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CORS Requests in AMP のざっくり訳

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CORS Requests in AMP

Many AMP components and extensions take advantage of remote endpoints by using Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) requests. This document explains the key aspects of using CORS in AMP. To learn about CORS itself, see the [W3 CORS Spec](https://www.w3.org/TR/cors/).

多くのAMPコンポーネントやエクステンションはCross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)リクエストを使ったリモートエンドポイントを利用する。このドキュメントはAMPでCORSを利用することについて説明する。CORS自体について学ぶなら W3 CORS Specを読んでね。

目次は Qiitaがつけてくれるので省略

Why do I need CORS for my own origin?

You might be confused as to why you'd need CORS for requests to your own origin, let's dig into that.

AMP components that fetch dynamic data (e.g., amp-form, amp-list, etc.) make
CORS requests to remote endpoints to retrieve the data. If your AMP page
includes such components, you'll need to handle CORS so that those requests do
not fail.

Let's illustrate this with an example:

Let's say you have an AMP page that lists products with prices. To update the
prices on the page, the user clicks a button, which retrieves the latest prices
from a JSON endpoint (done via the amp-list component). The JSON is on your

Okay, so the page is on my domain and the JSON is on my domain. I see no

Ah, but how did your user get to your AMP page? Is it a cached page they
access? It's quite likely that your user did not access your AMP page directly,
but instead they discovered your page through another platform. For example,
Google Search uses the Google AMP Cache to render AMP pages quickly; these are
cached pages that are served from the Google AMP Cache, which is a different
domain. When your user clicks the button to update the prices on your page, the
cached AMP page sends a request to your origin domain to get the prices, which
is a mismatch between origins (cache -> origin domain). To allow for such
cross-origin requests, you need to handle CORS, otherwise, the request fails.

Okay, what should I do?

  1. For AMP pages that fetch dynamic data, make sure you test the cached version
    of those pages; don't just test on your own domain. (See Testing CORS in AMP section below)
  2. Follow the instructions in this document for handling CORS requests and

自分自身のオリジンへのリクエストに対してどうしてCORSリクエストが必要なのか? 混乱するかもしれない。

AMPコンポーネントは動的にデータを取得するものがある(例えば, amp-form, amp-listなどだ)。


その時、AMPページは(amp-list コンポーネントを使って)JSONエンドポイントから最新の価格を取得する。

そう、AMPページは 自分のドメイン そして、JSONも 自分のドメイン だ。全く問題ない!

例えば、Googleの検索結果はGoogle AMP キャッシュを使ってすばやくAMPページを表示する。
キャッシュされたページはGoogle AMP キャッシュから配信される。そう、違う ドメインから配信されるんだ。

つまり、オリジンが一致しない(cache -> origin domain)。
そんなクロスオリジンリクエストを許可するために CORSを扱わないといけない。さもないとリクエストは失敗する。

CORS and Cache


  1. 動的にデータを取得するAMPページの場合、キャッシュされたページでテストする必要がある。

    自ドメインのテストだけではダメだ(後述のTesting CORS in AMP 節を参照のこと)
  2. このドキュメントの説明に従うこと。そうすればCORSリクエスト/レスポンスを扱える。

Utilizing cookies for CORS requests


Most AMP components that use CORS requests either automatically set the
credentials mode
or allow the author to optionally enable it. For example, the
component fetches dynamic content from a CORS JSON endpoint, and allows the
author to set the credential mode through the credentials attribute.

Example: Including personalized content in an amp-list via cookies

<amp-list credentials="include" 
  <template type="amp-mustache">
    Your personal offer: ${{price}}

By specifying the credentials mode, the origin can include cookies in the CORS
request and also set cookies in the response (subject to
third-party cookie restrictions).

