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pacemaker_remoteについて(その3) KVM環境

Last updated at Posted at 2015-11-02

最後にKVM環境(KVM )でpacemaker_remoteを使ってみます。



primitive dummy-remote Dummy \
        op start interval=0s timeout=60s on-fail="restart"  \
        op monitor interval=5s timeout=60s on-fail="restart" \
        op stop interval=0s timeout=60s on-fail="block"

primitive guest1 VirtualDomain \
        meta remote-node=remote1 \
        params hypervisor="qemu:///system" config="/tmp/remote1.xml" \
        op start interval=0s timeout=90s \
        op monitor interval=10s timeout=60s \
        op stop interval=0s timeout=90s

primitive guest2 VirtualDomain \
        meta remote-node=remote2 \
        params hypervisor="qemu:///system" config="/tmp/remote2.xml" \
        op start interval=0s timeout=90s \
        op monitor interval=10s timeout=60s \
        op stop interval=0s timeout=90s

location loc1 dummy-remote \
        rule 300: #uname eq remote1 \
        rule 200: #uname eq remote2

location loc2 dummy-remote resource-discovery="never" \
        rule -inf: #uname eq sl7-01

order rsc-order-1 0: guest1 dummy-remote
order rsc-order-2 0: guest2 dummy-remote

rsc_defaults resource-stickiness="INFINITY" \

property cib-bootstrap-options: \
        stonith-enabled=false \



  1. Pacemakerを起動して、CLIファイルを投入します。WARNINGが出ますが、問題はありません。
[root@sl7-01 ~]# crm configure load update test-remote-virtual-non-stonith.crm 
WARNING: loc1: referenced node remote1 does not exist
WARNING: loc1: referenced node remote2 does not exist
  1. crm_monコマンドで確認します。
[root@sl7-01 ~]# crm_mon -1 -Af
Last updated: Mon Nov  2 09:40:31 2015          Last change: Mon Nov  2 09:39:40 2015 by hacluster via crmd on sl7-01
Stack: corosync
Current DC: sl7-01 (version 1.1.13-4e6f6d6) - partition WITHOUT quorum
3 nodes and 5 resources configured

Online: [ sl7-01 ]
GuestOnline: [ remote1@sl7-01 remote2@sl7-01 ]

 dummy-remote   (ocf::heartbeat:Dummy): Started remote1
 guest1 (ocf::heartbeat:VirtualDomain): Started sl7-01
 guest2 (ocf::heartbeat:VirtualDomain): Started sl7-01

Node Attributes:
* Node remote1@sl7-01:
* Node remote2@sl7-01:
* Node sl7-01:

Migration Summary:
* Node sl7-01:
* Node remote2@sl7-01:
* Node remote1@sl7-01:
  1. 念の為、virshコマンドでゲストを確認しておきます。
[root@sl7-01 ~]# virsh list
 Id    名前                         状態
 7     remote2                        実行中
 9     remote1                        実行中
  1. remote1で稼働しているリソースをremote2に移動します。
crm_resource -M -r dummy-remote -H remote-node2 -f

[root@cent7-host ~]# crm_mon -1 -Af
Last updated: Wed Oct 28 18:00:56 2015          Last change: Wed Oct 28 18:00:54 2015 by root via crm_resource on cent7-host
Stack: corosync
Current DC: cent7-host (version 1.1.13-4e6f6d6) - partition WITHOUT quorum
3 nodes and 5 resources configured

Online: [ cent7-host ]
GuestOnline: [ remote-node1@cent7-host remote-node2@cent7-host ]

 container1     (ocf::heartbeat:docker):        Started cent7-host
 container2     (ocf::heartbeat:docker):        Started cent7-host
 dummy-remote   (ocf::heartbeat:Dummy): Started remote-node2

Node Attributes:
* Node cent7-host:
* Node remote-node1@cent7-host:
* Node remote-node2@cent7-host:

Migration Summary:
* Node cent7-host:
* Node remote-node2@cent7-host:
* Node remote-node1@cent7-host:
crm_resource -M -r dummy-remote -H remote-node2 -f

[root@cent7-host ~]# crm_mon -1 -Af
Last updated: Wed Oct 28 18:00:56 2015          Last change: Wed Oct 28 18:00:54 2015 by root via crm_resource on cent7-host
Stack: corosync
Current DC: cent7-host (version 1.1.13-4e6f6d6) - partition WITHOUT quorum
3 nodes and 5 resources configured

Online: [ cent7-host ]
GuestOnline: [ remote-node1@cent7-host remote-node2@cent7-host ]

 container1     (ocf::heartbeat:docker):        Started cent7-host
 container2     (ocf::heartbeat:docker):        Started cent7-host
 dummy-remote   (ocf::heartbeat:Dummy): Started remote-node2

Node Attributes:
* Node cent7-host:
* Node remote-node1@cent7-host:
* Node remote-node2@cent7-host:

Migration Summary:
* Node cent7-host:
* Node remote-node2@cent7-host:
* Node remote-node1@cent7-host:

[root@sl7-01 ~]# crm_resource -U -r dummy-remote
  1. remote2でリソースのモニターエラーを起こしてみます。migration-threshold="1"なので、リソースがremote1にフェイルオーバーします。
[root@sl7-01 ~]# ssh
root@'s password: 
Last login: Mon Nov  2 09:43:30 2015 from
[root@remote2 ~]# rm -rf /var/run/resource-agents/Dummy-dummy-remote.state 
[root@remote2 ~]# 

[root@sl7-01 ~]# crm_mon -1 -Af
Last updated: Mon Nov  2 09:44:24 2015          Last change: Mon Nov  2 09:42:34 2015 by root via crm_resource on sl7-01
Stack: corosync
Current DC: sl7-01 (version 1.1.13-4e6f6d6) - partition WITHOUT quorum
3 nodes and 5 resources configured

Online: [ sl7-01 ]
GuestOnline: [ remote1@sl7-01 remote2@sl7-01 ]

 dummy-remote   (ocf::heartbeat:Dummy): Started remote1
 guest1 (ocf::heartbeat:VirtualDomain): Started sl7-01
 guest2 (ocf::heartbeat:VirtualDomain): Started sl7-01

Node Attributes:
* Node remote1@sl7-01:
* Node remote2@sl7-01:
* Node sl7-01:

Migration Summary:
* Node sl7-01:
* Node remote2@sl7-01:
   dummy-remote: migration-threshold=1 fail-count=1 last-failure='Mon Nov  2 09:44:06 2015'
* Node remote1@sl7-01:

Failed Actions:
* dummy-remote_monitor_5000 on remote2 'not running' (7): call=16, status=complete, exitreason='No process state file found',
    last-rc-change='Mon Nov  2 09:44:06 2015', queued=0ms, exec=0ms
  1. 停止します
[root@sl7-01 ~]# systemctl stop pacemaker
[root@sl7-01 ~]# virsh list
 Id    名前                         状態

[root@sl7-01 ~]# 

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