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[vba excel]よく使う共通メソッドのbak

Last updated at Posted at 2019-10-30


' Simulate keyboard.
' Ex:
' Call keybd_event(17, 0, 0, 0)   'Pushing ctrl is continued.
' Call Delay(100)
' Call keybd_event(67, 0, 0, 0)  '//Pushing c
' Call Delay(100)
' Call keybd_event(67, 0, 2, 0)  '//Release c
' Call Delay(100)
' Call keybd_event(17, 0, 2, 0)   'Release ctrl
Public Declare Sub keybd_event Lib "user32" (ByVal bVk As Byte, ByVal bScan As Byte, ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal dwExtraInfo As Long)
Public Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "kernel32" () As Long
'Define Excel API
Public Declare Function GetLocaleInfo Lib "kernel32" Alias _
    "GetLocaleInfoA" (ByVal Locale As Long, ByVal LCType As Long, _
    ByVal lpLCData As String, ByVal cchData As Long) As Long
Private Const LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT = 2048

Private Const LOCALE_SENGCOUNTRY = &H1002

    wYear           As Integer
    wMonth          As Integer
    wDayOfWeek      As String
    wDay            As Integer
    wHour           As Integer
    wMinute         As Integer
    wSecond         As Integer
End Type
    Dim sys As SYSTEMTIME
    Dim dt As Date
    Dim myTime
    myTime = time
    dt = Date
    sys.wYear = Year(dt)
    sys.wMonth = Month(dt)
    sys.wDayOfWeek = WeekdayName(Weekday(dt))
    sys.wDay = Day(dt)
    sys.wHour = Hour(myTime)
    sys.wMinute = Minute(myTime)
    sys.wSecond = Second(myTime)
    GetSYSTEMTIME = sys
End Function
'* Get Now with yyyyMMddHHmmss
Public Function GetNow_yyyyMMddHHmmss() As String
    GetNow_yyyyMMddHHmmss = Format(Now, "yyyyMMddHHmmss")
End Function
' Delay ( time ms )
Public Sub Delay(time As Long)
    Dim oldtime As Long
    oldtime = GetTickCount()
    If GetTickCount - oldtime < time Then
    End If
End Sub
' Dim args(2) As String
' args(0) = "test1"
' args(1) = "test2"
' args(2) = "test3"
' MsgBox (MessageFormat("this sheet No. {0},{1},{2} is OK.", args))
Function MessageFormat(targetMsg As String, args() As String) As String
    Dim index  As Integer
    For index = 0 To UBound(args)
        targetMsg = Replace(targetMsg, "{" & index & "}", args(index))
    Next index
    MessageFormat = targetMsg
End Function
' This String is Matched ?
Function isMatchedWithRegExp(ByVal theStr As String _
                            , ByVal pat As String _
                            , Optional ByVal ignoreCaseFlag As Boolean = True) As Boolean
    Set re = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
    With re
        .Global = True                ' Search the whole character string.
        .IgnoreCase = ignoreCaseFlag  ' Ture : Lowwer Letter a = Upper Letter A
        .Pattern = pat
        If .test(theStr) Then
            isMatchedWithRegExp = True
            Set re = Nothing
            Exit Function
        End If
    End With
isMatchedWithRegExp = False
Set re = Nothing
End Function

' Get Matched String
' Ex: .+(\w\w).+(\d\d).+
Function GetMatchedInnerStrWithRegExp(ByVal theStr As String _
                                    , ByVal pat As String _
                                    , Optional ByVal ignoreCaseFlag As Boolean = True _
                                    , Optional ByVal strSplitMark As String = vbCrLf) As String
    Dim ret As String
    ret = ""
    Set re = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
    With re
        .Global = True                ' Search the whole character string.
        .IgnoreCase = ignoreCaseFlag  ' Ture : Lowwer Letter a = Upper Letter A
        .Pattern = pat
    End With
    Set objMatches = re.Execute(theStr)
    If objMatches.COUNT > 0 Then
        Set m = objMatches(0)
        For index = 0 To m.SubMatches.COUNT - 1
            ret = ret & m.SubMatches(index)
            If index <> m.SubMatches.COUNT - 1 Then
                ret = ret & strSplitMark
            End If
        Next index
    End If
    GetMatchedInnerStrWithRegExp = ret
    Set re = Nothing
End Function

' Get Matched String
' Ex: ([\w\d]+|bb)
Function GetMatchedWithRegExp(ByVal theStr As String _
                            , ByVal pat As String _
                            , Optional ByVal ignoreCaseFlag As Boolean = True _
                            , Optional ByVal strSplitMark As String = vbCrLf) As String
    Dim ret As String
    ret = ""
    Set re = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
    With re
        .Global = True                ' Search the whole character string.
        .IgnoreCase = ignoreCaseFlag  ' Ture : Lowwer Letter a = Upper Letter A
        .Pattern = pat
    End With
    Set objMatches = re.Execute(theStr)
    If objMatches.COUNT > 0 Then
        For index = 0 To objMatches.COUNT - 1
            ret = ret & objMatches.Item(index).value
            If index <> objMatches.COUNT - 1 Then
                ret = ret & strSplitMark
            End If
        Next index
    End If
    GetMatchedWithRegExp = ret
    Set re = Nothing
End Function