CORSリクエストを送信するほとんどのAMPコンポーネントは自動的にcredentials modeをセットするか、あるいは開発者が設定できるようになっている。
credentials属性で credential mode をセットすることができるようになっている。

例: クッキーによるパーソナライズされたコンテンツをamp-listで表示する場合

<amp-list credentials="include" 
  <template type="amp-mustache">
    Your personal offer: ${{price}}

credentials mode が指定されることによりオリジンはクッキーをCORSリクエストに含めることができ、そのレスポンスにもクッキーを含めることができる。
(third-party cookie restrictionsで話そう)

Third-party cookie restrictions


The same third-party cookie restrictions specified in the browser also apply to
the credentialed CORS requests in AMP. These restrictions depend on the browser
and the platform, but for some browsers, the origin can only set cookies if the
user has previously visited the origin in a 1st-party (top) window. Or, in other
words, only after the user has directly visited the origin website itself. Given
this, a service accessed via CORS cannot assume that it will be able to set
cookies by default.


CORS Security in AMP

The AMP CORS security protocol consists of three components:
  • The CORS Origin header
  • The AMP-Same-Origin custom header
  • Source origin restrictions via __amp_source_origin


  • CORS Origin ヘッダ
  • AMP-Same-Origin カスタムヘッダ
  • __amp_source_originによるソースオリジン制限

Ensuring secure requests



  1. Originヘッダが許可されたオリジン (パブリッシャのドメイン + AMP cachesのドメイン)かを確認する
  2. Originヘッダがない場合, 同じオリジンからのリクエストかどうかを確認する
  3. (POSTのような)なにか変更するリクエストの場合, ソースオリジンを確認する.

Verify the CORS Origin header

CORS endpoints receive the requesting origin via the `Origin` HTTP header. Endpoints should restrict requests to allow only the following origins:
  • Google AMP Cache subdomain: https://<publisher's subdomain>.cdn.ampproject.org
    (for example, https://nytimes-com.cdn.ampproject.org)
  • Google AMP Cache (legacy): https://cdn.ampproject.org
  • Cloudflare AMP Cache: https://<publisher's domain>.amp.cloudflare.com
  • The Publisher’s own origins

For information on AMP Cache URL formats, see these resources:

CORSエンドポイントはリクエストの送信元ドメインを Origin HTTPヘッダにより受け取る。

  • Google AMP キャッシュのサブドメイン: https://<publisher's subdomain>.cdn.ampproject.org
    (例えば、 https://nytimes-com.cdn.ampproject.org)
  • Google AMP Cache ドメイン(legacy): https://cdn.ampproject.org
  • Cloudflare AMP Cache ドメイン: https://<publisher's domain>.amp.cloudflare.com
  • パブリッシャ自身のドメイン


Allow the AMP-Same-Origin header

For same-origin requests where the `Origin` header is missing, AMP sets the following custom header:
AMP-Same-Origin: true

This custom header is sent by the AMP Runtime when an XHR request is made on
the same origin (i.e., document served from a non-cache URL). Allow requests
that contain the AMP-Same-Origin:true header.

same-origin リクエストの場合、Originヘッダはつかない。代わりにAMPは次のカスタムヘッダをつける。

AMP-Same-Origin: true


Restrict requests to source origins

In all fetch requests, the AMP Runtime passes the `"__amp_source_origin"` query parameter, which contains the value of the source origin (for example, `"https://publisher1.com"`).

To restrict requests to only source origins, check that the value of the
"__amp_source_origin" parameter is within a set of the Publisher's own



Ensuring secure responses

The resulting HTTP response to a CORS request must contain the following headers:
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: <origin>
This header is a W3 CORS Spec requirement, where origin refers to the requesting origin that was allowed via the CORS Origin request header (for example, "https://cdn.ampproject.org"). Although the W3 CORS spec allows the value of * to be returned in the response, for improved security, you should validate and echo the value of the "Origin" header.
AMP-Access-Control-Allow-Source-Origin: <source-origin>
This header allows the specified source-origin to read the authorization response. The source-origin is the value specified and verified in the "__amp_source_origin" URL parameter (for example, "https://publisher1.com").
Access-Control-Expose-Headers: AMP-Access-Control-Allow-Source-Origin
This header simply allows the CORS response to contain the AMP-Access-Control-Allow-Source-Origin header.


