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Top 5 Reasons to Choose Custom WordPress Development Over Theme.png
Creating an online presence for your business with WordPress lets you select the low-cost option theme that can help you stand up quickly or higher-priced custom development that makes the site for you.

On a limited budget, sometimes you have the only option to go with the theme, but if possible, you must consider the advantages of custom WordPress development services.

So, what are the reasons that make custom development advantageous over theme? Keep scrolling the page to know the top 5 reasons for the same.

5 Reasons to Choose Custom WordPress Development

1. Speed and Performance

There may be the chance that a theme looks well, but its code is not working properly. This might affect the reliability of your site and may result in slowing down your load times.

In contrast, a custom WordPress development company eliminates the risk of unnecessary bugs from your site that will make your site run faster than expected.

2. Provides the Best Security

A site will be vulnerable if it uses a premium theme that ends up the security loopholes. It will keep vulnerable until the developer pushes an update. In contrast, you can sort out your security issues with a custom WordPress development company that will make your website secure and keep your customer’s data safe.

3. Scalability

There can be a pre-existing theme that fits according to your business needs. It will make more sense to have a scalable website. But, the question is, will it provide scalability when the product line expands or when your business grows?

Selecting a free or low-priced theme can be a good option for a personal blog site, but when it comes to the enterprise-level website, you must leverage the benefits of the custom WordPress development services by choosing a reliable development partner.

4. API Integration

API stands for ‘Application Programming Interface,’ allowing two software applications to be connected together. This is code by which two software applications can work simultaneously by exchanging data.

For example, it is possible to connect WP sites to external applications using WP REST API. This WordPress API offers interesting possibilities to WP developers, such as making a plugin to give completely new admin experiences for WordPress, creating an interactive front-end experience, etc. Similarly, various APIs help the applications interchange data by following specific rules.

5. Built For Dedicated Enterprise Needs

Though, with custom development, your site starts from scratch; moreover, it lets you remain unique in the competition.

In contrast, choosing a theme that your close competitor also chooses will result in your viewers finding only a bit of difference between both of your brands.

Conversely, you can analyze the competition with the custom alternative that will help you create a site that fits in the competitive environment.

So, these are the top reasons to choose custom WordPress development over theme. If you are gravitating toward these benefits, it will be good to hire a custom WordPress development company for making your business website.


Keep in mind that a website is the first medium or your significant online presence that makes the audience familiar with the services a business offers.

A pre-built theme can be considered a cheaper and faster option for creating a website. But hiring a custom agency will help you make your site secure and reliable, and you will have complete control over your website as it will be created from scratch.


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