' Get String With RegExp After Repalced
Function GetStringWithRegExpAfterFormat(ByVal theStr As String _
                                        , ByVal pat As String _
                                        , Optional ByVal ignoreCaseFlag As Boolean = True _
                                        , Optional ByVal strReplace As String = "###") As String
    If strReplace = "###" Then
        MsgBox "Replace String is NULL!", vbCritical
        Exit Function
    End If
    Dim ret
    ret = theStr
    With CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
        .Global = True                ' Search the whole character string.
        .IgnoreCase = ignoreCaseFlag  ' Ture : Lowwer Letter a = Upper Letter A
        .Pattern = pat
        If .test(theStr) Then
            ret = .Replace(theStr, strReplace)
        End If
    End With
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
        MsgBox GetMsg(LANGUAGE_KBN, 4) & Err.Description, vbExclamation
        ret = ""
    End If
    GetStringWithRegExpAfterFormat = ret
End Function

' GetTextFromClipboard
Function GetTextFromClipboard() As String
    Set MyData = New DataObject
    GetTextFromClipboard = MyData.GetText(1)
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
        MsgBox GetMsg(LANGUAGE_KBN, 4) & Err.Description & vbCrLf, vbExclamation
    End If
End Function

' SetTextToClipboard
Function SetTextToClipboard(theText)
    Set MyData = New DataObject
    MyData.SetText (theText)
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
        MsgBox GetMsg(LANGUAGE_KBN, 4) & Err.Description & vbCrLf, vbExclamation
    End If
End Function

' FindRangeAddrBySheet
Function FindRangeAddrBySheet(sheetName, findString, MatCase) As String
    Dim fc As Range
    Set fc = Worksheets(sheetName).Cells.Find(What:=findString, MatchCase:=MatCase)
    If fc Is Nothing Then
        FindRangeAddrBySheet = ""
        FindRangeAddrBySheet = fc.Address
    End If
End Function

' FindNextRangeAddrBySheet
Function FindNextRangeAddrBySheet(rangeAddress) As String
    Dim ret As Range
    Set ret = Worksheets(sheetName).Cells.FindNext(After:=Range(rangeAddress))
    FindNextRangeAddrBySheet = ret.Address
End Function

' FindPrevRangeAddrBySheet
Function FindPrevRangeAddrBySheet(rangeAddress) As String
    Dim ret As Range
    Set ret = Worksheets(sheetName).Cells.FindPrevious(After:=Range(rangeAddress))
    FindPrevRangeAddrBySheet = ret.Address
End Function

' Get Cell of the last of cell field used for sheet  2015/10/13 ADD
Function GetActiveCellMaxRowAndColumn(theSheetName) As String
    Dim thisSheetMaxRow, thisSheetMaxCol As Long
    thisSheetMaxRow = Sheets(theSheetName).Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Row
    thisSheetMaxCol = Sheets(theSheetName).Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeLastCell).Column
    GetCellActiveMaxRowAndColumn = thisSheetMaxRow & ":" & thisSheetMaxCol
End Function

' Write in specified file to carry out for arrangement after clarifying.  2015/12/10 ADD
' Ex:Call WriteArr2File(ThisWorkbook.Path, "test.txt", arrWriteLine, "UTF-8", vbCrLf)
Sub WriteArr2File_BOM(filePath, fileName, arrWriteLine() As String, writeMojiCode, wrapTypeCRLF)
    Dim Stream As Object
    Dim strCreateFile As String
    Dim objFileSys As Object
    If Len(Trim(filePath)) = 0 Then
        ' default : ThisWorkbook.Path when filePath is null/blank
        filePath = ThisWorkbook.path
    End If
    If UBound(arrWriteLine) = 0 Then
        MsgBox "Len(arrWriteLine) = 0", vbExclamation
    End If
    If Trim(wrapTypeCRLF) = 0 Then
        ' default : vbCrLf when wrapTypeCRLF is null/blank
        wrapTypeCRLF = vbCrLf
    End If
    If Len(Trim(writeMojiCode)) = 0 Then
        ' default : "UTF-8" when writeMojiCode is null/blank
        writeMojiCode = "UTF-8"
    End If
    Set objFileSys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    strCreateFile = objFileSys.BuildPath(filePath, fileName)
    Set Stream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
    Stream.Charset = writeMojiCode
    Stream.Type = 2
    Dim aLine As Variant
    For Each aLine In arrWriteLine
        Stream.writeText aLine & wrapTypeCRLF
    Stream.SaveToFile (strCreateFile), 2
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
        MsgBox "WriteArr2File_BOM " & GetMsg(LANGUAGE_KBN, 4) & Err.Description, vbExclamation
    End If
    Set Stream = Nothing
End Sub