Access-Control-Allow-Origin: <origin>
このヘッダはW3 CORS 仕様 で定義されている要件だ。origin にはCORSのOriginリクエストヘッダで許可されたリクエスト元を指す (例えば, "https://cdn.ampproject.org")。 W3のCORS仕様では*をレスポンスすることが認められているが、セキュリティを向上するために、"Origin"の値が正しいことを確認して、正しければその値をオウム返しにセットして返すべきだ。
AMP-Access-Control-Allow-Source-Origin: <source-origin>
このヘッダは指定されたsource-originが認証レスポンスの読み取りを許可するのに使かわれる。source-originの値は"__amp_source_origin"というURLパラメータ(例えば, "https://publisher1.com")で示され確認される。
Access-Control-Expose-Headers: AMP-Access-Control-Allow-Source-Origin

Processing state changing requests

**Important**: Perform these validation checks *before* you process the request. This validation helps to provide protection against CSRF attacks, and avoids processing untrusted sources requests.

Before processing requests that could change the state of your system (for
example, a user subscribes to or unsubscribes from a mailing list), check the

If the Origin header is set:

  1. If the origin does not match one of the following values, stop and return an error

    • *.ampproject.org
    • *.amp.cloudflare.com
    • the publisher's origin (aka yours)

    where * represents a wildcard match, and not an actual asterisk ( * ).

  2. If the value of the __amp_source_origin query parameter is not the
    publisher's origin, stop and return an error response.

  3. If the two checks above pass, process the request.

If the Origin header is NOT set:

  1. Verify that the request contains the AMP-Same-Origin: true header. If the
    request does not contain this header, stop and return an error response.
  2. Otherwise, process the request.

重要: これらのバリデーションチェックをした後で、リクエストの処理をすべき。このバリデーションはCSRF攻撃に対する防御になる。


Origin ヘッダがセットされている場合:

  1. オリジンが次のいずれかにマッチするかどうか。しなければ処理せずにエラーレスポンスを返す:

    • *.ampproject.org
    • *.amp.cloudflare.com
    • the publisher's origin (aka yours)


  2. __amp_source_originクエリパラメータの値がパブリッシャのオリジンではない場合は処理をやめ、エラーレスポンスを返す。

  3. 上記のチェックがOKなら、リクエストを処理する。

Origin ヘッダがセットされてない場合:

  1. AMP-Same-Origin: trueヘッダがリクエストに含まれるか確認する。もしなければ、処理をやめてエラーレスポンスを返す。
  2. 含まれていれば、リクエストを処理する。

Example walkthrough: Handing CORS requests and responses

There are two scenarios to account for in CORS requests to your endpoint:
  1. A request from the same origin.
  2. A request from a cached origin (from an AMP Cache).

Let's walk though these scenarios with an example. In our example, we manage the example.com site that hosts an AMP page named article-amp.html.The AMP page contains an amp-list to retrieve dynamic data from a data.json file that is also hosted on example.com. We want to process requests to our data.json file that come from our AMP page. These requests could be from the AMP page on the same origin (non-cached) or from the AMP page on a different origin (cached).


