K4 - G7)/60),0)"
Range("W8").Value = ":"
If tstartm + 60 - tss >= 60 Then
Range("X8").Value = "=K4- G7"
Range("X8").Value = "=K4+60 - G7"
End If
Range("V8", "X8").Interior.Color = RGB(255, 128, 128)
Range("Y9").Value = "=ROUNDDOWN(((J4 * 60 + K4 +(60- G7))/60),0)"
Range("Z9").Value = ":"
If tstartm + 60 - tss >= 60 Then
Range("AA9").Value = "=K4 - G7"
Range("AA9").Value = "=K4+60 - G7"
End If
Range("Y9", "AA9").Interior.Color = RGB(255, 128, 128)
Range("AB9").Value = "=J4"
Range("AC9").Value = ":"
Range("AD9").Value = "=K4"
Range("AE9").Value = "ー"
Range("AF9").Value = "=M4"
Range("AG9").Value = ":"
Range("AH9").Value = "=N4"
Range("AI9").Value = "("
Range("AJ9").Value = "=((M4 * 60) + N4) - ((J4 * 60) + K4)"
Range("AK9").Value = "分)"
Range("AL9").Value = "=AJ9"
Range("AM9").Value = "分"
Range("AN9").Value = "2"
Range("AB9", "AN9").Interior.Color = RGB(255, 128, 128)
If (tstarth2 * 3600 + tstartm2 * 60) - (60 * 60) - (tsf * 60) >= (tstarth * 3600 + tstartm * 60) + (60 * 60 - tss * 60) + (60 * 60) And (((tendh2 * 3600) + tendm2 * 60) - ((tstarth2 * 3600) + tstartm2 * 60) - (3600 - tsf * 60)) >= (tgm * 60 + tgs + tcm * 60 + tcs) Then
Range("P10").Value = "=ROUNDDOWN(((J5 * 60 + K5 - G10 - 60)/60),0)"
Range("Q10").Value = ":"
If tstartm2 + 60 - tsf > 60 Then
Range("R10").Value = "=K5 - G10"
Range("R10").Value = "=K5+60 - G10"
End If
Range("P10", "R10").Interior.Color = RGB(0, 250, 154)
Range("S11").Value = "=ROUNDDOWN(((J5 * 60 + K5 - G10)/60),0)"
Range("T11").Value = ":"
If tstartm2 + 60 - tsf >= 60 Then
Range("U11").Value = "=K5 - G10"
Range("U11").Value = "=K5+60 - G10"
End If
Range("S11", "U11").Interior.Color = RGB(0, 250, 154)
Range("Y12").Value = "=ROUNDDOWN(((J5 * 60 + K5 +(60- G10))/60),0)"
Range("Z12").Value = ":"
If tstartm2 + 60 - tsf >= 60 Then
Range("AA12").Value = "=K5- G10"
Range("AA12").Value = "=K5+60 - G10"
End If
Range("Y12", "AA12").Interior.Color = RGB(0, 250, 154)
Cells(12, 28).Value = Cells(5, 10)
Cells(12, 29).Value = ":"
Cells(12, 30).Value = Cells(5, 11)
Cells(12, 31).Value = "ー"
Cells(12, 32).Value = Cells(5, 13)
Cells(12, 33).Value = ":"
Cells(12, 34).Value = Cells(5, 14)
Cells(12, 35).Value = "("
Cells(12, 36).Value = "=((M5 * 60) + N5) - ((J5 * 60) + K5)"
Cells(12, 37).Value = "分)"
Cells(12, 38).Value = "=AJ9+AJ12"
Cells(12, 39).Value = "分"
Cells(12, 40).Value = "3"
Range(Cells(12, 28), Cells(12, 40)).Interior.Color = RGB(0, 250, 154)
ElseIf (tstarth2 * 3600 + tstartm2 * 60) - (3600 + tsf * 60) < tstarth * 3600 + tstartm * 60 + 3600 - tss * 60 + 3600 And (tendh2 * 3600 + tendm2 * 60) - (tstarth * 3600 + tstartm * 60) - (3600 * 3) - (3600 - tss * 60) >= (tgm * 60 + tgs + tcm * 60 + tcs) Then
Range("P10").Value = "=ROUNDDOWN(((AB9 *3600+AD9*60+3600)/3600),0)"
Range("Q10").Value = ":"