' Character string code of generation file was used at BOM none.  2016/01/07 ADD
' Ex :Call WriteArr2File(ThisWorkbook.Path, "test.txt", arrWriteLine, "UTF-8", vbCrLf)
Sub WriteArr2File_NO_BOM(filePath, fileName, arrWriteLine() As String, writeMojiCode, wrapTypeCRLF)
    Dim Stream, StreamTmp As Object
    Dim strCreateFile, strCreateTmpFile As String
    Dim objFileSys As Object
    If Len(Trim(filePath)) = 0 Then
        ' default : ThisWorkbook.Path when filePath is null/blank
        filePath = ThisWorkbook.path
    End If
    If UBound(arrWriteLine) = 0 Then
        MsgBox "Len(arrWriteLine) = 0", vbExclamation
    End If
    If Trim(wrapTypeCRLF) = 0 Then
        ' default : vbCrLf when wrapTypeCRLF is null/blank
        wrapTypeCRLF = vbCrLf
    End If
    writeMojiCode = Trim(writeMojiCode)
    If Len(writeMojiCode) = 0 Then
        ' default : "UTF-8" when writeMojiCode is null/blank
        writeMojiCode = "UTF-8"
    End If
    Dim tmpFile As String
    tmpFile = fileName & "_temp"
    Set objFileSys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    strCreateFile = objFileSys.BuildPath(filePath, fileName)
    strCreateTmpFile = objFileSys.BuildPath(filePath, tmpFile)
    Set Stream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
    Stream.Charset = writeMojiCode
    Stream.Type = 2
    Dim aLine As Variant
    For Each aLine In arrWriteLine
        Stream.writeText aLine & wrapTypeCRLF
    Stream.SaveToFile (strCreateTmpFile), 2
    ' remove BOM ... Start
    Set StreamTmp = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
    With StreamTmp
      .Type = 1
      .LoadFromFile (strCreateTmpFile) ' Read in the tmp file With Binnary
      .Position = 3           ' BOM (Skip 3 bits)
      ' Output target File with contents from the 4th bit by binnary.
      Dim ws: Set ws = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
      ws.Type = 1
      ws.Write (.Read(-1))
      ws.SaveToFile strCreateFile, 2
    End With
    ' remove BOM ... End
    ' Delete Tmp File
    Call CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").DeleteFile(strCreateTmpFile)
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
        MsgBox "WriteArr2File_NO_BOM " & GetMsg(LANGUAGE_KBN, 4) & Err.Description, vbExclamation
    End If
    Set Stream = Nothing
    Set ws = Nothing
    Set StreamTmp = Nothing
End Sub

' Read target file . Became to String()
' Hint :Copy Modify me.
Function ReadFile2Arr(filePath, fileName, readMojiCode) As String()
    ReDim ret(0) As String 'auto arr
    Dim index As Long
    If Len(Trim(filePath)) = 0 Then
        ' default : ThisWorkbook.Path when filePath is null/blank
        filePath = ThisWorkbook.path
    End If
    If Len(Trim(readMojiCode)) = 0 Then
        ' default : "UTF-8" when readMojiCode is null/blank
        readMojiCode = "UTF-8"
    End If
    Set objFileSys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Dim StreamReader As Object
    Set StreamReader = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
    StreamReader.Charset = readMojiCode
    StreamReader.Type = 2 '?
    StreamReader.LoadFromFile (objFileSys.BuildPath(filePath, fileName))
    Dim retstring, retStr As String
    Do While Not (StreamReader.EOS)
        retstring = StreamReader.ReadText(-2) 'Read Text 1 row
        retStr = retstring
        '### Modify for Local
        'retStr = GetMatchedInnerStrWithRegExp
        'retStr = isMatchedWithRegExp
        'retStr = GetMatchedWithRegExp
        'retStr = GetStringWithRegExpAfterFormat
        index = UBound(ret) 'now size
        ReDim Preserve ret(index + 1)  'auto plus 1
        ret(index) = retStr
    ReDim Preserve ret(index)  'ReSet size
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
        MsgBox "ReadFile2Arr " & GetMsg(LANGUAGE_KBN, 4) & Err.Description, vbExclamation
    End If
    Set StreamReader = Nothing
    ReadFile2Arr = ret
End Function

' add parameter to Environment
Public Sub addParamToEnvironment(key As String, value As String)
    Dim ws As Object
    Set ws = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
    Dim arr As Variant
    arr = Split(value, SPLIT_DATEMARK_S)
    Dim tmp As String
    tmp = value
    tmp = getValDec2Hex(arr(0)) & SPLIT_DATEMARK & getValDec2Hex(arr(1)) & SPLIT_DATEMARK & getValDec2Hex(arr(2))
    ws.Run "cmd /c setx " & key & " " & tmp, vbHide
End Sub
' Dec2Hex
Function getValDec2Hex(Dec) As String
    getValDec2Hex = String(4 - Len(Hex(Val(Dec))), "0") & Hex(Dec)
End Function
' Hex2Dec
Function getValHex2Dec(Hex) As String
    getValHex2Dec = Application.WorksheetFunction.Hex2Dec(Hex)
End Function