  1. 同じオリジンからのリクエスト
  2. キャッシュされたオリジンからのリクエスト(AMPキャッシュのことだ)

例を示しながら、これらのシナリオを見ていこう。この例では example.com というサイトを運用していて、そこには article-amp.html というAMPページがあることにしよう。AMPページは amp-list を含んでいて同じexample.comにある data.json を動的に取得する。我々はAMPページから送られてくる data.json を取得するリクエストを処理したい。

CORS example

Allowed origins

Based on what we know about CORS and AMP (from [Ensuring secure requests](#ensuring-secure-requests) above), for our example we will allow requests from the following domains:
  • example.com --- Publisher's domain
  • example-com.cdn.ampproject.org --- Google AMP Cache subdomain
  • example.com.amp.cloudflare.com--- Cloudflare AMP Cache subdomain
  • cdn.ampproject.org --- Google's legacy AMP Cache domain

CORSとAMPについて(前述のEnsuring secure requestsで)学んだことに基づくと、我々の例でも、次のドメインからのリクエストを許可することとなる:

  • example.com --- パブリッシャのドメイン
  • example-com.cdn.ampproject.org --- Google AMP キャッシュサブドメイン
  • example.com.amp.cloudflare.com--- Cloudflare AMP キャッシュサブドメイン
  • cdn.ampproject.org --- Googleの古い AMP キャッシュドメイン

Response headers for allowed requests

For requests from the allowed origins, our response will contain the following headers:
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: <origin>
AMP-Access-Control-Allow-Source-Origin: <source-origin>
Access-Control-Expose-Headers: AMP-Access-Control-Allow-Source-Origin

These are additional response headers we might include in our CORS response:

Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
Content-Type: application/json
Access-Control-Max-Age: <delta-seconds>
Cache-Control: private, no-cache


Access-Control-Allow-Origin: <origin>
AMP-Access-Control-Allow-Source-Origin: <source-origin>
Access-Control-Expose-Headers: AMP-Access-Control-Allow-Source-Origin


Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
Content-Type: application/json
Access-Control-Max-Age: <delta-seconds>
Cache-Control: private, no-cache

Pseudo CORS logic

Our logic for handling CORS requests and responses can be simplified into the following pseudo code:
IF CORS header present
   IF origin IN allowed-origins AND sourceOrigin = publisher
      allow request & send response
      deny request
   IF "AMP-Same-Origin: true"
      allow request & send response
      deny request


IF CORS header present
   IF origin IN allowed-origins AND sourceOrigin = publisher
      allow request & send response
      deny request
   IF "AMP-Same-Origin: true"
      allow request & send response
      deny request

CORS sample code

Here's a sample JavaScript function that we could use to handle CORS requests and responses:
function assertCors(req, res, opt_validMethods, opt_exposeHeaders) {
  var unauthorized = 'Unauthorized Request';
  var origin;
  var allowedOrigins = [
     "https://cdn.ampproject.org" ];
  var allowedSourceOrigin = "https://example.com";  //publisher's origin
  var sourceOrigin = req.query.__amp_source_origin;

  // If same origin
  if (req.headers['amp-same-origin'] == 'true') {
      origin = sourceOrigin;
  // If allowed CORS origin & allowed source origin
  } else if (allowedOrigins.indexOf(req.headers.origin) != -1 &&
      sourceOrigin == allowedSourceOrigin) {
      origin = req.headers.origin;
  } else {
      res.statusCode = 401;
      res.end(JSON.stringify({message: unauthorized}));
      throw unauthorized;

  res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Credentials', 'true');
  res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', origin);
          .concat(opt_exposeHeaders || []).join(', '));
  res.setHeader('AMP-Access-Control-Allow-Source-Origin', sourceOrigin);


Note: For a working code sample, see app.js.


function assertCors(req, res, opt_validMethods, opt_exposeHeaders) {
  var unauthorized = 'Unauthorized Request';
  var origin;
  var allowedOrigins = [
     "https://cdn.ampproject.org" ];
  var allowedSourceOrigin = "https://example.com";  //publisher's origin
  var sourceOrigin = req.query.__amp_source_origin;

  // If same origin
  if (req.headers['amp-same-origin'] == 'true') {
      origin = sourceOrigin;
  // If allowed CORS origin & allowed source origin
  } else if (allowedOrigins.indexOf(req.headers.origin) != -1 &&
      sourceOrigin == allowedSourceOrigin) {
      origin = req.headers.origin;
  } else {
      res.statusCode = 401;
      res.end(JSON.stringify({message: unauthorized}));
      throw unauthorized;

  res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Credentials', 'true');
  res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', origin);
          .concat(opt_exposeHeaders || []).join(', '));
  res.setHeader('AMP-Access-Control-Allow-Source-Origin', sourceOrigin);


Scenario 1: Get request from AMP page on same origin

In the following scenario, the `article-amp.html` page requests the `data.json` file; the origins are the same.