If tstartm + 60 - tsf > 60 Then
Range("R10").Value = "=AD9 - G7"
Range("R10").Value = "=AD9+60 - G7"
End If
Range("P10", "R10").Interior.Color = RGB(0, 250, 154)
Range("S11").Value = "=ROUNDDOWN(((AB9 *3600+AD9*60+7200)/3600),0)"
Range("T11").Value = ":"
If tstartm + 60 - tsf >= 60 Then
Range("U11").Value = "=AD9 - G7"
Range("U11").Value = "=AD9+60 - G7"
End If
Range("S11", "U11").Interior.Color = RGB(0, 250, 154)
Range("Y12").Value = "=ROUNDDOWN(((AB9 *3600+AD9*60+10800)/3600),0)"
Range("Z12").Value = ":"
If tstartm + 60 - tsf >= 60 Then
Range("AA12").Value = "=AD9- G7"
Range("AA12").Value = "=AD9+60 - G7"
End If
Range("Y12", "AA12").Interior.Color = RGB(0, 250, 154)
Cells(12, 28).Value = Cells(5, 10)
Cells(12, 29).Value = ":"
Cells(12, 30).Value = Cells(5, 11)
Cells(12, 31).Value = "ー"
Cells(12, 32).Value = Cells(5, 13)
Cells(12, 33).Value = ":"
Cells(12, 34).Value = Cells(5, 14)
Cells(12, 35).Value = "("
Cells(12, 36).Value = "=((M5 * 60) + N5) - ((J5 * 60) + K5)"
Cells(12, 37).Value = "分)"
Cells(12, 38).Value = "=AJ9+AJ12"
Cells(12, 39).Value = "分"
Cells(12, 40).Value = "3a"
Range(Cells(12, 28), Cells(12, 40)).Interior.Color = RGB(0, 250, 154)
ElseIf (tstarth2 * 3600 + tstartm2 * 60) - (tss * 60) >= (tstarth * 3600 + tstartm * 60) + (60 * 60 - tss * 60) + 60 * 60 And (((tendh2 * 3600) + tendm2 * 60) - ((tstarth2 * 3600) + tstartm2 * 60) - (3600 - tss * 60)) >= (tgm * 60 + tgs + tcm * 60 + tcs) Then
Range("V10").Value = "=ROUNDDOWN(((J5 * 60 + K5 - G7)/60),0)"
Range("W10").Value = ":"
If tstartm2 + 60 - tss >= 60 Then
Range("X10").Value = "=K5- G7"
Range("X10").Value = "=K5+60 - G7"
End If
Range("V10", "X10").Interior.Color = RGB(0, 250, 154)
Range("Y11").Value = "=ROUNDDOWN(((J5 * 60 + K5 +(60- G7))/60),0)"
Range("Z11").Value = ":"
If tstartm2 + 60 - tss >= 60 Then
Range("AA11").Value = "=K5 - G7"
Range("AA11").Value = "=K5+60 - G7"
End If
Range("Y11", "AA11").Interior.Color = RGB(0, 250, 154)
Cells(11, 28).Value = Cells(5, 10)
Cells(11, 29).Value = ":"
Cells(11, 30).Value = Cells(5, 11)
Cells(11, 31).Value = "ー"
Cells(11, 32).Value = Cells(5, 13)
Cells(11, 33).Value = ":"
Cells(11, 34).Value = Cells(5, 14)
Cells(11, 35).Value = "("
Cells(11, 36).Value = "=((M5 * 60) + N5) - ((J5 * 60) + K5)"
Cells(11, 37).Value = "分)"
Cells(11, 38).Value = "=AJ9+AJ11"
Cells(11, 39).Value = "分"
Cells(11, 40).Value = "2"
Range(Cells(11, 28), Cells(11, 40)).Interior.Color = RGB(0, 250, 154)
ElseIf (tendh2 * 3600 + tendm2 * 60) - (tstarth * 3600 + tstartm * 60) - (120 * 60) - (60 * 60 - tss * 60) >= (tgm * 60 + tgs + tcm * 60 + tcs) And (tstarth2 * 3600 + tstartm2 * 60) - (tss * 60) < (tstarth * 3600 + tstartm * 60) + (60 * 60 - tss * 60) + 60 * 60 Then
Range("V10").Value = "=ROUNDDOWN(((AB9 *3600+AD9*60+3600)/3600),0)"