' Read target file on unit of row.
' hint:Copy Modify me.
Function ReadFileA2WriteFileBLineByLine(filePathName, readMojiCode, wrapTypeCRLF_Reader, filePath_Write, fileName_Write, wrapTypeCRLF_Write, isRemoveBOM)
'    Dim maxLine As Long
'    maxLine = getMaxLine(filePathName)
    If Len(Trim(readMojiCode)) = 0 Then
        readMojiCode = "UTF-8" ' default : "UTF-8" when readMojiCode is null/blank
    End If
    Dim objFileSys As Object
    Set objFileSys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Dim StreamReader As Object
    Set StreamReader = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
    StreamReader.Charset = readMojiCode
    StreamReader.Type = 2 '?
    StreamReader.LineSeparator = wrapTypeCRLF_Reader ' Enter CRLF(10)
    StreamReader.LoadFromFile (filePathName)
    Dim Stream_Write As Object
    Dim strCreateFile_Write As String
    strCreateFile_Write = objFileSys.BuildPath(filePath_Write, fileName_Write)
    Set Stream_Write = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
    Stream_Write.Charset = readMojiCode
    Stream_Write.Type = 2
    Dim retstring As String
    Do While Not (StreamReader.EOS)
        retstring = StreamReader.ReadText(-2) 'Read in 1 row
        Stream_Write.writeText retstring & wrapTypeCRLF_Write

    Stream_Write.SaveToFile (strCreateFile_Write), 2
    'Contains BOM
    Dim StreamTmp_Write As Object
    If isRemoveBOM Then ' Remove BOM
        Dim tmpFile_Write As String
        tmpFile_Write = fileName_Write & "_temp"
        strCreateTmpFile_Write = objFileSys.BuildPath(filePath_Write, tmpFile_Write)
        Set StreamTmp_Write = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
        With StreamTmp_Write
          .Type = 1
          .LoadFromFile (strCreateTmpFile_Write) ' Read in the tmp file With Binnary
          .Position = 3           ' (BOM) Skip 3 bits
          ' Output target File with contents from the 4th bit by binnary.
          Dim ws: Set ws = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
          ws.Type = 1
          ws.Write (.Read(-1))
          ws.SaveToFile strCreateFile_Write, 2
        End With
        ' Delete tmp File
        Call CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").DeleteFile(strCreateTmpFile_Write)
    End If

    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
        MsgBox "ReadFileA2WriteFileBLineByLine " & GetMsg(LANGUAGE_KBN, 4) & Err.Description, vbExclamation
    End If
    'Clear StreamReader
    Set StreamReader = Nothing
    'Clear Stream_Write
    If Stream_Write Is Nothing Then
        Set Stream_Write = Nothing
    End If
    'Clear StreamTmp_Write
    If StreamTmp_Write Is Nothing Then
        Set StreamTmp_Write = Nothing
    End If
End Function
' openFile
Sub openFile(applicationFilePath, targetFilePath)
    Dim rc As Long
    rc = Shell(applicationFilePath & " " & targetFilePath, vbNormalFocus)
    If rc = 0 Then MsgBox GetMsg(LANGUAGE_KBN, 5)
End Sub
' getMaxLine
Function getMaxLine(fileNm) As Long
    Dim FSO As Object, TargetFile As String
    TargetFile = fileNm
    If TargetFile = "False" Then Exit Function
    Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    With FSO.OpenTextFile(TargetFile, 8)
        getMaxLine = .Line
    End With
    Set FSO = Nothing
End Function
' ********************************************************************************************
' Progress character string creation  Process
' Ex :Application.StatusBar = "Processing ..." & GetProgressString(counter, Max) & "@" & param
' ********************************************************************************************
Public Function GetProgressString(current, max) As String
    If current > max Then
        MsgBox "<GetProgressString> Error : " & "current > max value NG", vbCritical, "Error Message"
        Exit Function
    End If
    Dim progress As String
    Dim rate As Long
    ' Calc %
    rate = (current / max * 100) \ 10
    ' ■■■■■□□□□□
    progress = String(rate, GetMsg(LANGUAGE_KBN, 6)) & String(10 - rate, GetMsg(LANGUAGE_KBN, 7))
    GetProgressString = " " & progress & "[" & current & "/" & max & "]"
End Function

' ********************************************************************************************
' GetSystemLanguage
' ********************************************************************************************
Public Function GetSystemLanguage() As String
    Dim buf As String * 256
    GetSystemLanguage = buf
End Function

' SetKeyWordStyle
' Ex: SetKeyWordStyle( "ab", Range, RGB(255, 0, 0),2 ) 'Red
Public Sub SetKeyWordStyleCom(stringWord, Range, fontColor, kbn)
    Dim word_start As Integer
    Dim word_Length As Integer
    Dim strCellAll As String
    strCellAll = Range.value
    word_start = InStr(1, strCellAll, stringWord, vbTextCompare)
    word_Length = Len(stringWord)
    If kbn = 1 Then
        SetKeyWordStyleLoop_All strCellAll, stringWord, word_start, word_Length, fontColor
    ElseIf kbn = 2 Then
        SetKeyWordStyleLoop_2 strCellAll, stringWord, word_start, word_Length, fontColor
        MsgBox "parameter 'kbn' wrong.", vbExclamation
    End If
End Sub

