{"title": "そら豆のパスタ", "foods": ["スパゲッティ", "そら豆", "パルミジャーノ", "オリーブ油", "バター"], "bookmark": true, "tags": ["パスタ", "春"], "id": 1},
{"title": "キャベツのパスタ", "foods": ["スパゲティ", "キャベツ", "アンチョビ", "にんにく", "赤唐辛子", "オリーブ油"], "bookmark": false, "tags": ["パスタ"], "id": 2}
tell application "Numbers"
set jsonDictArray to {}
open filePathOfNumbersFile
-- アクティブなシートを取得
set activeSheet to active sheet of document 1
tell activeSheet
set theTables to every table
set myListStr to "[" & return
repeat with theTable in theTables
tell theTable
set keyRecipe to value of cell 1 of row 1 of theTable
set keyFoods to value of cell 2 of row 1 of theTable
set keyBookmark to value of cell 3 of row 1 of theTable
set keyTag to value of cell 4 of row 1 of theTable
set keyID to value of cell 5 of row 1 of theTable
set valueRecipe to value of cell 1 of row 2 of theTable
set valueFoods to {}
set rowIndex to 2 -- 開始行
set columnNum to 2 -- 列番号
set valueOfCell to value of cell columnNum of row rowIndex of theTable
if valueOfCell is not missing value then
set end of valueFoods to valueOfCell
set rowIndex to rowIndex + 1
exit repeat
end if
on error
exit repeat
end try
end repeat
-- ブックマークを取得
set valueBookmark to value of cell 3 of row 2 of theTable
-- タグを取得
set valueTag to {}
set rowIndex to 2 -- 開始行
set columnNum to 4 -- 列番号
set valueOfCell to value of cell columnNum of row rowIndex of theTable
if valueOfCell is not missing value then
set end of valueTag to valueOfCell
set rowIndex to rowIndex + 1
exit repeat
end if
on error
exit repeat
end try
end repeat
set valueID to value of cell 5 of row 2 of theTable
set jsonDict to my createDictWith({{keyRecipe, valueRecipe}, {keyFoods, valueFoods}, {keyBookmark, valueBookmark}, {keyTag, valueTag}, {keyID, valueID}})
set encoded to my encode(jsonDict)
set myListStrLength to length of myListStr
if myListStrLength = 2 then
set myListStr to myListStr & encoded
set myListStr to myListStr & "," & return & encoded & return
end if
end tell
end repeat
set myListStr to myListStr & "]"
end tell
end tell
on encode(value)
set type to class of value
if type = real then
return (value as integer) as text
else if type = boolean then
return value as text
else if type = text then
return encodeString(value)
else if type = list then
return encodeList(value)
else if type = script then
return value's toJson()
error "Unknown type" & type
end if
end encode
on encodeList(value_list)
set out_list to {}
repeat with value in value_list
copy encode(value) to end of out_list
end repeat
return "[" & join(out_list, ", ") & "]"
end encodeList
on encodeString(value)
return "\"" & value & "\""
end encodeString
on join(value_list, delimiter)
set original_delimiter to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to delimiter
set rv to value_list as text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to original_delimiter
return rv
end join
on createDictWith(item_pairs)
set item_list to {}
script Dict
on setkv(key, value)
copy {key, value} to end of item_list
end setkv
on toJson()
set item_strings to {}
repeat with kv in item_list
set key_str to encodeString(item 1 of kv)
set value_str to encode(item 2 of kv)
copy key_str & ": " & value_str to end of item_strings
end repeat
return "{" & join(item_strings, ", ") & "}"
end toJson
end script
repeat with pair in item_pairs
Dict's setkv(item 1 of pair, item 2 of pair)
end repeat
return Dict
end createDictWith
JSONが文字列として生成できたので、それを書き出します。as «class utf8»
tell application "Finder"
set aTextFile to open for access (書き出したいファイルへのパス & "ファイル名.json") with write permission
set aEOF to get eof of aTextFile
write myListStr starting at 0 to aTextFile as «class utf8»
on error aErrorText
display dialog aErrorText
end try
close access aTextFile
end tell