Range("W10").Value = ":"
If tstartm + 60 - tss >= 60 Then
Range("X10").Value = "=AD9- G7"
Range("X10").Value = "=AD9+60 - G7"
End If
Range("V10", "X10").Interior.Color = RGB(0, 250, 154)
Range("Y11").Value = "=ROUNDDOWN(((AB9 *3600+AD9*60+7200)/3600),0)"
Range("Z11").Value = ":"
If tstartm + 60 - tss >= 60 Then
Range("AA11").Value = "=AD9 - G7"
Range("AA11").Value = "=AD9+60 - G7"
End If
Range("Y11", "AA11").Interior.Color = RGB(0, 250, 154)
Cells(11, 28).Value = Cells(5, 10)
Cells(11, 29).Value = ":"
Cells(11, 30).Value = Cells(5, 11)
Cells(11, 31).Value = "ー"
Cells(11, 32).Value = Cells(5, 13)
Cells(11, 33).Value = ":"
Cells(11, 34).Value = Cells(5, 14)
Cells(11, 35).Value = "("
Cells(11, 36).Value = "=((M5 * 60) + N5) - ((J5 * 60) + K5)"
Cells(11, 37).Value = "分)"
Cells(11, 38).Value = "=AJ9+AJ11"
Cells(11, 39).Value = "分"
Cells(11, 40).Value = "2a"
Range(Cells(11, 28), Cells(11, 40)).Interior.Color = RGB(0, 250, 154)
ElseIf (tstarth2 * 3600 + tatartm2 * 60) >= (tstarth * 3600 + tstartm * 60) + (60 * 60 - tss * 60) + (60 * 60) And (tendh2 * 3600 + tendm2 * 60) - (tstarth2 * 3600 + tstartm2 * 60) >= (tgm * 60 + tgs + tcm * 60 + tcs) Then
Range("V10").Value = "=ROUNDDOWN(((AB9 *3600+AD9*60+3600)/3600),0)"
Range("W10").Value = ":"
If tstartm + 60 - tss >= 60 Then
Range("X10").Value = "=AD10 - G7"
Range("X10").Value = "=AD10+60 - G7"
End If
Range("V10", "X10").Interior.Color = RGB(0, 250, 154)
Cells(10, 28).Value = Cells(5, 10)
Cells(10, 29).Value = ":"
Cells(10, 30).Value = Cells(5, 11)
Cells(10, 31).Value = "ー"
Cells(10, 32).Value = Cells(5, 13)
Cells(10, 33).Value = ":"
Cells(10, 34).Value = Cells(5, 14)
Cells(10, 35).Value = "("
Cells(10, 36).Value = "=((M5 * 60) + N5) - ((J5 * 60) + K5)"
Cells(10, 37).Value = "分)"
Cells(10, 38).Value = "=AJ9+AJ10"
Cells(10, 39).Value = "分"
Cells(10, 40).Value = "1"
Range(Cells(10, 28), Cells(10, 40)).Interior.Color = RGB(0, 250, 154)
ElseIf (tendh2 * 3600 + tendm2 * 60) - (tstarth * 3600 + tstartm * 60) - (60 * 60 - tss * 60) - (60 * 60) >= (tgm * 60 + tgs + tcm * 60 + tcs) And (tstarth2 * 3600 + tstartm2 * 60) > (tstarth * 3600 + tstartm * 60) + (60 * 60 - tss * 60) + 60 * 60 Then
Range("V10").Value = "=ROUNDDOWN(((AB9 *3600+AD9*60+3600)/3600),0)"
Range("W10").Value = ":"
If tstartm + 60 - tss >= 60 Then
Range("X10").Value = "=AD9 - G7"
Range("X10").Value = "=AD9+60 - G7"
End If
Range("V10", "X10").Interior.Color = RGB(0, 250, 154)
Cells(10, 28).Value = Cells(5, 10)
Cells(10, 29).Value = ":"
Cells(10, 30).Value = Cells(5, 11)
Cells(10, 31).Value = "ー"
Cells(10, 32).Value = Cells(5, 13)
Cells(10, 33).Value = ":"
Cells(10, 34).Value = Cells(5, 14)
Cells(10, 35).Value = "("
Cells(10, 36).Value = "=((M5 * 60) + N5) - ((J5 * 60) + K5)"