' SetKeyWordStyleComFree
' Ex: SetKeyWordStyle( "ab", Range, RGB(255, 0, 0),2 ) 'Red
'  kbn : 0: ALL , 1: Font?Color, 2: Under-bar, 3: Bold, 4: CancelLine
'        12: 1+2, 13: 1+3, 14: 1+4, 23: 2+3 ,24: 2+4, 34: 3+4, ...
Public Sub SetKeyWordStyleComFree(stringWord, Range, fontColor, kbn)
    Dim word_start As Integer
    Dim word_Length As Integer
    Dim strCellAll As String
    strCellAll = Range.value
    word_start = InStr(1, strCellAll, stringWord, vbTextCompare)
    word_Length = Len(stringWord)
    If Trim(kbn) <> "" Then
        SetKeyWordStyleLoop_Free kbn, strCellAll, stringWord, word_start, word_Length, fontColor
        MsgBox "parameter 'kbn' wrong. " & kbn, vbExclamation
    End If
End Sub
' SetKeyWordStyleLoop_Free
'    Under-bar + Bold + Font?Color
'  kbn : 0: ALL , 1: Font?Color, 2: Under-bar, 3: Bold, 4: CancelLine
'        12: 1+2, 13: 1+3, 14: 1+4, 23: 2+3 ,24: 2+4, 34: 3+4, ...
Private Sub SetKeyWordStyleLoop_Free(kbn, strCellAll, stringWord, word_start, word_Length, fontColor)
    word_start = InStr(word_start, strCellAll, stringWord, vbTextCompare)
    If word_start <= 0 Then
        Exit Sub
        With ActiveCell.Characters(Start:=word_start, Length:=word_Length).Font
            If kbn = 0 Or InStr(1, CStr(kbn), "1") > 0 Then .Color = fontColor
            If kbn = 0 Or InStr(1, CStr(kbn), "2") > 0 Then .Underline = xlUnderlineStyleSingle
            If kbn = 0 Or InStr(1, CStr(kbn), "3") > 0 Then .Bold = True
            If kbn = 0 Or InStr(1, CStr(kbn), "4") > 0 Then .Strikethrough = True
        End With
        SetKeyWordStyleLoop_Free kbn, strCellAll, stringWord, (word_start + word_Length), word_Length, fontColor
    End If
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
        MsgBox "SetKeyWordStyleLoop_Free" & GetMsg(LANGUAGE_KBN, 4) & Err.Description & vbCrLf & _
                "kbn=" & kbn & vbCrLf & _
                "strCellAll=" & strCellAll & vbCrLf & _
                "stringWord=" & stringWord & vbCrLf & _
                "word_start=" & word_start & vbCrLf & _
                "word_Length=" & word_Length & vbCrLf & _
                "fontColor=" & fontColor, vbExclamation
    End If
End Sub

