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Splunkで概要表示→詳細確認を共通の操作で行う / Common operation in Splunk to display overview -> check details

Last updated at Posted at 2025-01-19

序論 / Introduction

  • Splunkのダッシュボードを活用すると様々なデータを可視化することができ、状況の把握や調査をする上でとても有用です
  • しかし、扱うデータの種類が増えるにつれ固有のダッシュボードを多数作成してゆくとダッシュボードの数だけ画面仕様があるような状態になり操作の複雑化を招くかもしれません
  • もっとシンプルに、複数の情報を共通の操作で楽に状況を把握するためには、どういう手段が考えられるでしょうか?
  • Splunk dashboards allow you to visualize a variety of data, which is very useful for understanding and investigating the situation.
  • However, as the types of data you handle increase, creating many unique dashboards may lead to a situation where there are as many screen specifications as there are dashboards, which may lead to increased complexity in operation.
  • What can be done to simplify the process and make it easier to understand the status of multiple pieces of information with common operations?


A common user interface for overview and detailed review of all data sources would solve this problem.

本論 / Subject

あるいは、セキュリティユースケースの場合、各種セキュリティ装置の検知やNotableイベント、Risk Object等ですか?


What information do you want to see on a daily basis in Splunk that you handle?
For example, is it business or software performance KPIs?
Or, in the case of a security use case, is it detections of various security devices, Notable events, Risk Objects, etc.?

In order to see an overview of such multiple KPIs and detections on a single screen, it is useful to have a single overview dashboard on Splunk.

概要表示ダッシュボード / Detection Summaries Dashboard






In this overview screen, panels are arranged horizontally for each type of KPI or detection count that you want to check daily,
KPIs and detection counts for four different time ranges are displayed vertically in order to allow comparison with the previous day and the previous week.

It would then be easy to use if clicking on each panel would take the user to a screen where details of the data source and time range corresponding to each panel can be viewed.

In this case, if the transition is made to a separate screen for each data source, as mentioned in the introduction, many screen specifications would be created, which might lead to increased complexity of operation.
Of course, it can be beneficial to have dashboards specially tailored to each data source. The ability to create any number of easy-to-use, customized dashboards is one of the appeals of Splunk.
However, if you have a lot of information to handle, it would be beneficial to create an environment that is easy for everyone to use and lowers the learning cost by making it possible to check details using common operations.

Therefore, I designed the dashboards so that when you click on each panel, you drill down to the same detailed screen for all of them.





Can single detail dashboard display different search contents and different fields for each drill-down source?

Yes, it can display them!
This can be achieved by using drill-down parameters to hand over information from the Summaries dashboard to the details dashboard, such as the search contents of each panel and fields to be displayed on the detail screen.

But it's hard to create, right?

No, I have include it into an App so you can easily deploy it on your Splunk by simply installing the App!

詳細確認ダッシュボード / Detection Details Dashboard



A 'Detection details' dashboard drilled down from the 'Detection summaries' dashboard displays information broken down by data source-specific fields, shows the number of events over time, and allows users to filter and check event details by clicking on the graph.

検知用マクロ管理画面 / Manage macros for detections

概要画面(Detection Summaries)の「フィルターを表示」をクリックすると、

Click on “Show Filters” in the Detection Summaries dashboard,
you can change the data source search, stats aggregation method, etc. for each panel.



フィルタ下部の「Manage macros for detections」をクリックすると検知用マクロ管理画面が開きます。

Click 'Manage macros for detections' at the bottom of the filters to open the 'Manage macros for detections' dashboard.



「Macros for detections」パネルの「definition」フィールドをクリックし、Detection1〜Detecion9の下記マクロのdefinitionを編集します

* DetectionN_name ... 検知名
* DetectionN_search ... 検知のデータソースとなるサーチ(例: index=xxx sourcetype=yyy )
* DetectionN_statsmethod ... 検知の集計方法となるstats function(例: count )
* DetectionN_splitfields ... 詳細画面で内訳の分割対象にするフィールド(stats byの後のフィールド)
* DetectionN_displayfields ... 詳細画面で表示するその他のフィールド

Click on the 'definition' field in the 'Macros for detections' panel and edit the definitions of the following macros for Detection 1 to Detection 9

* DetectionN_name ... Name of detection N.
* DetectionN_search ... Search for a datasource for detection N.
* DetectionN_statsmethod ... A stats function to calculate statistics for detection N.
* DetectionN_splitfields ... Fields used as "stats by" arguments in the panels on the “Detection Details” dashboard.
* DetectionN_displayfields ... Fields used as "stats value(*)" arguments in the panels on the “Detection Details” dashboard.



結論 / Conclusion


  1. 下記Appをインストールして「Detection Summary」ダッシュボードを開きます
  2. 「フィルターを表示」をクリックし、「Manage macros for detections」をクリックします
  3. 「Macros for detections」パネルの「definition」フィールドをクリックし、Detection1〜Detecion9用のマクロのdefinitionを編集します

Simple, easy, and useful common UI dashboards for the 'Detection summaries' and 'Detection details' are available by following the steps below.

  1. Install the following App and open the 'Detection Summary' dashboard
  2. Click the 'Show Filters' and then click 'Manage macros for detections'
  3. Click on the 'definition' field in the 'Macros for detections' panel and edit the definitions of macros for Detection 1 to Detection 9


Get this app!

Numeral system macros for Splunk

(Please rate this app ★★★★★!)

  • 「Numeral system macros for Splunk」は数値を扱うSplunkマクロを多数収録したアプリです
  • マクロ以外の機能として、IPアドレスからネットワークアドレスを算出するLookup機能、SNMPのHex-String等の16進数からマルチバイト文字に変換するLookup機能も含まれています
  • ver3.x.x以降で、本ドキュメントで紹介した「Detection Summaries」「Detection Details」「Manage macros for detections」ダッシュボードの機能が追加されました
  • “Numeral system macros for Splunk” is an application that contains many Splunk macros that handle numerical values.

  • In addition to macros, “Numeral system macros for Splunk” also includes a Lookup function that calculates network addresses from IP addresses, and a Lookup function that converts hexadecimal numbers such as SNMP Hex-String to multibyte characters.

  • The “Detection Summaries”, “Detection Details” and "Manage macros for detections" dashboard functions introduced in this document have been added in ver. 3.x.x and later.


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