Cells(10, 37).Value = "分)"
Cells(10, 38).Value = "=AJ9+AJ10"
Cells(10, 39).Value = "分"
Cells(10, 40).Value = "1a"
Range(Cells(10, 28), Cells(10, 40)).Interior.Color = RGB(0, 250, 154)
ElseIf (tendh2 * 3600 + tendm2 * 60) - (tstarth * 3600 + tstartm * 60) - (60 * 60 - tss * 60) - (60 * 60) >= (tgm * 60 + tgs + tcm * 60 + tcs) And (tstarth2 * 3600 + tstartm2 * 60) <= (tstarth * 3600 + tstartm * 60) + (60 * 60 - tsf * 60) + 60 * 60 Then
Range("Y10").Value = "=ROUNDDOWN(((AB9 *3600+AD9*60+3600)/3600),0)"
Range("Z10").Value = ":"
If tstartm + 60 - tss >= 60 Then
Range("AA10").Value = "=K4 - G7"
Range("AA10").Value = "=K4+60 - G7"
End If
Range("Y10", "AA10").Interior.Color = RGB(0, 250, 154)
Cells(10, 28).Value = Cells(5, 10)
Cells(10, 29).Value = ":"
Cells(10, 30).Value = Cells(5, 11)
Cells(10, 31).Value = "ー"
Cells(10, 32).Value = Cells(5, 13)
Cells(10, 33).Value = ":"
Cells(10, 34).Value = Cells(5, 14)
Cells(10, 35).Value = "("
Cells(10, 36).Value = "=((M5 * 60) + N5) - ((J5 * 60) + K5)"
Cells(10, 37).Value = "分)"
Cells(10, 38).Value = "=AJ9+AJ10"
Cells(10, 39).Value = "分"
Cells(10, 40).Value = "1b"
Range(Cells(10, 28), Cells(10, 40)).Interior.Color = RGB(0, 250, 154)
ElseIf (tendh2 * 3600 + tendm2 * 60) - (tstarth * 3600 + tstartm * 60) - (60 * 60 - tss * 60) - (60 * 60) < (tgm * 60 + tgs + tcm * 60 + tcs) Then
Cells(10, 28).Value = Cells(5, 10)
Cells(10, 29).Value = ":"
Cells(10, 30).Value = Cells(5, 11)
Cells(10, 31).Value = "ー"
Cells(10, 32).Value = Cells(5, 13)
Cells(10, 33).Value = ":"
Cells(10, 34).Value = Cells(5, 14)
Cells(10, 35).Value = "("
Cells(10, 36).Value = "=((M5 * 60) + N5) - ((J5 * 60) + K5)"
Cells(10, 37).Value = "分)"
Cells(10, 38).Value = "=AJ9+AJ10"
Cells(10, 39).Value = "分"
Cells(10, 40).Value = "0"
Range(Cells(10, 28), Cells(10, 40)).Interior.Color = RGB(0, 250, 154)
MsgBox "Kimiが想定していないスケジュールパターンです。入力情報をKimiに報告していただけると幸いです。"
End If
MsgBox "error"
Exit Sub
End If
Range("P8", "AN15").Font.Name = "HG丸ゴシックM-PRO"
Range("P8", "AN15").Font.Size = 18
Range("Q8", "R15").EntireColumn.AutoFit
Range("T8", "U15").EntireColumn.AutoFit
Range("W8", "X15").EntireColumn.AutoFit
Range("Z8", "AA15").EntireColumn.AutoFit
Range("AB8", "AN15").EntireColumn.AutoFit
Range("R5", "R13").NumberFormatLocal = "00"
Range("U5", "U13").NumberFormatLocal = "00"
Range("X5", "X13").NumberFormatLocal = "00"
Range("AA5", "AA13").NumberFormatLocal = "00"
Range("AD5", "AD13").NumberFormatLocal = "00"
Range("AH5", "AH13").NumberFormatLocal = "00"
Range("P8", "P13").HorizontalAlignment = xlRight
Range("S8", "S13").HorizontalAlignment = xlRight
Range("V8", "V13").HorizontalAlignment = xlRight
Range("Y8", "Y13").HorizontalAlignment = xlRight
Range("AB8", "AB13").HorizontalAlignment = xlRight
Range("AF8", "AF13").HorizontalAlignment = xlRight