' SetKeyWordStyleLoop_All
'    Under-bar + Bold + Font?Color
Private Sub SetKeyWordStyleLoop_All(strCellAll, stringWord, word_start, word_Length, fontColor)
    word_start = InStr(word_start, strCellAll, stringWord, vbTextCompare)
    If word_start <= 0 Then
        Exit Sub
        With ActiveCell.Characters(Start:=word_start, Length:=word_Length).Font
            .Bold = True
            .Underline = xlUnderlineStyleSingle
            .Color = fontColor
        End With
        SetKeyWordStyleLoop_All strCellAll, stringWord, (word_start + word_Length), word_Length, fontColor
    End If
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
        MsgBox "SetKeyWordStyleLoop_All" & GetMsg(LANGUAGE_KBN, 4) & Err.Description & vbCrLf & _
                "strCellAll=" & strCellAll & vbCrLf & _
                "stringWord=" & stringWord & vbCrLf & _
                "word_start=" & word_start & vbCrLf & _
                "word_Length=" & word_Length & vbCrLf & _
                "fontColor=" & fontColor, vbExclamation
    End If
End Sub
' SetKeyWordStyleLoop_2
'    Font?Color Only
Private Sub SetKeyWordStyleLoop_2(strCellAll, stringWord, word_start, word_Length, fontColor)
    word_start = InStr(word_start, strCellAll, stringWord, vbTextCompare)
    If word_start <= 0 Then
        Exit Sub
        With ActiveCell.Characters(Start:=word_start, Length:=word_Length).Font
            .Color = fontColor
        End With
        Call SetKeyWordStyleLoop_2(strCellAll, stringWord, (word_start + word_Length), word_Length, fontColor)
    End If
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
        MsgBox "SetKeyWordStyleLoop_2" & GetMsg(LANGUAGE_KBN, 4) & Err.Description & vbCrLf & _
                "strCellAll=" & strCellAll & vbCrLf & _
                "stringWord=" & stringWord & vbCrLf & _
                "word_start=" & word_start & vbCrLf & _
                "word_Length=" & word_Length & vbCrLf & _
                "fontColor=" & fontColor, vbExclamation
    End If
End Sub
'' Ex:
''   Call ShowUserFormCommonProcessing(False)
''   For index = 1 To 10000
''       Call SetUserFormCommonProcessing("test", "executing for " & index)
''   Next index
''   Call HideUserFormCommonProcessing
'   Call ShowUserFormCommonProcessing(False)
'   Call SetUserFormCommonProcessing("Info.", "executing for " & index)
'   Call HideUserFormCommonProcessing
'* Show UserFormCommonProcessing
Public Sub ShowUserFormCommonProcessing(showModal As Boolean)
    UserFormCommonProcessing.Show showModal
End Sub
'* Set UserFormCommonProcessing
Public Sub SetUserFormCommonProcessing(title As String, msg As String)
    If Trim(title) = "" Then
        title = "Now: "
    End If
    UserFormCommonProcessing.Caption = title
    UserFormCommonProcessing.Label1.Caption = msg
End Sub
'* Hide UserFormCommonProcessing
Public Sub HideUserFormCommonProcessing()
End Sub
'* Save ThisWorkbook (tool)
Public Sub SaveThisWorkbook(ByVal showDialog As Boolean)
    If showDialog Then
        Call ShowUserFormCommonProcessing(False)
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        Call SetUserFormCommonProcessing("Updatting.", " Saving...")
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
        Call HideUserFormCommonProcessing
    End If
End Sub
'* Set Addin to True
Public Sub SetAddin2True()
    'If Comm_ConfirmPwd = True Then
        If ThisWorkbook.IsAddin = False Then
            ThisWorkbook.IsAddin = True
            Call SaveThisWorkbook(True)
        End If
    'End If
End Sub
'* Set Addin to False
Public Sub SetAddin2False()
    If Comm_ConfirmPwd = True Then
        If ThisWorkbook.IsAddin = True Then
            ThisWorkbook.IsAddin = False
        End If
    End If
End Sub
'* execute CMD
'* ex: Call ExecuteCMD ( "cmd /c C:\output.txt" )
Public Sub ExecuteCMD(cmd As String)
    Set ws = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
    ws.Run cmd, vbHide
End Sub
' Search History Info
' setSearConditions
Public Sub setSearConditionsCom(strFindCon As String, HISTORY_Column_S As String, HISTORY_Column_E As String)
    Dim startNo As Integer
    For startNo = SEARCH_HISTORY_MAX_ROWS - 1 To 1 Step -1
        Sheet4.Range(HISTORY_Column_S & startNo + 1).value = Sheet4.Range(HISTORY_Column_S & startNo).value
        Sheet4.Range(HISTORY_Column_E & startNo + 1).value = Sheet4.Range(HISTORY_Column_E & startNo).value
    Next startNo
    Sheet4.Range(HISTORY_Column_S & "1").value = strFindCon
    Sheet4.Range(HISTORY_Column_E & "1").value = Date & " " & time()
End Sub
'* Format Date to YYYYMMDD
'* return YYYYMMDD As Variant
Function YYYYMMDD(dt As Date) As Variant
  If dt >= #3/1/1900# Then
    YYYYMMDD = Format(dt, "yyyymmdd")
    YYYYMMDD = CVErr(xlErrValue)
  End If
End Function
'*  Use :          SplitComm(text,Atc,wResult)
'*  Capability :   Store character string in one-dimensional arrangement for every element divided in a certain character.
'*  Arguments  :
'*        text       I: target string
'*        Atc        I: split char(1 ch only)
'*        wResult    O: arr
'*  Return
'*        no
Public Sub SplitComm(ByVal Text As String, ByVal Atc As String, wResult() As String)
    Dim i, j, COUNT As Integer
    COUNT = 0
    i = 1
    Do While 1
        i = InStr(i, Text, Atc)
        If i = 0 Then Exit Do
        i = i + 1
        COUNT = COUNT + 1
    ReDim wResult(COUNT)
    For i = 1 To COUNT
        k = InStr(Text, Atc)
        wResult(i) = left(Text, k - 1)
        Text = Right(Text, Len(Text) - k - Len(Atc) + 1)
    Next i
End Sub
'*  Use:   SplitRev(Text,Atc,wkText)
'*  Capability:    Dividing character string stored in one-dimensional arrangement in a certain character,
'*                  arrange in order and make it one character string (reverse Process of Split).
'*  Arguments
'*        text       O: Convert ret string
'*        Atc        I: split char(1 ch only)
'*        WkText     I: arr
'*  Return
'*        no
Public Sub SplitRev(Text As String, ByVal Atc As String, WkText() As String)
    Dim i As Integer
    Text = ""
    For i = 1 To UBound(WkText)
        Text = Text + WkText(i) + Atc
    Next i
End Sub