If we examine the request, we'll find:

Request URL: https://example.com/data.json?__amp_source_origin=https%3A%2F%2Fexample.com
Request Method: GET
AMP-Same-Origin: true

As this request is from the same origin, there is no Origin header but the custom AMP request header of AMP-Same-Origin: true is present. In the request URL, we can find the source origin through the __amp_source_origin query parameter. We can allow this request as it's from the same origin.

Our response headers would be:

Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: https://example.com
Access-Control-Expose-Headers: AMP-Access-Control-Allow-Source-Origin
AMP-Access-Control-Allow-Source-Origin: https://example.com

次のシナリオでは article-amp.html から data.jsonファイルをリクエストする; オリジンは同一だ。

CORS example


Request URL: https://example.com/data.json?__amp_source_origin=https%3A%2F%2Fexample.com
Request Method: GET
AMP-Same-Origin: true

同一オリジンからのリクエストなのでOriginヘッダはなく、代わりにAMP-Same-Origin: trueヘッダが付いている。


Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: https://example.com
Access-Control-Expose-Headers: AMP-Access-Control-Allow-Source-Origin
AMP-Access-Control-Allow-Source-Origin: https://example.com

Scenario 2: Get request from cached AMP page

In the following scenario, the `article-amp.html` page cached on the Google AMP Cache requests the `data.json` file; the origins differ.

If we examine this request, we'll find:

Request URL: https://example.com/data.json?__amp_source_origin=https%3A%2F%2Fexample.com
origin: https://example-com.cdn.ampproject.org
Request Method: GET

As this request contains an Origin header, we'll verify that it's from an allowed origin. In the request URL, we can find the source origin through the __amp_source_origin query parameter. We can allow this request as it's from an allowed origin.

Our response headers would be:

Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: https://example-com.cdn.ampproject.org
Access-Control-Expose-Headers: AMP-Access-Control-Allow-Source-Origin
AMP-Access-Control-Allow-Source-Origin: https://example.com

次のシナリオは Google AMPキャッシュにあるarticle-amp.htmlが、data.jsonをリクエストしている場合; 異なるオリジン

CORS example


Request URL: https://example.com/data.json?__amp_source_origin=https%3A%2F%2Fexample.com
origin: https://example-com.cdn.ampproject.org
Request Method: GET



Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: https://example-com.cdn.ampproject.org
Access-Control-Expose-Headers: AMP-Access-Control-Allow-Source-Origin
AMP-Access-Control-Allow-Source-Origin: https://example.com

Testing CORS in AMP

When you are testing your AMP pages, make sure to include tests from the cached versions of your AMP pages.


Verify the page via the cache URL

To ensure your cached AMP page renders and functions correctly:
  1. From your browser, open the URL that the AMP Cache would use to access your AMP page. You can determine the cache URL format from this tool on AMP By Example.

    For example:

    • URL: https://www.ampproject.org/docs/tutorials/create.html
    • AMP Cache URL format: https://www-ampproject-org.cdn.ampproject.org/c/s/www.ampproject.org/docs/tutorials/create.html
  2. Open your browser's development tools and verify that there are no errors and that all resources loaded correctly.