Range("AI8", "AI13").HorizontalAlignment = xlRight
Range("Q8", "Q13").HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
Range("T8", "T13").HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
Range("W8", "W13").HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
Range("Z8", "Z13").HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
Range("AC8", "AC13").HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
Range("AG8", "AG13").HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
Range("AJ8", "AJ13").HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
Range("AL8", "AL13").HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
Range("AM8", "AM13").HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
Range("AN8", "AN13").HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
Range("R8", "R13").HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
Range("U8", "U13").HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
Range("X8", "X13").HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
Range("AA8", "AA13").HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
Range("AD8", "AD13").HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
Range("AH8", "AH13").HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
Range("AK8", "AK13").HorizontalAlignment = xlLeft
Range("P15", "AN16").Merge
Range("P15", "AN16").Interior.Color = RGB(255, 255, 0)
Range("P15") = "【注意】このプログラムはお試し版です。計算結果が正確であるとは限りません。" & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & "よってこのプログラムによるいかなるトラブルに関して、責任を負いかねます。"
Range("P15").Font.Name = "HG丸ゴシックM-PRO"
Range("P15").Font.Size = 18
Range("P15").HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
End Sub
Sub Clear()
End Sub
Sub inputs()
Columns("A").ColumnWidth = 5
Columns("B").ColumnWidth = 10
Columns("C").ColumnWidth = 10
Columns("D").ColumnWidth = 10
Columns("E").ColumnWidth = 7
Columns("F").ColumnWidth = 7
Columns("G").ColumnWidth = 12
Columns("H").ColumnWidth = 10
Columns("I").ColumnWidth = 5
Columns("J").ColumnWidth = 5
Columns("K").ColumnWidth = 5
Columns("L").ColumnWidth = 5
Columns("M").ColumnWidth = 5
Columns("N").ColumnWidth = 5
Columns("O").ColumnWidth = 5
Columns("P").ColumnWidth = 7
Columns("Q").ColumnWidth = 3
Columns("R").ColumnWidth = 7
Columns("S").ColumnWidth = 7
Columns("T").ColumnWidth = 3
Columns("U").ColumnWidth = 7
Columns("V").ColumnWidth = 7
Columns("W").ColumnWidth = 3
Columns("X").ColumnWidth = 7
Columns("Y").ColumnWidth = 7
Columns("Z").ColumnWidth = 3
Columns("AA").ColumnWidth = 7
Columns("AB").ColumnWidth = 7
Columns("AC").ColumnWidth = 3
Columns("AD").ColumnWidth = 7
Columns("AE").ColumnWidth = 10
Columns("AF").ColumnWidth = 7
Columns("AG").ColumnWidth = 3
Columns("AH").ColumnWidth = 7
Columns("AI").ColumnWidth = 5