'*  Use:   PicturesBatchInsert(rootFolder,targetColumn)
'*  Capability:   Pictures Batch Insert Sheet
'*  Arguments
'*        rootFolder
'*        targetColumnNo 1 / 2 / ...
'*  Return
'*        no
'*  Ex : Call Comm_PicturesBatchInsert("C:\A_TimerTask", 2)
Public Sub Comm_PicturesBatchInsert(ByVal rootFolder As String _
                             , Optional ByVal targetColumnNo As Integer = 2)
    Call ShowUserFormCommonProcessing(False)
    Dim fs, f, f1, fc, i, consor
    Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set f = fs.getFolder(rootFolder)
    Set fc = f.Files
    i = 1
    consor = 13.5 'A Cell Height
    For Each f1 In fc
        Cells(i, targetColumnNo).Select
        Call SetUserFormCommonProcessing("Info.", "executing for " & f1.path)
        With ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert(f1.path)
            Application.Run "TurnItSmaller"
            consor = CInt(.Height / 13.5)
            i = i + consor + 1
        End With
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
        MsgBox "Comm_PicturesBatchInsert" & GetMsg(LANGUAGE_KBN, 4) & Err.Description & vbCrLf & _
                "rootFolder=" & rootFolder & vbCrLf & _
                "targetColumnNo=" & targetColumnNo, vbExclamation
    End If
    Call HideUserFormCommonProcessing
End Sub
'*  Use:   GetStdOutMsgCMD( cmd )
'*  Capability:   Show CMD MSG
'*  Arguments
'*        cmd
'*  Return
'*        StdOut.ReadAll MSG
Public Function GetStdOutMsgCMD(sCmd) As String
    Dim WSH, Result As String, wExec As Object
    If Trim(sCmd) <> "" Then
        Set WSH = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
        Set wExec = WSH.Exec("%ComSpec% /c " & sCmd)
        Do While wExec.Status = 0
        Result = wExec.StdOut.ReadAll
        'MsgBox Result
        GetStdOutMsgCMD = Result
        MsgBox "NG : CMD String is Null!!", vbCritical
    End If
    Set wExec = Nothing
    Set WSH = Nothing
End Function
'*  Use:   GetYYYYMMDD_WeekNo(Optional formt)
'*  Capability:   GetYYYYMMDD_WeekNo
'*  Arguments
'*        format : Default value = "yyyy/mm/dd"
'*  Return
'*        YYYYMMDD_WeekNo
Public Function GetYYYYMMDD_WeekNo(Optional ByVal formt As String = "yyyy/mm/dd") As String
    Dim todayWeek, dispWeekNo As String
    todayWeek = WeekdayName(Weekday(Date))
    dispWeekNo = Mid(todayWeek, 1, 1)
        dispWeekNo = Mid(todayWeek, 3, 1)
    End If
    GetYYYYMMDD_WeekNo = Format(Date, formt) & " (" & dispWeekNo & ")"
End Function
'*  Use:   Comm_GetFontName1_2(frmComFont As UserForm02ComFontSetting ,title As String, def_fontNm1 As String, def_fontNm2 As String)
'*  Capability:   Get FontName1 & 2
'*  Arguments
'*        frmComFont : UserForm02ComFontSetting
'*        title : title of Form
'*        def_fontNm1 : Default Font 1
'*        def_fontNm2 : Default Font 2
'*  Return
'*        none
Sub Comm_GetFontName1_2(ByRef frmComFont As UserForm02ComFontSetting _
                            , Optional ByVal title As String = "Font Settings" _
                            , Optional ByVal def_fontNm1 As String = "Times New Roman" _
                            , Optional ByVal def_fontNm2 As String = "Times New Roman")
    Dim ret(2) As String
    frmComFont.Caption = title
    frmComFont.TextBoxFNM1 = def_fontNm1
    frmComFont.TextBoxFNM2 = def_fontNm2
    frmComFont.Show vbModal
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
        MsgBox "Comm_GetFontName1_2 " & GetMsg(LANGUAGE_KBN, 4) & Err.Description, vbExclamation
        Unload frmComFont
    End If
End Sub