  1. ブラウザからAMPキャッシュのURLにアクセスする。 tool on AMP By Exampleを使ってキャッシュURLを求めることができる。


    • URL: https://www.ampproject.org/docs/tutorials/create.html
    • AMP Cache URL format: https://www-ampproject-org.cdn.ampproject.org/c/s/www.ampproject.org/docs/tutorials/create.html
  2. ブラウザの開発ツールを開いて、エラーが無くすべてのリソースが正しくロードされれていることを確認する

Verify your server response headers

You can use the `curl` command to verify that your server is sending the correct HTTP response headers. In the `curl` command, provide the request URL and any custom headers you wish to add.

Syntax: curl <request-url> -H <custom-header> - I

For CORS requests in AMP, be sure to add the __amp_source_origin= query parameter to the request URL, which emulates what the AMP system does.


コマンドの書式: curl <request-url> -H <custom-header> - I


Test request from same origin

In a same-origin request, the AMP system adds the custom `AMP-Same-Origin:true` header.

Here's our curl command for testing a request from https://ampbyexample.com to the examples.json file (on the same domain):

curl 'https://ampbyexample.com/json/examples.json?__amp_source_origin=https%3A%2F%2Fampbyexample.com' -H 'AMP-Same-Origin: true' -I

The results from the command show the correct response headers (note: extra information was trimmed):

HTTP/2 200
access-control-allow-headers: Content-Type, Content-Length, Accept-Encoding, X-CSRF-Token
access-control-allow-credentials: true
access-control-allow-origin: https://ampbyexample.com
amp-access-control-allow-source-origin: https://ampbyexample.com
access-control-allow-methods: POST, GET, OPTIONS
access-control-expose-headers: AMP-Access-Control-Allow-Source-Origin


https://ampbyexample.comからexamples.jsonへのリクエストをテストする curlコマンド例は次の通り。

curl 'https://ampbyexample.com/json/examples.json?__amp_source_origin=https%3A%2F%2Fampbyexample.com' -H 'AMP-Same-Origin: true' -I


HTTP/2 200
access-control-allow-headers: Content-Type, Content-Length, Accept-Encoding, X-CSRF-Token
access-control-allow-credentials: true
access-control-allow-origin: https://ampbyexample.com
amp-access-control-allow-source-origin: https://ampbyexample.com
access-control-allow-methods: POST, GET, OPTIONS
access-control-expose-headers: AMP-Access-Control-Allow-Source-Origin

Test request from cached AMP page

In a CORS request not from the same domain (i.e., cache), the `origin` header is part of the request.

Here's our curl command for testing a request from the cached AMP page on the Google AMP Cache to the examples.json file:

curl 'https://ampbyexample.com/json/examples.json?__amp_source_origin=https%3A%2F%2Fampbyexample.com' -H 'origin: https://ampbyexample-com.cdn.ampproject.org' -I

The results from the command show the correct response headers:

HTTP/2 200
access-control-allow-headers: Content-Type, Content-Length, Accept-Encoding, X-CSRF-Token
access-control-allow-credentials: true
access-control-allow-origin: https://ampbyexample-com.cdn.ampproject.org
amp-access-control-allow-source-origin: https://ampbyexample.com
access-control-allow-methods: POST, GET, OPTIONS
access-control-expose-headers: AMP-Access-Control-Allow-Source-Origin


Google AMPキャッシュのAMPキャッシュページからexamples.jsonへのリクエストをテストする場合のcurlコマンドは次の通り

curl 'https://ampbyexample.com/json/examples.json?__amp_source_origin=https%3A%2F%2Fampbyexample.com' -H 'origin: https://ampbyexample-com.cdn.ampproject.org' -I


HTTP/2 200
access-control-allow-headers: Content-Type, Content-Length, Accept-Encoding, X-CSRF-Token
access-control-allow-credentials: true
access-control-allow-origin: https://ampbyexample-com.cdn.ampproject.org
amp-access-control-allow-source-origin: https://ampbyexample.com
access-control-allow-methods: POST, GET, OPTIONS
access-control-expose-headers: AMP-Access-Control-Allow-Source-Origin

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