Columns("AJ").ColumnWidth = 7
Columns("AK").ColumnWidth = 10
Columns("AL").ColumnWidth = 7
Columns("AM").ColumnWidth = 10
Columns("AN").ColumnWidth = 10
Range("G3") = "分"
Range("G3").Font.Name = "HG丸ゴシックM-PRO"
Range("G3").Font.Size = 18
Range("H3") = "秒"
Range("H3").Font.Name = "HG丸ゴシックM-PRO"
Range("H3").Font.Size = 18
Range("C4", "F4").Merge
Range("C4") = "1周分の星投げ時間(tg)"
Range("C4").Font.Name = "HG丸ゴシックM-PRO"
Range("C4").Font.Size = 18
Range("C5", "F5").Merge
Range("C5") = "1周分の星集め時間(tc)"
Range("C5").Font.Name = "HG丸ゴシックM-PRO"
Range("C5").Font.Size = 18
Range("G4", "H5").Font.Name = "HG丸ゴシックM-PRO"
Range("G4", "H5").Font.Size = 18
Range("B3:H5").HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
Dim tgm As String '星投げ時間(分)
tgm = Range("G4").Value
Dim tgs As String '星投げ時間(秒)
tgs = Range("H4").Value
Dim tg As String
tg = "tgm + (tgs / 60)"
Dim tcm As String '星集め時間(分)
tcm = Range("G5").Value
Dim tcs As String '星集め時間(秒)
tcs = Range("H5").Value
Range("H4").NumberFormatLocal = "00"
Range("H5").NumberFormatLocal = "00"
Dim tc As String
tc = "tcm + (tcs / 60)"
Range("B7", "F7").Merge
Range("B7") = "【2周】星集め(95個)開始は"
Range("G7").Interior.Color = RGB(255, 255, 0)
Range("H7") = "分前"
Range("B8", "D8").Merge
Range("B8") = "(計算結果)早くても"
Range("E8").Value = "=ROUNDDOWN(60-(G4+(H4/60)),0)"
Range("F8") = "分前"
Range("B10", "F10").Merge
Range("B10") = "【3周】捨て星開始は"
Range("G10").Interior.Color = RGB(255, 255, 0)
Range("H10") = "分前"
Range("B11", "D11").Merge
Range("B11") = "(計算結果)早くても"
Range("E11").Value = "=ROUNDDOWN(60-(2*(G4+(H4/60))+(G5+(H5/60))),0)"
Range("F11") = "分前"
Range("B7", "H11").Font.Name = "HG丸ゴシックM-PRO"
Range("B7", "H11").Font.Size = 18
Range("B8", "H8").Font.Color = RGB(256, 0, 0)
Range("B11", "H11").Font.Color = RGB(256, 0, 0)
Range("B7", "H11").EntireColumn.AutoFit
Range("B7", "B11").HorizontalAlignment = xlRight
Range("E8", "E11").HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
Range("J2", "N2").Merge
Range("J2") = "配信時間(二枠分)"
Range("J2").Font.Name = "HG丸ゴシックM-PRO"
Range("J2").Font.Size = 18
Range("J3,M3") = " 時 "
Range("J3,M3").Font.Name = "HG丸ゴシックM-PRO"
Range("J3,M3").Font.Size = 18
Range("K3,N3") = " 分 "
Range("K3,N3").Font.Name = "HG丸ゴシックM-PRO"
Range("K3,N3").Font.Size = 18
Range("1:25").RowHeight = 25
Range("J2:N100").HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
Range("G4", "H5").Interior.Color = RGB(255, 255, 0)
Range("J4", "K5").Interior.Color = RGB(255, 255, 0)
Range("M4", "N5").Interior.Color = RGB(255, 255, 0)
Range("B13", "H13").Merge
Range("B14", "F14").Merge
Range("B15", "F15").Merge
Range("B16", "F16").Merge
Range("B17", "F19").Merge
Range("B13") = "イベントルール(バージョン2で導入予定)"
Range("B14") = "一枠の配信時間は最低"
Range("H14") = "分"
Range("B15") = "配信時間合計は最大"
Range("H15") = "分"