' Comm_ConfirmPwd
Public Function Comm_ConfirmPwd() As Boolean
Const ERR_MSG = "    Wrong!      No Authority !!!               "
Const FLGBi = 3
    Dim pwd, planInfo As String
    pwd = Application.InputBox( _
        prompt:="The Key is ?", Default:="***", title:=":::Confirm Authority:::", Type:=2)
    If pwd = False Then
        Comm_ConfirmPwd = False
    ElseIf Trim(pwd) = "" Then
        Comm_ConfirmPwd = False
        If Int(Day(Date)) Mod 2 = 0 Then
            If Int(Mid(pwd, 1, 1)) + Int(Mid(pwd, 6, 1)) = 10 _
                And Int(Mid(pwd, 1, 1)) - Int(Mid(pwd, 6, 1)) = Comm_Get10NumberByXbit(FLGBi, 22) _
                And Int(Mid(pwd, 2, 1)) + Int(Mid(pwd, 7, 1)) = 7 _
                And Int(Mid(pwd, 2, 1)) - Int(Mid(pwd, 7, 1)) = 1 _
                And Int(Mid(pwd, 3, 1)) + Int(Mid(pwd, 8, 1)) = 11 _
                And Int(Mid(pwd, 3, 1)) - Int(Mid(pwd, 8, 1)) = 1 _
                And Int(Mid(pwd, 4, 1)) + Int(Mid(pwd, 9, 1)) = 15 _
                And Int(Mid(pwd, 4, 1)) - Int(Mid(pwd, 9, 1)) = 1 _
                And Int(Mid(pwd, 5, 1)) + Int(Mid(pwd, 10, 1)) = 2 _
                And Int(Mid(pwd, 5, 1)) - Int(Mid(pwd, 10, 1)) = -2 _
                And Int(Mid(pwd, 1, 1)) + Int(Mid(pwd, 10, 1)) = 11 _
                And Int(Mid(pwd, 1, 1)) - Int(Mid(pwd, 10, 1)) = 7 _
                Comm_ConfirmPwd = True
                MsgBox ERR_MSG, vbCritical, "Warning"
                Comm_ConfirmPwd = False
            End If
        ElseIf Int(Day(Date)) Mod 2 = 1 Then
            If Int(Mid(pwd, 1, 1)) + Int(Mid(pwd, 6, 1)) = 2 _
                And Int(Mid(pwd, 1, 1)) - Int(Mid(pwd, 6, 1)) = -2 _
                And Int(Mid(pwd, 2, 1)) + Int(Mid(pwd, 7, 1)) = 7 _
                And Int(Mid(pwd, 2, 1)) - Int(Mid(pwd, 7, 1)) = -1 _
                And Int(Mid(pwd, 3, 1)) + Int(Mid(pwd, 8, 1)) = 11 _
                And Int(Mid(pwd, 3, 1)) - Int(Mid(pwd, 8, 1)) = -1 _
                And Int(Mid(pwd, 4, 1)) + Int(Mid(pwd, 9, 1)) = 15 _
                And Int(Mid(pwd, 4, 1)) - Int(Mid(pwd, 9, 1)) = -1 _
                And Int(Mid(pwd, 5, 1)) + Int(Mid(pwd, 10, 1)) = Comm_Get10NumberByXbit(FLGBi, 101) _
                And Int(Mid(pwd, 5, 1)) - Int(Mid(pwd, 10, 1)) = Comm_Get10NumberByXbit(FLGBi, 22) _
                And Int(Mid(pwd, 1, 1)) + Int(Mid(pwd, 10, 1)) = 1 _
                And Int(Mid(pwd, 1, 1)) - Int(Mid(pwd, 10, 1)) = -1 _
                Comm_ConfirmPwd = True
                MsgBox ERR_MSG, vbCritical, "Warning"
                Comm_ConfirmPwd = False
            End If
        End If
    End If
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
        MsgBox ERR_MSG, vbCritical, "Warning"
    End If
End Function

' Comm_Get10NumberByXbit(i, 123)
Public Function Comm_Get10NumberByXbit(ByVal intXbit As Integer, ByVal longVal As Long) As Long
        Dim tmp, i, tmp1, j  As Long
        Dim str, strLen As String
        str = longVal
        strLen = Len(str)
        For i = 1 To strLen
            If i = 1 Then
                tmp = CLng(Right(str, 1)) * 1 '  str.substring(strLen - 1, strLen) * 1;
                tmp1 = 1
                For j = 1 To i - 1
                    tmp1 = tmp1 * intXbit
                Next j
                tmp = tmp + CLng(Mid(str, strLen - i + 1, 1)) * tmp1
            End If
        Next i
        Comm_Get10NumberByXbit = tmp
End Function

' https://hogehoge.tk/nihongo/による日本語→変換後のローマ字を変数代入とする場合
' 2019/11/13 add
Public Function Comm_GetNewJavaParameter(ByVal str As String) As String
        Dim strArr, i, tmp, ret
        strArr = Split(str, " ")
        For i = 0 To UBound(strArr)
            tmp = strArr(i)
            If i > 0 Then
                tmp = UCase(Mid(tmp, 1, 1)) & Mid(tmp, 2, Len(tmp) - 1)
            End If
            ret = ret & tmp
        Next i
        Comm_GetNewJavaParameter = ret
End Function

' https://hogehoge.tk/nihongo/による日本語→変換後のローマ字を変数代入とする場合
' 2019/11/14 add
Public Function Comm_GetNewJavaParameter4Set(ByVal str As String) As String
        Dim strArr, i, tmp, ret
        strArr = Split(str, " ")
        For i = 0 To UBound(strArr)
            tmp = strArr(i)
            tmp = UCase(Mid(tmp, 1, 1)) & Mid(tmp, 2, Len(tmp) - 1)
            ret = ret & tmp
        Next i
        Comm_GetNewJavaParameter4Set = ret
End Function


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