Range("B16") = "配信枠数は最大"
Range("H16") = "枠"
Range("B17") = "配信時間帯"
Range("H17") = "時"
Range("G18", "H18").Merge
Range("G18") = "~"
Range("H19") = "時"
Range("B13", "H19").Font.Name = "HG丸ゴシックM-PRO"
Range("B13", "H19").Font.Size = 18
Range("B13").HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
Range("G18").HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
Range("B14").HorizontalAlignment = xlRight
Range("B15").HorizontalAlignment = xlRight
Range("B16").HorizontalAlignment = xlRight
Range("B17").HorizontalAlignment = xlRight
Range("J4", "N6").Font.Name = "HG丸ゴシックM-PRO"
Range("J4", "N6").Font.Size = 18
Range("J2", "N6").EntireColumn.AutoFit
Range("K4").NumberFormatLocal = "00"
Range("N4").NumberFormatLocal = "00"
Range("K5").NumberFormatLocal = "00"
Range("N5").NumberFormatLocal = "00"
Range("B13", "H19").Interior.Color = RGB(200, 200, 255)
Range("J11", "N14").Merge
'Range("J11", "N14").Interior.Color = RGB(255, 255, 0)
Range("J11") = "②" & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & "黄色マーカー部分" & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & "に数値を入力"
Range("J11").Font.Name = "HG丸ゴシックM-PRO"
Range("J11").Font.Size = 22
Range("J11").HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
Range("J11").Font.Color = RGB(256, 0, 0)
Range("P5", "R7").Merge
Range("P5") = "星満タン" & vbLf & "開始時刻"
Range("P5").Font.Name = "HG丸ゴシックM-PRO"
Range("P5").Font.Size = 18
Range("S5", "U7").Merge
Range("S5") = "捨て星"
Range("S5").Font.Name = "HG丸ゴシックM-PRO"
Range("S5").Font.Size = 18
Range("V5", "X7").Merge
Range("V5") = "星集め" & vbLf & "95個" & vbLf & "開始時刻"
Range("V5").Font.Name = "HG丸ゴシックM-PRO"
Range("V5").Font.Size = 18
Range("Y5", "AA7").Merge
Range("Y5") = "星集め" & vbLf & "(100個)" & vbLf & "開始時刻"
Range("Y5").Font.Name = "HG丸ゴシックM-PRO"
Range("Y5").Font.Size = 18
Range("AB5") = "配信時間"
Range("AB5").Font.Name = "HG丸ゴシックM-PRO"
Range("AB5").Font.Size = 18
Range("AL5", "AM7").Merge
Range("AL5") = "配信" & vbLf & "時間" & vbLf & "合計"
Range("AL5").Font.Name = "HG丸ゴシックM-PRO"
Range("AL5").Font.Size = 18
Range("AN5") = "周回"
Range("AN5").Font.Name = "HG丸ゴシックM-PRO"
Range("AN5").Font.Size = 18
Range("K5").NumberFormatLocal = "00"
Range("N5").NumberFormatLocal = "00"
Range("P5:AN7").HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
Range("P3") = "配信ルーム名を入力してください"
Range("P4") = "配信日を入力してください"
Range("P3:P4").Font.Name = "HG丸ゴシックM-PRO"
Range("P3:P4").Font.Size = 18
Range("P3").HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
Range("P4").HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
Range("G7").Value = "=ROUNDDOWN(60-(G4+(H4/60)),0)"
Range("G10").Value = "=ROUNDDOWN(60-(2*(G4+(H4/60))+(G5+(H5/60))),0)"
End Sub
最後に保存しますが、保存の種類は「Excel マクロ有効ブック」にしてください。
## 2.4 ボタンの設定
### 「全クリア」ボタンの作成
### 「③計算」ボタンの作成